Twenty One Lies
This CNN piece lays out in detail the 21 lies Trump and his supporters used in their attempts to overturn the 2020 election.
There are millions of Americans who will look at that piece and say, "yes! yes! yes! that's it exactly!" The lies are clearly laid out and the credible evidence that proves these are lies is presented; and will be presented in court.
And there are millions of Americans who will immediately dismiss the piece as illegitimate because it comes from CNN, or because the indictment itself is a big lie, or because the DOJ which produced the indictment is corrupt, or because Trump did nothing wrong, or because the indictment is an instrument not for justice but one designed to keep Trump out of power, or for some other such reason.
Neither side seems open to a civil discussion that follows agreed upon rules of debate regarding these 21 points. Both sides strongly believe their view is true. Instead of rational and respectful debate, it's like, "what's wrong with those people? How can they not see the obvious? How can they be so blind?
That's where we are, and, it's why American democracy is at grave risk.
It does not matter what the outcomes of Trump's various trials will be. It does not even matter if Trump is sent off to prison, never to be heard from again. Few minds will change, and Americans will remain at each other's throats. The idea of the common good seems to be an old notion once believed long ago. Today, the game is won by making the other side lose.