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  1. bluejaybee

    Travel thru Birmingham

    I stayed at Loves T/S in Clanton, Al the night tornadoes hit. Report was that they took the nuclear plant off line as a precautionary measure. I saw no problems with I65 the next day.
  2. bluejaybee

    I sure hope I know what I'm doing....

    You are likely to get out of "it" what you put in to "it". If you are struggling going in, then you most likely will continue to struggle. You will reap what ye sew! Stay positive!
  3. bluejaybee


    I do not expect tips, but if offered, I refuse then accept if they insist. In 6 years of expediting, I have been tipped 3 times. 2 of which was money and 1 which was 24 pack of ball point pens. Both times that I was tipped in money, I had to run all night in snow and ice. My delivery time was...
  4. bluejaybee

    Are You Enjoying Spring?

    Well, it doesn't seem like many see things the same as you. But I do. I have noticed all the signs of spring and love it. Bring it on full force. Winter has been a hard one this year. I will sneeze a little, but blooming, thriving vegetation is nice to see. Happy clear warm trails to us all!
  5. bluejaybee

    IFTA should I get it?

    As far as recording, you only record traveled miles in each state. In your example, you would record your total miles for the day in Ohio and total for for the day in Pa. Number of stops would have no bearing on recorded miles. There are log sheets for this. Not as complicated as it seems...
  6. bluejaybee

    newbie looking for advise

    $1 a mile for a CV is fair and reasonable on the part of the shipper. Coming back home empty on your part is cutting into your profit big time. If this is the scenario of every load you haul, you can't survive. Or if you do, it will be a break even type thing. I try to get home every weekend...
  7. bluejaybee

    Problem with the 2002 Ford Crown Victoria

    Bad switch! But who really knows?
  8. bluejaybee

    Pallet size?

    And that is exactly what I feel. I could haul anything they can, but they can't haul everything I can. So why get uptight over it.
  9. bluejaybee

    roof top a/c units

    Hey dynamite, have you checked out this thread? It has loads of info on rooftops. As a follow up for mine, rooftop was an over kill. but better to have too much than not enough...
  10. bluejaybee

    New Expediter

    Yes, well, it would be hard to expedite without a sleeper on your truck. Unless you are willing to shuck out the dollars for a motel room as needed. You still might find some company that would give you some loads, but, most probably won't take you serious. What about the floors in your...
  11. bluejaybee

    New to the Game

    I understand where you are coming from and it isn't that I don't agree that looking for certain answers will lead to learning more knowledge. When I read BillChaffey's reply, it was just sorta different than the usual "read back 2 or 3 years". I merely wanted him to know that I, for one, thought...
  12. bluejaybee

    New to the Game

    And I just know that you saw the word "if" in my statement! I would gladly refer them, "if" I knew the post they were looking for. Certainly if they look for them, they will get more knowledge, but if I see someone requesting info on a post that I can find or have knowledge of, I will tell them...
  13. bluejaybee

    New to the Game

    I commend you on your answer to the newbie. If we would answer all the newbies like this, they would have alot better feeling towards us. But most of them (newbies) get answers like, "Go read 2 or 3 years of posts", that can be as long as our last load. I would gladly refer newbies to the posts...
  14. bluejaybee

    New Expediter

    Main question is are the floors fork lift rated? Are they dock high? If so, someone will sign you on.
  15. bluejaybee

    New to the Game

    Amen and Amen to that.
  16. bluejaybee

    IS ANYONE moving very CONCERN

    Above average week for me. All auto parts and at decent or above rates. Turned down a load also, because I wanted to be home this weekend. No complaints here.
  17. bluejaybee

    FL70 fuel tanks

    I am suprised you haven't had to replace them by now. I know of several buddies that have already had theirs replaced. Some were 2000 models. Only way to go is with aluminum. You can get exact size replacements in aluminum. I don't know where they got them, but they are not hard to swap out if...
  18. bluejaybee

    Cops!! LIVE!!

    Where do you find the requirement that we "must carry an original birth certificate"? Did you get a violation? If so, what code did you violate?
  19. bluejaybee

    Setting up a shipment with a carrier.

    This is a no-no with the company I work for. And I agree it is unethical and is cutting your own throat as to getting loads from the carrier who sent you there to start with. I think this is a poor business tatic. Trying to steal a customer would get me fired quicker than refusing the load.
  20. bluejaybee

    The South

    Nashville is my honey hole and I usually don't do bad in Huntsville area. Any area you name, will find some who like and some who don't. You probably have areas you do better in than I do. It is sorta like fishing. If you think you can catch a fish in a certain spot, you will. If you fish in a...