Rethinking 9/11, and other rants


Veteran Expediter
Truth is subjective? You mean like "2+2=4" is open to debate? That's like saying "the square root of three equals two for large values of three." <snort>

No, truth is not subjective. You're confusing "truth" and "belief" (or perhaps "theory"). Your belief may differ from someone else's belief, but the truth is the truth, regardless of what you believe.

No. You're confusing truth with fact. Truth IS a belief. Fact is just that... fact. Something that's been proven is fact. Fact is that a plane flew into each of the #1 and #2 towers. Truth on your part is that Islamic terrorists flew those planes. Truth on my part is that Islamic terrorists flew those planes. Fact is, we were not on those planes, have no video from onboard those planes, and therefore, we have our truths... not fact.

If you want to take someone else's truth for fact, go ahead buddy. You won't be the first, as there is one born every minute.

Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority, or even a minority, of the people. The prevailing belief doesn't make something true. The fact that you believe something, and that others also believe it, doesn't make it true. In order for it to be true, it has to actually be true.

You have a truth, I have a truth. Even the uneducated MSM watcher has a truth. Why can someone take a polygraph, state a known falsehood, and not tell a lie? Cause they actually believe they know the truth. However, their truth is not fact.

Dare I say "not true"? They are called "truthers" because they confuse "belief" and "truth", and think that because they believe it, therefor it is true, and no amount of real, actual truth will convince them otherwise. They label their beliefs as truth, hence, truthers. (you get that a lot in religion, too).

Hell... you've described everyone who believes terrorists flew those planes. I guess everyone who has an opinion is a "truther", because all of their truths are right to them.

I wouldn't put it past them, either. But that doesn't make it true, simply because it could happen or because someone believes it did. The truth is, there is no irrefutable evidence to to support it. Beliefs, no matter how strongly they are believed, is evidence of nothing.

I don't know about no irrefutable evidence. That kinda went up (or down) with the buildings, didn't it? Again... it's someone else's truth. I don't confuse that with fact. People get away with hiding fact, and calling their version truth everyday.

You don't have to be a moderator or have serious balls to accept the truth. Where you need the serious balls is when confronted with accepting the truth when it shatters your beliefs. Because when you dismiss your opinion in favor of someone else's truth, you're just impotent.


When you swear in court to tell the truth, what you're doing is giving your opinion about the facts at hand. The facts of the case is that Mr Jones was shot. Mrs Smith swore to tell the truth, and stated that she saw Mr Green shoot Mr Jones. However, Mr Green looks like Mr Popodopolus, who owns the gun that shot Mr Jones. Now, Mrs Smith's truth and fact are in conflict, aren't they?


Veteran Expediter
... What ... lag?

The lag I got when I hit "submit reply" when I edited my last post. Thinking it was my internet connection, I refreshed another site I was on, and it did it immediately. I then came back here and submitted it again... no dice.


Veteran Expediter

When you swear in court to tell the truth, what you're doing is giving your opinion about the facts at hand. The facts of the case is that Mr Jones was shot. Mrs Smith swore to tell the truth, and stated that she saw Mr Green shoot Mr Jones. However, Mr Green looks like Mr Popodopolus, who owns the gun that shot Mr Jones. Now, Mrs Smith's truth and fact are in conflict, aren't they?

No her belief is in question.

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Veteran Expediter

(A dialogue between Socrates and Protagoras)
Protagoras: Truth is relative. It is only a matter of opinion.
Socrates: You mean that truth is mere subjective opinion?
Protagoras: Exactly. What is true for you is true for you, and what is true for me, is true for me. Truth is subjective.
Socrates: Do you really mean that? That my opinion is true by virtue of its being my opinion?
Protagoras: Indeed I do.
Socrates: My opinion is: Truth is absolute, not opinion, and that you, Mr. Protagoras, are absolutely in error. Since this is my opinion, then you must grant that it is true according to your philosophy.
Protagoras: You are quite correct, Socrates.


