Russia Invades Ukraine


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Hey Rags,

You remember when various chickenhawks and keyboard warriors were calling for some "certain other bad folks" (further south and east) to be bombed back to Stone Age - along with the surrounding (innocent) populations - and how it was just tough ... too bad ... stuff happens in war.

Turn it into glass baby.

Now that they're faced with an opponent with nukes they aren't quite so quick to run off at the mouth are they ?

Real tough guys.

Most of the hawks I see analyzing this and wanting to intervene militarily into the situation, a lot of them that “talk tough”, are politicians, officials, media bloviators, and key board warriors that never served in the Military.
Some that have, like Col. Macgregor, gave a sobering analysis and said we should stay out of this. He is called Putin’s puppet for saying so.
However he accurately surmised that this situation isn’t just BLACK AND WHITE. There’s a lot of GRAY on both sides regarding these two countries. I agree.
Some just have to look deeper at it.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Actually your question was “ Any problem with that”? My answer to that question was: It may be an issue. (since Ukraine is not a NATO country and borders Russia. It likely would be seen by Russia as a provocative action.and possibly escalate the danger of the use of nukes in the area or elsewhere.
To your second question asking “ You have a problem with that?” My yes or no answer is YES.
Neither is Syria, yet we dropped bombs there.
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Veteran Expediter
True, and they don’t border with Russia.

If Putin attacks a NATO member country that shares a border with Russia would a response-in-kind be justified/warranted ?

A simple yes or no will suffice.
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Veteran Expediter
Last report I saw rail tickets for St. Petersburg ---> Helsinki were going for 7500 Euro.

Speculation that Putin might close the borders and declare martial law.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If Putin attacks a NATO member country that shares a border with Russia would a response-in-kind be justified/warranted ?

A simple yes or no will suffice.
Do you support U.S military action in Ukraine?
Yes or no answer please.


Veteran Expediter
So you are for U.S. boots on the ground then?

Need a remedial class on the "So ..." thing ?

A much better way to approach the issue - assuming one is acting in good faith - would be to approach it like this:


What sorts of military action would you support ?"


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Russian troops are shelling the largest nuclear power plant in Europe - the one in southern Ukraine. Fire has broken out in one of the reactors. This is not good.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Need a remedial class on the "So ..." thing ?

A much better way to approach the issue - assuming one is acting in good faith - would be to approach it like this:


What sorts of military action would you support ?"
I’ll take that as a yes.


Veteran Expediter
Russian troops are shelling the largest nuclear power plant in Europe - the one in southern Ukraine. Fire has broken out in one of the reactors. This is not good.

Well, I'm sure that those in the Surrender! Monkey Brigade will enjoy breathing the additional radionuclides into their lungs in the coming days and months ... while they cower and dither in weakness about whether it's a good idea or not to have a literal madman in charge of a large portion of the world's nuclear arsenal.

Maybe more ... "diplomacy" ?



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
From the tweet:“Ok, Everyone needs to take a step back and not jump to conclusions.”
How is that even possible for some?