Veteran Expediter
You got it entirely correct.
Although you and I are possibly very different philosophically and politically in many respects, I would feel much more comfortable with you as a trier of fact, than perhaps with some others, who are closer to my own politics. I would trust you to do the right thing.
One would think that seemingly bright folks would have a understanding that they are indeed not in full possession of the facts, or that they would be somewhat suspicious of the media, wherefrom they get their "info". Afterall - aren't some of these folks highly distrustful of the media in other instances ? Apparently only when what the media is reporting goes against what they would like to believe .....
I can certainly understand someone having suspicions, or with someone being cautious with their own children, in light of the circumstances .... and I have no problem with that whatsoever.
What I can not even remotely fathom however, is the ease with some folks would condemn another, and pronounce them unequivocally guilty of a crime beyond a reasonable doubt, when there are so many things that just don't jive in this case, and the only sources of "fact" that they are using, to base such a judgement on, is speculation, gossip, and rumors in the media.
And one garners an entirely new understanding at a much, much higher level about such matters when they have been not only falsely accused - but also tried, and falsely convicted.
In my own case, it was a traffic offense (assured clear distance) - in terms of magnitude, it is a relatively minor and insignificant thing. But rest assured, being falsely accused of anything is no small matter - at least to the party so accused.
In my case it involved a very pretty 17 year-old young lady - who happened to be busily talking on her cellphone, rather than paying attention while she was driving, and who failed to use her turn-signals (either when she went completely left-of-center across a double yellow line, or when she executed a 135 degree turn and cut back across my lane, directly in front of me, into her driveway), a judge who was part of the "old-boy" network, that didn't seem particular interested in finding the truth or rendering justice, and the real "star" of the saga, a rather dim-witted, 50-ish cop (recently divorced, and apparently trolling ....) who repeatedly failed to follow departmental procedures regarding the use of audio, video, and still photo recording devices (conveniently failing to document anything), who lied repeatedly on the witness stand, perjuring himself, to cover his own *ss and incompetence.
This guy had been investigated previously by the DOJ and FBI for alleged civil rights violations (probably a case where the system did indeed fail, as he was cleared
) I actually got his shift supervisor to admit in a phone call that the officer was disciplined over his conduct in my case for failing to follow procedure ..... and that it wasn't the first time it had happened.
It also included the local prosecutor, who, since he was allowed to maintain a private practice outside of his official duties as the prosecutor of the City of Massillon, OH, had been retained by the other party (the 17 year-old) to represent them in a possible civil suit against me and my insurance company ..... before I was ever even tried (no conflict of interest there ....
Yes indeed, one should not have much faith in our legal system .... not for the reasons previously posited: that the true criminals will fail to be tried and justly convicted - but for the reverse - the folks that comprise it can absolutely not be trusted to ensure that the truly innocent will go free.
That is the real and true danger to society, as it causes citizens to view the legal system with skepticism and distrust (and rightly so), when in fact that very system was created to protect the rights of honest/innocent citizens.
You would think that folks would hold it as their sacred duty - as part of their compact with their fellow citizens - as members of what aspires to be a free and just society, to nearly go to the ends of the earth, before condemning anyone of such a heinous crime as was accused in this case - whether they were sitting as a juror, or merely just being a citizen.
But no, it is treated in an entirely frivolous manner - with the ill-informed rendering all manner of just downright foolish pronouncements, as to a party's guilt .... apparently based on nothing more than what they have read in the "media".
I have yet to see any party here, which holds that MJ was indeed guilty - offer up any source of credible evidence against him whatsoever ..... let alone one that isn't just irresponsible speculation on the part of some blogger, or a ex-security cop from a low-income housing project.
Cheri, when you get that call for jury-duty, please, please do your civic duty and sit if at all possible - the citizens of this country truly do need you.
Others would do well to consider whether or not they are capable of rising to the occasion, of setting aside their own preconceived notions and fixed ideas and allowing themselves to honestly consider the veracity of witness testimony, the real weight of the evidence, and then render a true and just verdict.
If ya can't, then just stay home .... where you are less likely to do harm.
You got it entirely correct.
Although you and I are possibly very different philosophically and politically in many respects, I would feel much more comfortable with you as a trier of fact, than perhaps with some others, who are closer to my own politics. I would trust you to do the right thing.