Veteran Expediter

(A dialogue between Socrates and Protagoras)
Protagoras: Truth is relative. It is only a matter of opinion.
Socrates: You mean that truth is mere subjective opinion?
Protagoras: Exactly. What is true for you is true for you, and what is true for me, is true for me. Truth is subjective.
Socrates: Do you really mean that? That my opinion is true by virtue of its being my opinion?
Protagoras: Indeed I do.
Socrates: My opinion is: Truth is absolute, not opinion, and that you, Mr. Protagoras, are absolutely in error. Since this is my opinion, then you must grant that it is true according to your philosophy.
Protagoras: You are quite correct, Socrates.

Exactly my point, Socrates showed that if you let opinions become the truth then there is no longer truth.

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Veteran Expediter
Exactly my point, Socrates showed that if you let opinions become the truth then there is no longer truth.

You miss the irony tho. Socrates used Protagoras' philosophy to prove his point; thus proving Protagoras' point.

Sure there's still truth... individual truth. Then you'll have absolute truth, indisputable truth, undeniable truth - which are all fact. And, of course, you have Inconvenient Truth, which is false. :D

I think truth is a stronger version of opinion, and fact is the ultimate version of truth.

Opinion - My dog stinks.
Truth - My feeding the dog beans is what's causing him to fart, and therefore stink.

Do we know positively that the beans are causing him to fart? No. But we have a pretty good idea that's the case.

Fact - After doing scientific research on the dog's farts, there is indisputable evidence that the stench is from the beans I fed him.

Another case:

Opinion - Global warming is fact.

Truth - Global warming is fact, due to several scientists saying it is.

Fact - We don't know the facts of global warming, since we were not there throughout history; and we do not possess the technology to prove it beyond a doubt.
Last edited:


Veteran Expediter
You miss the irony tho. Socrates used Protagoras' philosophy to prove his point; thus proving Protagoras' point.

Sure there's still truth... individual truth. Then you'll have absolute truth, indisputable truth, undeniable truth - which are all fact. And, of course, you have Inconvenient Truth, which is false. :D

Socrates used Protagoras' point to show him the truth is absolute, it completely shut down the idea that opinion is truth, Socrates was being a smart alec.

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Staff member
Retired Expediter

Do not quote my words and then edit them to mean something I did not say, and especially to mean what you want them to mean. To do so is to invent a lie. And especially in the context of your reply, it is a clear indication of someone who would rather believe the lie rather than the truth. You may think it's cute. It's not. It's lame, immature and ignorant. If you want to edit my words to mean what you prefer they mean, then state the words your own self and take credit for them.

Ironically, considering the true definition of "truth" as illustrated below, the edited words you came up with actually make my point. <snort>

When you swear in court to tell the truth, what you're doing is giving your opinion about the facts at hand.
True, but more to the point, and more importantly, you are swearing under oath not intentionally tell a falsehood, an untruth, a lie, not to perjure yourself.

The facts of the case is that Mr Jones was shot. Mrs Smith swore to tell the truth, and stated that she saw Mr Green shoot Mr Jones. However, Mr Green looks like Mr Popodopolus, who owns the gun that shot Mr Jones. Now, Mrs Smith's truth and fact are in conflict, aren't they?
Possibly, but there's not enough information to know for sure. Assumptions must first be made. But, if they are in conflict, then it's a perfect example of someone's belief turning out to not be true.

But, as presented, it's also a great example of making assumptions and jumping to a conclusion based not on the facts or the truth, but on a belief or a theory. To wit: the fact that Mr. Popodopolus owns the gun that that shot Mr. Jones is not proof that Mr. Popodopolus is the one who pulled the trigger. Mr. Green may very well have had Mr. Popodopolus' gun in his possession and killed Mr. Jones with it. In order to reach a valid conclusion as who who pulled the trigger, more evidence must be presented and examined.

no. You're confusing truth with fact. Truth is a belief. Fact is just that... Fact.
Now you're rationalizing by inventing new definitions for words. That's the hallmark of a desperate truther (or more commonly known - a wacko).

1. The true or actual state of a matter.
2. Conformity with fact or reality.
3. A verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like.

1. fact. 2. veracity. 7. sincerity, candor, frankness. 10. precision, exactness.

1. falsehood. 2, 4, 7. falsity.

