Michael Jackson and Farrah died today


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Ok Turtle, you ALWAYS "explore" more than I do. You most likely have FAR more education than I do. So be it. It REALLY does NOT matter. When push comes to shove, when you or I have that heart attack I DON'T want MJ coming to my house

If MJ comes to your house, you have had more than just a heart attack.:eek:


Not a Member
LOSer: what "slogans"? I don't recall a single one in DougT's posts - where are they?

I'd walk a mile for a Camel

But Wouldn't you really rather drive a Buick?

Where's the Beef?

You deserve a break today

Like a rock

I'd like to buy the world a coke

She can bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan

Have it your way at Burger King

Now theres some slogans


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
While never having been a fan of MJ or bought any of his records, I am well aware of his success in the music world.
I found this little blip on his scheduled" This is it tour".

Get a load of the tickets pre-sold.

AEG's yearly financial results may now depend on Jackson's cause of death. One entertainment insurance industry insider says that if Jackson died from a drug overdose or a preexisting condition, the producer could be on the hook for any loss -- which would include any money already sunk into the production, as well as the considerable cost of refunding consumers for the 750,000 tickets already purchased. If Jackson signed a contract saying he would return his advance in the event he didn't perform, the company could end up in court with a long line of other Jackson creditors.

Somebody liked him.


Expert Expediter
I grew up listening to Motown music, and a big part of that was the Jackson 5. I still know the words to songs such as ABC, Ben, I Want You Back and I'll Be There. When Michael went solo, I became a fan of his new style of music and music video's. He truly was a musical genius and I have not seen anyone yet who can dance as well as he could. I was shocked and saddened to hear of his death.

Regardless of the problems he was faced with in his life, he was still a very respected man and a father to 3 beautiful children. It doesn't matter one bit whether or not he was their biological father. To those children he was Dad and the only father, and parent, they ever knew. It's very sad that they lost him so early in their lives and I can only hope that where ever the courts decide to send them that they will be loved and well cared for.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Here's a good essay on Jacko - pretty spot on in my opinion. It always seemed to me that he was overrated as a musician and was really more of a showman. Regarding his personal life, the guy was obviously mentally ill and were it not for his wealth and influence in the entertainment industry he would probably have been institutionalized. The fact that he was not found guilty by an LA jury only qualifies him for membership in the same exclusive club as O.J. Simpson. He still had to settle multiple civil actions resulting from his inappropriate activities with little boys. All the media hoopla about his death just shows what a shallow society we live in. On the other hand, I read that his family is considering coordinating simultaneous global events celebrating his life; ever the opportunists, I guess there's no reason to let a good tragedy go to waste.

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Expert Expediter
Regarding his personal life, the guy was obviously mentally ill and were it not for his wealth and influence in the entertainment industry he would probably have been institutionalized.

Why do you say he was obviously mentally ill? Because the way he lived his life was outside of your "norm"? Who determines what is “normal”? Is it based on the typical mindset of the masses who deal with their issues and problems in a civilized and socially acceptable manner? Maybe by what religious leaders of the world have decided are ethical and moral values? If the majority of the people in the world agree with the thought, the belief, the action… does that make it “normal” and completely acceptable and outside "normal" if they don't agree? Going by the "normal" judgment of people that you suggest, then it would seem to me that a lot of eccentric people should be considered mentally ill and therefore institutionalized.

The fact that he was not found guilty by an LA jury only qualifies him for membership in the same exclusive club as O.J. Simpson. He still had to settle multiple civil actions resulting from his inappropriate activities with little boys.

Innocent UNTIL proven guilty. He was acquitted of the charges and therefore NOT proven guilty and therefore innocent. Your suggestion of "inappropriate activities with little boys" is hearsay and rumor. Nothing more. **ADDED AS AN EDIT** Settling civil actions is not proof of guilt, but it is an effective way to make a greedy, money-hungry thorn in the side disappear and to hopefully return to some semblance of a normal life once all the "media hoopla" has found other stories to obsess over.

All the media hoopla about his death just shows what a shallow society we live in. On the other hand, I read that his family is considering coordinating a simultaneous global celebration of his life; ever the opportunists, I guess there's no reason to let a good tragedy go to waste.