That is exactly what it is about...... it's not about MJ at all - it's about the fundamental right to be considered innocent until proven guilty.
Or don't even possess the full facts about - merely what they have read "in the media".It's about the sad fact that folks are too quick to condemn what they don't understand, or like.
One would think that seemingly bright folks would have a understanding that they are indeed not in full possession of the facts, or that they would be somewhat suspicious of the media, wherefrom they get their "info". Afterall - aren't some of these folks highly distrustful of the media in other instances ? Apparently only when what the media is reporting goes against what they would like to believe .....
I can certainly understand someone having suspicions, or with someone being cautious with their own children, in light of the circumstances .... and I have no problem with that whatsoever.
What I can not even remotely fathom however, is the ease with some folks would condemn another, and pronounce them unequivocally guilty of a crime beyond a reasonable doubt, when there are so many things that just don't jive in this case, and the only sources of "fact" that they are using, to base such a judgement on, is speculation, gossip, and rumors in the media.
One can never truly appreciate such a situation until one has been, they themselves, falsely accused.It's about how a false accusation can ruin anyone's life, including yours or mine.
And one garners an entirely new understanding at a much, much higher level about such matters when they have been not only falsely accused - but also tried, and falsely convicted.
In my own case, it was a traffic offense (assured clear distance) - in terms of magnitude, it is a relatively minor and insignificant thing. But rest assured, being falsely accused of anything is no small matter - at least to the party so accused.
In my case it involved a very pretty 17 year-old young lady - who happened to be busily talking on her cellphone, rather than paying attention while she was driving, and who failed to use her turn-signals (either when she went completely left-of-center across a double yellow line, or when she executed a 135 degree turn and cut back across my lane, directly in front of me, into her driveway), a judge who was part of the "old-boy" network, that didn't seem particular interested in finding the truth or rendering justice, and the real "star" of the saga, a rather dim-witted, 50-ish cop (recently divorced, and apparently trolling ....) who repeatedly failed to follow departmental procedures regarding the use of audio, video, and still photo recording devices (conveniently failing to document anything), who lied repeatedly on the witness stand, perjuring himself, to cover his own *ss and incompetence.
This guy had been investigated previously by the DOJ and FBI for alleged civil rights violations (probably a case where the system did indeed fail, as he was cleared
It also included the local prosecutor, who, since he was allowed to maintain a private practice outside of his official duties as the prosecutor of the City of Massillon, OH, had been retained by the other party (the 17 year-old) to represent them in a possible civil suit against me and my insurance company ..... before I was ever even tried (no conflict of interest there ....
Yes indeed, one should not have much faith in our legal system .... not for the reasons previously posited: that the true criminals will fail to be tried and justly convicted - but for the reverse - the folks that comprise it can absolutely not be trusted to ensure that the truly innocent will go free.
That is the real and true danger to society, as it causes citizens to view the legal system with skepticism and distrust (and rightly so), when in fact that very system was created to protect the rights of honest/innocent citizens.
And it is an entirely reasonable and justified fear.When intelligent folks ........ can see that the facts don't support the ONE accusation, and still pronounce the man guilty, I fear for the existence of justice in America.
You would think that folks would hold it as their sacred duty - as part of their compact with their fellow citizens - as members of what aspires to be a free and just society, to nearly go to the ends of the earth, before condemning anyone of such a heinous crime as was accused in this case - whether they were sitting as a juror, or merely just being a citizen.
But no, it is treated in an entirely frivolous manner - with the ill-informed rendering all manner of just downright foolish pronouncements, as to a party's guilt .... apparently based on nothing more than what they have read in the "media".
I have yet to see any party here, which holds that MJ was indeed guilty - offer up any source of credible evidence against him whatsoever ..... let alone one that isn't just irresponsible speculation on the part of some blogger, or a ex-security cop from a low-income housing project.
Cheri, when you get that call for jury-duty, please, please do your civic duty and sit if at all possible - the citizens of this country truly do need you.
Others would do well to consider whether or not they are capable of rising to the occasion, of setting aside their own preconceived notions and fixed ideas and allowing themselves to honestly consider the veracity of witness testimony, the real weight of the evidence, and then render a true and just verdict.
If ya can't, then just stay home .... where you are less likely to do harm.
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