So right there truth is defined as a verified fact.
Something that's been proven is fact.
I know, I just said that. But it's not true, either, unless it's been proven to be true. Something unproven is simply a theory. A theory with actual conclusions drawn in the absence of facts is a belief. We simply don't know for sure one way or the other unless and until facts are presented to confirm or refute the theory. Either something is true, or it is not. It is either TRUE or FALSE. Anything in between the absolutes of TRUE and FALSE is just a theory. Whatever that theory may be, regardless of which "side" you are on, once the facts are presented, the theory must be changed to fit the facts. The entire theory doesn't necessarily have to be changed, only that part which is contradicted by the facts.

Fact is that a plane flew into each of the #1 and #2 towers. Truth on your part is that islamic terrorists flew those planes. Truth on my part is that islamic terrorists flew those planes. Fact is, we were not on those planes, have no video from onboard those planes, and therefore, we have our truths... Not fact.
No, we have our beliefs. As the definition of "truth" clearly states, truth conforms to fact or reality, to the actual state of the matter. In order to say it is a truth that Islamic terrorists flew those planes, then that statement must conform to the facts and reality, to the actual state the matter, and be a verified and indisputable fact. If it fails to do any of the above, it's not a truth, it's a belief, or a theory.

But the fact (or truth, if you prefer) is, we know from telephone conversations from those on board the planes, from the past histories of the men involved in flying the planes, from admissions from others who were involved (including video of bin Laden made prior to 911 in which he stated how he got the idea in the first place), and from the writings of some of the men themselves, that they were Muslim extremists executing a Jihad. This evidence is indisputable, which makes is the truth.

When someone believes something really, really, really hard, in their mind it can actually become true. Doesn't make it true, tho. Doesn't even make it "a truth". But they want it to be true, they need it to be true. It's hard for someone to admit they believe in something that's not true. They need it to be true so badly that they will reason and rationalize, even to the point of dismissing real truth if it doesn't fit with their belief. It takes a lot of balls to believe so strongly in something and then to suddenly have to go, "I was wrong". Not many people can do that. To dismiss the truth and hold on to the lie is actually easier. It's not very smart, but it's easier.

I guess everyone who has an opinion is a "truther", because all of their truths are right to them.
No. Re-read what I wrote. "They are called "truthers" because they confuse "belief" and "truth", and think that because they believe it, therefor it is true, and no amount of real, actual truth will convince them otherwise." To have an opinion is one thing, even if it's wrong. There's nothing wrong with having a wrong opinion, just as long as when facts are presented that disprove part or all of your opinion (or theory, or belief), that you are able change your opinion to match the truth. But the truthers refuse to admit they are wrong, ever, even when indisputable facts prove otherwise.

i don't know about no irrefutable evidence.
Of that I'm quite certain.

That kinda went up (or down) with the buildings, didn't it? Again... It's someone else's truth. I don't confuse that with fact.
Clearly, you do confuse the two. You even confuse your own truth with fact.

People get away with hiding fact, and calling their version truth everyday.
Yes, they do. There's actually a term for that. It's called a lie.

Another case:

Opinion - Global warming is fact.

Truth - Global warming is fact, due to several scientists saying it is.

Fact - We don't know the facts of global warming, since we were not there throughout history; and we do not possess the technology to prove it beyond a doubt.
Your "Fact" down there is missing a lot of facts. We don't need to have been there throughout history, we have archaeological evidence that indisputably shows historical weather and temperature cycles. We know, for a fact, that the Earth has been warming since the last major ice age, and more importantly since the last mini ice age which occurred during the American Revolutionary War.

Global Warming is not an opinion, it's a verifiable fact.

Your "Truth" above is an argument for "truth" being dependent on how many people might believe it, but truth does not change because it is or is not believed by a majority, or even a select minority of the people. You're confusing belief and truth again.

To more accurately state your example, it would have to be:

Opinion: Humans and human activity is the primary cause of Global Warming and/or Climate Change that we are seeing today.

Truth: Human activity has had a measurable impact on the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases found in the atmosphere and oceans.

Fact: We do not know the extent of the impact, if any at all, that humans have or can make on the Global Warming we see today, as what we are experiencing may simply be part of the normal warming and cooling cycle the planet has undergone for eons and may very well have happened with or without our influence.