Are you saying that all the "media hoopla" about the death of Elvis Presley was also proof of a shallow society? I suppose you could consider it that if you were not a fan, but the fact remains that there are millions of fans, world wide, of Michael Jackson and therefore "media hoopla" is inevitable, along with a global celebration of his life.
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Expert Expediter
paying off a family so a 12 year old wouldn't have to testify against him in a child molestion case thats all!!!


Staff member
Retired Expediter
What ever you say. I am just a nut. I have no use. You are the man.
And you're pouting like a child.

NO, play was NOT a integral part of living until there was time for it.
Kids play from the time they're toddlers, and while the type of play may change as one grows older, the play itself doesn't cease. Hunter-gatherers did not hunt and gather, eat, sleep and poop and nothing else whatsoever. They didn't even hunt and gather every single day, as they would sometimes have, uhm, leftovers, duh. There was plenty of time for play. Even wild animals who spend nearly all their time eating will take time out for play.

Ever hear of the "Climate of Invention"?
Sure. Well, I've never heard of the "Climate of Invention," as if it was a specific epoch in time, but I've heard of a climate of invention, where circumstances were such that creativity lent itself to inventions. I've also hear that necessity is the mother of invention. Some of the most intricate cave painting were done very deep within the caves, with strong arguments based on the study of more modern hunter-gatherers that they were done in total darkness, so they aren't likely the product of a climate of invention, nor of neccesity.

When man was only involved in hunting and gathering he did LITTLE beyond that.
No one ever cracked a joke while grabbing fish out of a stream? No one ever sang a song while picking berries? What about after the hunt, after the gather? No one sang songs to pass the time on the long walk back to the cave? No one sang songs or beat on hollow logs during those long winter nights? No one did cannoballs into the river just because it was fun? Really?

Cave paintings were mostly primitive RELIGIOUS rederings hoping and praying for better hunts or warmer winters.
Playing it a little fast and loose with the word "mostly" there aren't you? Some were, probably, but some were merely depictions of daily life, a chronicle of the things around them. They may have been done to tell the story of a successful hunt, or they may be for better hunts, or they may be for religious purposes. No one really knows for sure, and there are many theories.

Many paintings are not of animals at all, but human hand prints, some were made by tracing an outline of the hand, some were made by placing a painted hand onto the wall to leave a print. Over all, the number of handprints nearly outnumber the depictions of large animals. Are these the signature of the artist? Or is it merely the need to say, "I was here"? No one knows.

There are also paintings of hunts and hunters, gatherers filling baskets, and of people sitting on the ground beating drums while others danced nearby.

But then again, I NEVER have anthropology in high school or college. I make this stuff up to argue with you and Doug.
That would be my guess. That, or you had anthopology classes but managed to forget it all.

Ever wonder why they almost always depected a pregnate doe in their hunts? It was NOT because they wanted to have sex with female deer. That is a MJ thing.
Considering that they don't, in fact, almost always depict a pregnant doe, no, I don't ever wonder why they are. Most of the animals in cave paintings were of large animals, like deer, and while some may have been a pregnant doe (often they were horses that are a type that is nearly extinct today but resemble a pregnant doe in many ways) but many of them had full a full rack, so likely not a doe.

Other common animals were bison, horses, antelope, bear, lions and tigers. There are some incredibly detailed drawings in an x-ray style that depicts some internal organs and skeletons of turtles and fish. Some are of the sun, moon and stars. Oddly enough, while many of the drawings of animals are highly detailed, the depictions of humans are nearly uniformly across the planet in stick-people form, and human faces are an extreme rarity.

These were not people who spent every waking moment hunting and gathering. There was clearly time for play, for entertainment, for mental stimulation and learning. The human animal has always played, and the need for it is just as real as the need for sleep.


Retired Expediter
I guess if music is unnecessary we can chuck the National Anthem...Battle Hymn of the Republic and all them Armed Forces theme songs and the forces marching bands are just a waste of taxpayer money..don't need them either...:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
This picture was taken in Quetico Provincial Park. Notice the pictograph of the two moose high on the rock wall. Is this art or ancient Indian gang graffiti?


