The Trump Card...


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I think there's about 18 states where 14th Amendment administrative proceedings or court cases are now active.

There are also several states in which court cases have been dismissed. The dismissals are either the lawsuits brought by an obscure candidate (Castro) or entity who the courts say has no standing, or cases where the 14th Amendment question was found to be not applicable to primary ballots, but the courts have said the question can be raised again when the general election ballots come into play.

NONE of these dismissal rulings have said the 14th Amendment does not apply to Trump or that the 14th Amendment disqualification question is illegitimate to raise.
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So Here We Are: The 14th Amendment Ballot Disqualification Question Now at SCOTUS

... At this point, we can only wait to see whether the justices hear the case, when they hear it, and how they rule.
We now know more. Yes, the Supreme Court justices will hear the case, and they will do so quickly. Oral arguments are set for Feb. 8.

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Trump Is Just Two Votes Away From Game Over

With nine justices on the US Supreme Court, five are required for a majority vote. If you assume the three Democratic-appointed Supreme Court justices will vote to uphold the Colorado state Supreme Court ruling, only two of the six remaining votes are needed to disqualify Trump forever in all states.

Now that the Supreme Court has taken up the case and will hear it in February, Trump is literally just two votes away from game over.

If SCOTUS disqualifies Trump, the claim that he deserves special consideration because he is a presidential candidate becomes moot. The DOJ and four courts would forget all about candidate Trump and deal with felony criminal defendant Trump instead. With Trump disqualified from the White House and on his way to the big house, his fundraising ability would falter if not collapse. That would leave him to pay his legal fees with his own money instead of donor money.

Will the Supreme Court rule against Trump and thereby visit these consequences on him? I honestly don't know. They could go either way on this.

Whichever way they go, Trump stands today just two votes away from a Trump-world collapse. Feigned public confidence is one thing. I'm thinking that in his private moments alone, Trump is deeply worried. Just two votes stand between him and doom.
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Very well said article, but my favorite paragraph:

Trump’s disinformation has been so successful, that despite the well-known and publicized facts, a recent Washington Post-University of Maryland poll shows that 25 percent of Americans say it is “probably” or “definitely” true that the FBI instigated the attack on the U.S. Capitol, Jan. 6, 2021.

This horse crap has spread even though Trump and his allies – including former Attorney General Bill Barr, controlled the Justice Department and the FBI at the time of the insurrection. Another way of looking at it is that a quarter of the people in this country – according to that poll – believe that the government-run by Trump started the insurrection, and yet they don’t think Trump had anything to do with it.
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Whichever way they go, Trump stands today just two votes away from a Trump-world collapse. Feigned public confidence is one thing. I'm thinking that in his private moments alone, Trump is deeply worried. Just two votes stand between him and doom.
Yep. Trump is worried ... like wet his pants worried, like losing-it worried.

Jan 11: Closing arguments in Trump NY Fraud trial where AG James seeks $370 million disgorgement and Trump NY business ban. Trump has already been found liable for fraud in this trial.

Jan 16: Jean Carroll jury trial begins to determine amount of damages Trump must pay for defaming Carroll. Trump has already been found liable for defamation and sexual assault of Carroll in a previous trial. This damages phase of this trial is for additional offenses.

Feb 8: Oral arguments at US Supreme Court hearing on Trump's disqualification to hold the office of president.

Should Trump worry? Why would he do that? What could go wrong?
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Veteran Expediter
Yep. Trump is worried ... like wet his pants worried, like losing-it worried.

Jan 11: Closing arguments in Trump NY Fraud trial where AG James seeks $370 million disgorgement and Trump NY business ban. Trump has already been found liable for fraud in this trial.

Jan 16: Jean Carroll jury trial begins to determine amount of damages Trump must pay for defaming Carroll. Trump has already been found liable for defamation and sexual assault of Carroll in a previous trial. This damages phase of this trial is for additional offenses.

Feb 8: Oral arguments at US Supreme Court hearing on Trump's disqualification to hold the office of president.

Should Trump worry? Why would he do that? What could go wrong?

Sounds like he's taking another stab at a little MAGA stochastic terrorism ... this time directed towards SCOTUS.

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Yep. Trump is worried ... like wet his pants worried, like losing-it worried.

Of course he has reasons to be concerned with all these politically motivated lawsuits, but he's probably not wetting his pants. What the Democrats are doing is getting more desperate now that it's clear Trump is going to be the GOP nominee against Biden, who is getting more unpopular by the day.

SCOTUS will likely strike down the CO ballot ruling, but if they don't there are 27 other states that understand the "Big Trouble" that will ensue.

"More than two dozen states have filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court, urging the nation’s highest court to keep former President Trump on the Colorado Republican presidential ballot and warning that failing to do so could throw the 2024 presidential election "into chaos."...

They also argue that the court’s decision on what constitutes an insurrection is "standardless and vague" and denied the former president an opportunity for due process, including calling witnesses and the discovery process...

The states warn that if the Colorado decision is allowed to stand, the confidence in the integrity of the electoral process will be harmed."



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Trump's lawyer argues that a president can order SEAL Team Six to assassinate his political rival if Congress is cool with it​

The judge posed the wild hypothetical question. It wasn’t brought up by the Trump lawyer, like the headline implies. And the lawyer was referencing the procedures provided by the constitution. The constitution can be a pesky thing sometimes for some.
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Veteran Expediter
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The judge posed the wild hypothetical question. It wasn’t brought up by the Trump lawyer, like the headline implies. And the lawyer was referencing the procedures provided by the constitution. The constitution can be a pesky thing sometimes for some.
The hypothetical question was asked by Judge Florence Pan, and the exchange can be easily found with a Google search; it was nothing like the article implies. However, the argument can be easily flipped to apply to Joe Biden; he's been ordering criminal activity at our southern border for the past three years by ignoring our immigration laws, resulting in deaths of American citizens by fentanyl poisoning and killings by illegal aliens. God forbid, suppose there's a terrorist attack by illegals he's allowed to come into the country? He wouldn't be convicted of anything by the current Senate, because they're cool with the current situation. Can he be prosecuted when he's out of office?

Final thought: was Barack Hussein Obama prosecuted for the drone killings of American citizens without allowing them due process?

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