OK, boys and girls, what have we learned today? We have learned that just because you say something is true, it doesn't make it true. We also learned that just because you and a bunch of other people think something is true, that doesn't make it true, either. And we learned that if you believe in something, or have a theory about something, even if you believe really, really a lot that it's true, calling it "a truth" doesn't make it a truth or the truth, much less a fact. In addition, we learned that "truth" and "fact" are synonyms for each other, and both must conform to reality, to the actual state of a matter, and be indisputable and verifiable.


Veteran Expediter
Do not quote my words and then edit them to mean something I did not say, and especially to mean what you want them to mean. To do so is to invent a lie. (your opinion) And especially in the context of your reply, it is a clear indication of someone who would rather believe the lie rather than the truth. (also your opinion) You may think it's cute. It's not. It's lame, immature and ignorant. (also your opinion) If you want to edit my words to mean what you prefer they mean, then state the words your own self and take credit for them. I do... in my own way. FIFY means I turn your truth into mine in MY post. Don't like it? Tough bananas.

Ironically, considering the true definition of "truth" as illustrated below, the edited words you came up with actually make my point. <snort> I can make noises too. <belch>

True, but more to the point, and more importantly, you are swearing under oath not intentionally tell a falsehood, an untruth, a lie, not to perjure yourself. My point exactly... Truth is how you see fact, whether it's fact or not.

Possibly, but there's not enough information to know for sure. Assumptions must first be made. But, if they are in conflict, then it's a perfect example of someone's belief turning out to not be true. Mrs Smith will keep that truth until someone proves her wrong, we'll say, in a lineup with Mr Green and Mr Popodopolus. Then her truth will turn to doubt. Her opinion, however, might stay the same. It's called lying to one's self.

But, as presented, it's also a great example of making assumptions and jumping to a conclusion based not on the facts or the truth, but on a belief or a theory. To wit: the fact that Mr. Popodopolus owns the gun that that shot Mr. Jones is not proof that Mr. Popodopolus is the one who pulled the trigger. Mr. Green may very well have had Mr. Popodopolus' gun in his possession and killed Mr. Jones with it. In order to reach a valid conclusion as who who pulled the trigger, more evidence must be presented and examined.

Now you're rationalizing by inventing new definitions for words. That's the hallmark of a desperate truther (or more commonly known - a wacko). (another opinion) <belch>

1. The true or actual state of a matter. (according to someone)
2. Conformity with fact or reality. (Conformity is "in relation to". I agree with this.
3. A verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like. (in someone's mind... could be fact or not)

1. fact. 2. veracity. 7. sincerity, candor, frankness. 10. precision, exactness.
Yes, you could say that. But sincerity and frankness proves my point as well.

Sincerity - the quality or state of being sincere : honesty of mind
(mind... not fact)

Frankness - the free expression of one's true feelings and opinions

1. falsehood. 2, 4, 7. falsity.

So right there truth is defined as a verified fact.
I know, I just said that. But it's not true, either, unless it's been proven to be true. Something unproven is simply a theory. As Darwin's theory of evolution, which is taught as fact, in most schools. It's not fact, however, it is a theory. And it is also a truth, however unproven. A theory with actual conclusions drawn in the absence of facts is a belief. We simply don't know for sure one way or the other unless and until facts are presented to confirm or refute the theory. Either something is true, or it is not. Agreed. My argument is that true is a state of being... it is proven to be true. Truth is a state of mind. They don't ask you to swear to tell the facts. They want your honest opinion of them... the truth as you know it. It is either TRUE or FALSE. Anything in between the absolutes of TRUE and FALSE is just a theory. Whatever that theory may be, regardless of which "side" you are on, once the facts are presented, the theory must be changed to fit the facts. The entire theory doesn't necessarily have to be changed, only that part which is contradicted by the facts.

No, we have our beliefs. As the definition of "truth" clearly states, truth conforms to fact or reality, to the actual state of the matter. In order to say it is a truth that Islamic terrorists flew those planes, then that statement must conform to the facts and reality, to the actual state the matter, and be a verified and indisputable fact. If it fails to do any of the above, it's not a truth, it's a belief, or a theory.