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Veteran Expediter
Celebrity worship in America is reaching an all time low. It is now perfectly acceptable to embrace a longstanding pedophile. Michael Jackson openly admitted, in an interview with British journalist Martin Bashir, that he regularly invited young boys into his bed. By his own admission, Jackson spent many nights sleeping with young boys. According to Bashir, this queer practice spanned a couple decades in Michael Jackson's life.

Does he get a pass because he is famous? Because he is black, or because he is effeminate? Or because he can grab his crotch and sing like a girl?

How can so many be so gullible? Is it okay to be a sexual predator preying on young children if you can sing pretty???

Michael Jackson played the American public for fools for 30 years and now he's doing it in death.


Veteran Expediter
IMO, those who are convinced that sleeping with a child is prima facie evidence of pedophilia are saying more about their own mindset than the ones they accuse.
I'm not defending pedophiles, mind you - they should all rot in prison for their entire miserable lives, but here's the thing: I enjoy sleeping with my dog, so does that mean [in your minds] I'm 'into' bestiality?
MJ was different, like many who have tremendous talent, but maybe he was more to be pitied than censured - I don't think he was ever really and truly happy in his life.
His children are the innocent victims now.
[But at least they won't have to wear those stupid masks in public anymore!]


Veteran Expediter
I believe we do not do enough to show celebrities how important they are to us. I think more award shows/honors is what is truly needed to show them just how important they are. We need statues of our stars, not just in Hollywood but everywhere. People also need to heed their advice on politcal issues after all they are stars.

You're too funny doug......

There is a difference between the street singer (like dabluzman) and a professional groomed entertainer. The former is needed, they are the ones who actually struggle and take things seriously. Like Baseball, there are better people out there in the world that can do a better job entertaining us. BUT many of us, like doug forget that it is not their talent that makes them rich and famous, it is us, the fans and like doug many forget that it is them who should be bowing down to us because we make them what they are.

Jackson actually knew the fans were important.

But with all that said....The question was asked long ago when Jackson made it big on his own is if he wasn't "part of a slightly talented signing family, would he have the salesmanship to sell himself and his talent today?"

As for him being a pediphile, Yea I would say sleeping with young boys is a problem and from the release of some of the 'sealed' documents in one of the settlements, he seemed to admit to it.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You're too funny doug......

There is a difference between the street singer (like dabluzman)

Why gregg, thank you for the compliment.

It is an honor to be placed in a group that included the likes of: Woody Guthrie, Joan Baez, Arthur Tracy, Rev Gary Davis,
John Hooker and countless others.


Expert Expediter
Michael Jackson openly admitted, in an interview with British journalist Martin Bashir, that he regularly invited young boys into his bed. By his own admission, Jackson spent many nights sleeping with young boys.

So that automatically means that he molested them? I used to sleep in the same bed as my grandmother every time I spent the night with her. My brothers would do the same when one of them spent the night with her. Did that automatically make her a pedophile? I've had a grandchild sleep with me when she spent the night. Does that automatically make me a pedophile?

Everyone is so quick to judge what they don't understand. I have a great love for children. An innocent, protective, motherly type love. Nothing perverse or deviant. Michael also had a great love for children and since he was acquitted on all charges by a jury, I refuse to believe that his love for children was anything but an innocent, protective and fatherly type love. As for the lawsuits, they came after his acquittal and are NOT an admission or proof of guilt. They are the result of greed on the part of the child's parents.

If the child had actually been molested then I don't think any amount of money would have satisfied the parents. They would have wanted the molester locked up with the key thrown away. Maybe castrated as well.. well I would want that added anyway.


Veteran Expediter
Another thought: surely the ONLY thing I share in common with MJ is having grown up with a large number of siblings, and becoming accustomed to having a small, warm, [hopefully dry] little person snuggling up to me. It was an enjoyable experience, mostly, and one I took great pleasure in reliving when my own girls were little.
Those who read 'sex' in every mention of sleeping together are jumping to conclusions that are sometimes WAY off.
Greg said "he seemed to admit it" - that's not quite an admission, though, is it?