The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Now do the Russia collusion pee tape hoax or the Hunter laptop was Russia disinformation lie that the Left bought hook, line, and sinker.
Not only did the Democrats and media buy all that, they promoted the Russia hoax and they covered up the Hunter laptop mess right before the 2020 election. The Truth shall set you free.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Not only did the Democrats and media buy all that, they promoted the Russia hoax and they covered up the Hunter laptop mess right before the 2020 election. The Truth shall set you free.
Attempted to delegitimize a duly elected President on the first point and interfered in an election on the second.
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Retired Expediter
Not only did the Democrats and media buy all that, they promoted the Russia hoax and they covered up the Hunter laptop mess right before the 2020 election. The Truth shall set you free.
That's the thing about truth. It seems to always come out over time. Whether people believe it or not depends on the person, but the truth itself is difficult to hide for long.

Claim: The 2020 election was stolen.
Truth: The 2020 election was not stolen.

How do we know? The truth came out. How do we know that, A TRUMP consultant that TRUMP hired to do the research is telling us his data shows the election was not stolen. Additionally other evidence is surfacing in Trump's various court cases that also proves the election was not stolen. And there is no evidence to indicate otherwise. Also, election officials say the election was not stolen.

That's the truth, believe it or not.
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So Here We Are: The 14th Amendment Ballot Disqualification Question Now at SCOTUS

The advocates who want Trump disqualified from all state ballots on 14th Amendment grounds want that question heard and decided by the US Supreme Court. Now that Trump has appealed the CO Supreme Court ruling, the advocates got exactly what they wanted. They seem confident the Supreme Court justices will agree that Trump should be disqualified. At this point, we can only wait to see whether the justices hear the case, when they hear it, and how they rule.

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The Next Logical Step If ...

This lawsuit may be premature, and it may not be from a credible party, but it does illustrate what the next developments would likely be if the US Supreme Court upholds the CO Supreme Court 14th Amendment ruling that is now before the high court. If SCOTUS agrees that Trump is disqualified because he "engaged in insurrection," numerous Republican congressional candidates will be challenged on the same grounds. And if SCOTUS upholds CO, those challenges will likely succeed.

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Retired Expediter
Go ahead and argue the points here on EO if you wish. It's in the Supreme Court's hands now. Their views are the ones that matter.

While I'm hopeful the CO ruling will be upheld and made the law of the land by SCOTUS, I honestly have no idea how they will rule. I'm just glad the issue is now at SCOTUS where it can be carefully heard in a proper forum and finally resolved.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter

I for one want to see how much they spent before and after he was president, if they are roughly the same then there is no real issue here, its not like he was still running the properties, they just had his name on them. Unless there is a paper trail to prove that he was steering them to use his properties.

Speaking of the orange man, I had to do a route because we have a driver on vacation and had to drive past his house, now I need to go home and take a shower......
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Retired Expediter

I for one want to see how much they spent before and after he was president, if they are roughly the same then there is no real issue here, its not like he was still running the properties, they just had his name on them. Unless there is a paper trail to prove that he was steering them to use his properties.

Speaking of the orange man, I had to do a route because we have a driver on vacation and had to drive past his house, now I need to go home and take a shower......
The ethical people I know take extra steps to avoid the appearance of impropriety. While it might not be illegal for a foreign government entity or influencer to book space in a Trump-owned hotel, the ethical thing to do that would avoid the appearance of impropriety would be to book space in a hotel not owned by Trump or his organization.

This is not difficult.
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Retired Expediter
Do you really think for a minute he wasn't calling the shots?
Of course he was.
This was gone through years ago. Trump DID NOT put his businesses in trust as he claimed to do. At least not in the kind of blind trusts that would have passed even the most basic ethical smell test. Trump maintained all kinds of self-interested self-dealing while he was president. The news reported today about that is actually old news, just repackaged in a new way.
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