But the fact (or truth, if you prefer) is, we know from telephone conversations from those on board the planes, from the past histories of the men involved in flying the planes, from admissions from others who were involved (including video of bin Laden made prior to 911 in which he stated how he got the idea in the first place), and from the writings of some of the men themselves, that they were Muslim extremists executing a Jihad. This evidence is indisputable, which makes is the truth.

Tons of speculation can certainly make up one's mind, as far as the truth goes. But the fact is no one said Mohammed Atta's name on those phone calls. For all we know, he could be living in Cancun. Now I don't believe that, and you don't believe that. But is there a scintilla of a chance that is the case? If it is, it's not fact. It is a strong belief. It is the truth, according to those beliefs.

When someone believes something really, really, really hard, in their mind it can actually become true. Doesn't make it true, tho. I never said it was true. I said it was their truth. Doesn't even make it "a truth". Uh huh. But they want it to be true, they need it to be true. It's hard for someone to admit they believe in something that's not true. They need it to be true so badly that they will reason and rationalize, even to the point of dismissing real truth if it doesn't fit with their belief. Nah... if they really want it to be true, it's only opinion. Truth is something they believe is true, whether or not it is. It takes a lot of balls to believe so strongly in something and then to suddenly have to go, "I was wrong". Not many people can do that. To dismiss the truth and hold on to the lie is actually easier. It's not very smart, but it's easier. Yep... I know how that goes. I once believed in the Republican party.

No. Re-read what I wrote. "They are called "truthers" because they confuse "belief" and "truth", and think that because they believe it, therefor it is true, and no amount of real, actual truth will convince them otherwise." Ahh... actual truth is fact. To have an opinion is one thing, even if it's wrong. There's nothing wrong with having a wrong opinion, just as long as when facts are presented that disprove part or all of your opinion (or theory, or belief), that you are able change your opinion to match the truth. But the truthers refuse to admit they are wrong, ever, even when indisputable facts prove otherwise.

Of that I'm quite certain. You tell me not to play with YOUR words, yet you play with mine? I call that hypocritical.

Clearly, you do confuse the two. You even confuse your own truth with fact. (your opinion)

Yes, they do. There's actually a term for that. It's called a lie. Yep. It's also called government.

Your "Fact" down there is missing a lot of facts. We don't need to have been there throughout history, we have archaeological evidence that indisputably shows historical weather and temperature cycles. We know, for a fact, that the Earth has been warming since the last major ice age, and more importantly since the last mini ice age which occurred during the American Revolutionary War.

Global Warming is not an opinion, it's a verifiable fact. (your opinion)

Your "Truth" above is an argument for "truth" being dependent on how many people might believe it, but truth does not change because it is or is not believed by a majority, or even a select minority of the people. You're confusing belief and truth again.

To more accurately state your example, it would have to be:

Opinion: Humans and human activity is the primary cause of Global Warming and/or Climate Change that we are seeing today.

Truth: Human activity has had a measurable impact on the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases found in the atmosphere and oceans.

Fact: We do not know the extent of the impact, if any at all, that humans have or can make on the Global Warming we see today, as what we are experiencing may simply be part of the normal warming and cooling cycle the planet has undergone for eons and may very well have happened with or without our influence.

Christ all mighty! I'm sorry, I didn't look up as much as you, Turtle. I was making a generic case. I don't give two shiites about global warming. Geez... your shell isn't the only thing that's hard! Your case is too!
OK, boys and girls, what have we learned today? We have learned that just because you say something is true, it doesn't make it true. Well I guess no one who believes in their religion holds the truth then. "I am the way, the fact, and the light." Hmm... doesn't have the right vibe. We also learned that just because you and a bunch of other people think something is true, that doesn't make it true, either. Never said it was. And we learned that if you believe in something, or have a theory about something, even if you believe really, really a lot that it's true, calling it "a truth" doesn't make it a truth or the truth, much less a fact. See, you contradict yourself. First you say truth IS fact, then you say a fact is more. In addition, we learned that "truth" and "fact" are synonyms for each other, and both must conform to reality, to the actual state of a matter, and be indisputable and verifiable. Yep, and truth is also a synonym for sincerity, which means you believe in it's authenticity. And also for frankness, which means you believe in it REALLY REALLY HARD!!!

