Most of the hawks I see analyzing this and wanting to intervene militarily into the situation, a lot of them that “talk tough”, are politicians, officials, media bloviators, and key board warriors that never served in the Military.Hey Rags,
You remember when various chickenhawks and keyboard warriors were calling for some "certain other bad folks" (further south and east) to be bombed back to Stone Age - along with the surrounding (innocent) populations - and how it was just tough ... too bad ... stuff happens in war.
Turn it into glass baby.
Now that they're faced with an opponent with nukes they aren't quite so quick to run off at the mouth are they ?
Real tough guys.
Some that have, like Col. Macgregor, gave a sobering analysis and said we should stay out of this. He is called Putin’s puppet for saying so.
However he accurately surmised that this situation isn’t just BLACK AND WHITE. There’s a lot of GRAY on both sides regarding these two countries. I agree.
Some just have to look deeper at it.
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