So what have we learned, boys and girls? That Turtle and T-Hawk have proved each other's points, proving that both are right, according to their truths.

It also shows how vindictive Turtle is when he's willing to go above and beyond, trying to tear down one sentence (opinion) that really means nothing at all, if it was just skipped. But because he went above and beyond to try and make me look like an idiot, all because I played with his quote (or is it because he's always right?), it shows he has no sense of humor, also. <belch>

This was fun, kiddies. :D


Staff member
Retired Expediter
I do... in my own way. FIFY means I turn your truth into mine in MY post. Don't like it? Tough bananas.
Just the same, please don't do it again.

My point exactly... Truth is how you see fact, whether it's fact or not.
No, if it's a fact, it's a fact. How you see it is a belief. You can believe something to be true, or you can believe it to be false, but the truth itself is oblivious to all that.

As Darwin's theory of evolution, which is taught as fact, in most schools. It's not fact, however, it is a theory. And it is also a truth, however unproven.
This is where ignorance rears its ugly head. Evolution is a fact, and has been proven to be so, both in the fossil record and in things we can observe happening today. The mechanism for evolution, that of genetic mutation and natural selection, is very well understood and indisputable. We have even taken the next step beyond that of natural selection of genetic mutations to that of human selection of preferred mutations, where a genetic mutation which produced desirable traits is preferentially selected for breeding, to pass on those desirable genes to the offspring, so that we can have more of the same, and those with less desirable traits are left to wither and die. These are not opinions, they are stone cold irrefutable facts. Those who think evolution is a theory and not a fact, do not understand even the basics of evolution.
Tons of speculation can certainly make up one's mind, as far as the truth goes.
Oh, sooo close. Tons of speculation can certainly make up one's mind, as fas as what one believes is concerned, but speculation is not truth, and the truth doesn't change whether it is believed or not, regardless of how much speculation is involved.

But the fact is no one said Mohammed Atta's name on those phone calls. For all we know, he could be living in Cancun. Now I don't believe that, and you don't believe that. But is there a scintilla of a chance that is the case? If it is, it's not fact. It is a strong belief. It is the truth, according to those beliefs.
No one spoke Atta's name, but a flight attendant did state his passenger seat number, which matched his name on the manifest. Plus, there is airport security video that shows him getting on the plane. All of the facts support that Atta got on that plane and never got off, and that he was the one who entered the сoсkpit and took control of the plane. No facts whatsoever support any other conclusion.
You tell me not to play with YOUR words, yet you play with mine? I call that hypocritical.
Well yeah, but you don't know the basic difference between a "belief" and the "truth", either. I'm sure you have your very own special definition of hypocritical, just like you do for the word truth.

I didn't edit your words. Your words were left in-tact and in-context.

Global Warming is not an opinion, it's a verifiable fact. (your opinion)
Excellent example of dismissing the truth in favor of an opinion. Yes, it is my opinion, and it also just happens to be the truth. Global Warming is a verifiable fact. You can even go do the research and independently verify it yourself. That's why it's called a "verifiable fact".

Christ all mighty! I'm sorry, I didn't look up as much as you, Turtle. I was making a generic case. I don't give two shiites about global warming. Geez... your shell isn't the only thing that's hard! Your case is too!
You created a generic case to make your point about the differences between opinion, truth and fact, yet you entire premise was based on a falsehood that more than anything illustrated more clearly that you don't truly understand the differences you were trying to illustrate.

Well I guess no one who believes in their religion holds the truth then.
Another excellent example of people confusing belief and truth, because they believe something, it therefor must be true.

So what have we learned, boys and girls? That Turtle and T-Hawk have proved each other's points, proving that both are right, according to their truths.
The truth shall set you free.

It also shows how vindictive Turtle is when he's willing to go above and beyond, trying to tear down one sentence (opinion) that really means nothing at all, if it was just skipped. But because he went above and beyond to try and make me look like an idiot, all because I played with his quote (or is it because he's always right?), it shows he has no sense of humor, also. <belch>
Vindictive would be editing your post and giving you an official warning for violating Section 14 of the Code of Conduct for editing my words, in effect, impersonating me. :D

See? I got a helluva sense of humor, and you saying I don't have one doesn't make it true. What got me into this was the fact that I laughed for 20 minutes at "Truth is subjective". That's just hilarious. While I'll grant you that truth is generally perceived, rather than experienced directly, the validity of truth depends on the accuracy of perception, relative to that which is perceived. Objective truth, or that which is true no matter what anyone else says or believes, including myself, always trumps subjective truth, or that which is true because I believe (or feel) that it’s true.

Of course, it is entirely possible that the truth that I so firmly believe and feel is also that same truth which is also objective. But I could also be entirely wrong if my standard for truth goes no further than myself. This is not to say that I would still nonetheless be wrong even if others believed in the same truth. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, no matter how many others believe the same thing.

But in the context of 911 truth and the wild and wacky conspiracy theory assertions, the subjective truth of those assertions has been objectively factually refuted. So to continue to believe in the subjective truth of the conspiracy theories isn't a subjective truth, it's believing a proven falsehood to be the actual truth, a fact, and there is nothing subjective about that. The truth and the facts are there to be had. Those who choose to dismiss them are choosing to remain ignorant of reality in favor of fantasy.

This was fun, kiddies. :D
Yes, it was.


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
Just the same, please don't do it again.

No, if it's a fact, it's a fact. How you see it is a belief. You can believe something to be true, or you can believe it to be false, but the truth itself is oblivious to all that.

This is where ignorance rears its ugly head. Evolution is a fact, and has been proven to be so, both in the fossil record and in things we can observe happening today. The mechanism for evolution, that of genetic mutation and natural selection, is very well understood and indisputable. We have even taken the next step beyond that of natural selection of genetic mutations to that of human selection of preferred mutations, where a genetic mutation which produced desirable traits is preferentially selected for breeding, to pass on those desirable genes to the offspring, so that we can have more of the same, and those with less desirable traits are left to wither and die. These are not opinions, they are stone cold irrefutable facts. Those who think evolution is a theory and not a fact, do not understand even the basics of evolution.
Oh, sooo close. Tons of speculation can certainly make up one's mind, as fas as what one believes is concerned, but speculation is not truth, and the truth doesn't change whether it is believed or not, regardless of how much speculation is involved.

No one spoke Atta's name, but a flight attendant did state his passenger seat number, which matched his name on the manifest. Plus, there is airport security video that shows him getting on the plane. All of the facts support that Atta got on that plane and never got off, and that he was the one who entered the сoсkpit and took control of the plane. No facts whatsoever support any other conclusion. Well yeah, but you don't know the basic difference between a "belief" and the "truth", either. I'm sure you have your very own special definition of hypocritical, just like you do for the word truth.

I didn't edit your words. Your words were left in-tact and in-context.

Excellent example of dismissing the truth in favor of an opinion. Yes, it is my opinion, and it also just happens to be the truth. Global Warming is a verifiable fact. You can even go do the research and independently verify it yourself. That's why it's called a "verifiable fact".

You created a generic case to make your point about the differences between opinion, truth and fact, yet you entire premise was based on a falsehood that more than anything illustrated more clearly that you don't truly understand the differences you were trying to illustrate.

Another excellent example of people confusing belief and truth, because they believe something, it therefor must be true.

The truth shall set you free.

Vindictive would be editing your post and giving you an official warning for violating Section 14 of the Code of Conduct for editing my words, in effect, impersonating me. :D

See? I got a helluva sense of humor, and you saying I don't have one doesn't make it true. What got me into this was the fact that I laughed for 20 minutes at "Truth is subjective". That's just hilarious. While I'll grant you that truth is generally perceived, rather than experienced directly, the validity of truth depends on the accuracy of perception, relative to that which is perceived. Objective truth, or that which is true no matter what anyone else says or believes, including myself, always trumps subjective truth, or that which is true because I believe (or feel) that it’s true.

Of course, it is entirely possible that the truth that I so firmly believe and feel is also that same truth which is also objective. But I could also be entirely wrong if my standard for truth goes no further than myself. This is not to say that I would still nonetheless be wrong even if others believed in the same truth. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, no matter how many others believe the same thing.

But in the context of 911 truth and the wild and wacky conspiracy theory assertions, the subjective truth of those assertions has been objectively factually refuted. So to continue to believe in the subjective truth of the conspiracy theories isn't a subjective truth, it's believing a proven falsehood to be the actual truth, a fact, and there is nothing subjective about that. The truth and the facts are there to be had. Those who choose to dismiss them are choosing to remain ignorant of reality in favor of fantasy.

Yes, it was.

Wow, Mr. T. u went way past 8 paragraphs, but good info.


Veteran Expediter
Turtle... I skimmed your post. As usual, you have outlasted me, simply thru your unwillingness to fail. However, I see you as a failure. You can't let a damm thing go. You are right. I'm wrong. You have the last word, as usual. I'll save you the trouble of replying to my responses, as I'll post them in one big blob: Whatever.
Your opinion.
Your opinion.
So you think.
Your opinion.
Your opinion.

Turtle: Vindictive would be editing your post and giving you an official warning for violating Section 14 of the Code of Conduct for editing my words, in effect, impersonating me.

Me: That's your opinion that I'm impersonating you. Now you're going to use your big bad badge to scare me? You forget. I was a mod too. But I was never a tight azz. You don't like something, and you're going to STRETCH the rules as you see fit in order to threaten a member. Well do it. I consider myself warned. Whoopdy hoohah!

Get a job.


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
Turtle... I skimmed your post. As usual, you have outlasted me, simply thru your unwillingness to fail. However, I see you as a failure. You can't let a damm thing go. You are right. I'm wrong. You have the last word, as usual. I'll save you the trouble of replying to my responses, as I'll post them in one big blob: Whatever.
Your opinion.
Your opinion.
So you think.
Your opinion.
Your opinion.

Turtle: Vindictive would be editing your post and giving you an official warning for violating Section 14 of the Code of Conduct for editing my words, in effect, impersonating me.

Me: That's your opinion that I'm impersonating you. Now you're going to use your big bad badge to scare me? You forget. I was a mod too. But I was never a tight azz. You don't like something, and you're going to STRETCH the rules as you see fit in order to threaten a member. Well do it. I consider myself warned. Whoopdy hoohah!

Get a job.

U boys are wired to tight, its time for a cold suds and Long Neck Bottles are good for me, Im buying , Loves exit I 40 Cookeville tn, come on down.


Veteran Expediter
U boys are wired to tight, its time for a cold suds and Long Neck Bottles are good for me, Im buying , Loves exit I 40 Cookeville tn, come on down.

Should have told me earlier. I passed thru on my way to West Point, MS.

You know something tho? I wasn't looking for this fight. I wasn't the aggressor, and I also put an end to it. However, I could've just kept saying the same thing over and over, and Turtle would've kept on going. There was no win or lose in that argument, as it was all a matter of opinion. But I can now picture Turtle dancing around the sleeper in his skivvies, singing We Are the Champions. Cest la vie. :rolleyes:


Expert Expediter
no what i believe was before i even got on the internet . i watched the TV that day . i saw a lot of little thing that were out of place .
like it was not a holiday and it was a work day . only 3000 were killed that day . i thought that big of a building and only that many got killed .

and why isn't all of the videos being released to me if i didn't want somebody to know the full story i would not show them all the videos .

and just like how the buildings came down i saw a show how they place dynamite in old buildings and blow them up and don't even hurt buildings around it . and to me the towers came down just like the ones on the show i saw .
there would of been more left if it wasn't planed like more pieces of the office furniture . the concert would of been bigger pieces if it wasn't planed .

and in some of the videos i seen the firemen already on the streets before the first plane even hit . just little stuff like that make me think .

also i know that the government has killed people to get their way ,to keep people quite , or even in some wars they have killed so we could stay at war longer or even for us to go to war .

the main thing is people were killed .is our government handling it the way OUR government should be .

question is which group is right . which group did the tests and did them the right way .

have you heard of auto pilot . don't they have drone planes . now stop and think auto pilot and drone planes . the planes that hit the towers . could they been drone planes . or could they been put on auto pilot and the pilot parachuted

and are you sure you are not the one that is believing what other people tell you and you are not doing you own research .