Michael Jackson and Farrah died today


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Et tu, Turtle? Sometimes you leave me baffled by snide remarks. Grumpy old man.
Well, while I won't call you names, I do think you are wrong to reach the conclusions you have reached based on the evidence available. I think it's wrong to put any credence in illusory corollaries since they are far more often detemined to be incorrect rather than correct. Reaching a conclusion based on circumstantial evidence and hearsay is a nasty business.

I'm 51, by the way, and rarely grumpy. :D


Veteran Expediter
inkasnana said:
It just really irritates the heck out of me when people are so adamant about believing hearsay, rumor and gossip that they can't accept any other explanation. That in itself is childish behavior.
I completely agree, and wanted to add a few of my own ponderings, even tho long-winded, sorry..

i) During what I have seen/heard in my lifetime, I believe that if authorities seek damaging evidence thoroughly enough, they're going to find something, anything, that can be used to support their preconceived belief, and make it fit.. and yet.. these authorities (and did you actually read how MANY officers were involved in this quest??) were not able to find any corroborating evidence or witnesses; to me, this is saying a LOT.

aristotle said:
Equally contemptible are the starstruck parents who offered up their young children for Jackson's enjoyment.... Their children's bodies and souls were the price of admission.

Unless these parents had every reason to believe these activities were purely innocent, they would NOT have allowed their children to participate; sadly the family in question had parents, or at least a dad, who was just the type of leech who saw it as an incredible opportunity to cash in BIGTIME by making false and unprovable accusations.

I believe the accuser's soul was offered up by his own father for the smell of money. That boy's innocence is forever gone, by being coached by his dad on what to say, and having to learn that these things even exist. I do think it will be interesting to see if that boy ever comes forward with the truth, rather than who will come forward with more lies now that MJ cannot defend himself.

Recently my youngest boy was asked to a school friend's birthday sleepover outside in a tent; I didn't know the family, so I did my due diligence, made an enquiry to another respected parent whose child was also attending, and also called the mom of the party boy; she informed me that her husband, the father, would also be sleeping in the tent with the party boys. Altho I had a pang of discomfort when she said this, I had to give myself a kick, realizing the simple pleasures of childhood are now spoiled by the likes of a very few men.

Society has brought us between a rock and a hard place, because if the father does NOT sleep out there with the boys, the boys are not being supervised/looked after, and if anything were to happen, like one of them sleepwalking in the night and getting killed by a car (just happened a few days ago), or a wild animal ravaging them in the tent, or maybe there is a pond or pool to fall into on a trip into the house to the bathroom, that would be considered unacceptable risk, the family would be sued, their lives would be ruined; and conversely, if the father DOES sleep out there with the boys, the other parents naturally have fleeting thoughts of .. what iffffff.. life is just plain ridiculous nowadays.

iii) As a person who has had the opportunity to receive even just minimal training on how to protect oneself from potential liability risk arising from potential child or parental accusations, even tho they're false, I can say that it is a sad state of affairs. I was shocked, honestly, to learn of the things that go on, the things that can be, and are, said, the things that can happen as a result, and the things innocent people must now think about in order to protect themselves from scavengers with a motive. Hard to believe that MJ would not have been trained in risk management of this sort, but considering his childlike nature and mindset, perhaps it is not that hard to believe. When you are not the kind of person to think in the money-hungry ways some of these low-lifes think, it is hard to imagine, and quite faith-shattering to learn about. And there is no doubt MJ was completely shattered by that whole experience. Contrary to Aristotle's statement,
It is my OPINION that Michael Jackson died indirectly from guilt.
It is my opinion that MJ died indirectly from the toll this whole accusation spectacle took on him emotionally, because he was not guilty, and the allegations being made were so abhorrent to him.

I can imagine all these 'sleepovers' being like a boy's best days of his life, an event to remember forever.. wild pyjama parties with all the perks of childhood imaginable. Pillowfights, junkfood, movies, animals, rides, toys, games, other kids to play with.. wow! In my mind, MJ was able to create and live out the best parts of the childhood he never had, while also sharing it with other kids who may have also been less than privileged in their childhoods for one reason or another. Sure it was inappropriate to 'us', but I believe he was as a child. Has anyone here ever heard of that theory where humans are unable to move past a certain emotional maturity level until the previous level has been experienced? (ie Maslow's Hierarchy/ ERG Theory/et al)

iv) Perhaps it is against our principles to just pay someone off to get out of your life, rather than go through a long and expensive proving-of-truth, but that is exactly what is recommended sometimes, due to the alternative stress, damage to reputation by being prolonged in the news, etc. We would all hope that in the same situation we would have the strength, money, and time to follow it through indefinitely, but until we are actually IN that situation, how can we judge? One thing for sure though, it is not an indication of guilt.

rlent said:
BTW, I do agree with you that the truth about him is elusive ..... we will never really know ... the only ones that will, are those that were there ....
And really, when you think about THAT, if there were hundreds of boys there, as there reportedly were over time, and each of those boys' families had not only the opportunity to discover their child had been abused, if they hadn't already known, but to also get revenge, AND to become wealthy doing so, don't y'all think ALL, or at least MANY would have come out of the woodwork at that point, rather than NONE? C'mon now, really? Although the money-sucker method employed by the accuser's family might be disgusting to 'normal' people, it certainly isn't above the morals of most people to pursue a lawsuit when they have in fact been horribly wronged, especially with the stakes being their children, and the opportunity presented on a platter in front of them.
aristotle said:
I wish Jackson could have been proven decisively innocent. But, the "truth" surrounding him is too inflammatory, too emotionally driven and too murky. It is my opinion Mr. Jackson harmed many young boys.
After those kinds of allegations, accusations, media hype, and length of time in the news, I don't believe that would ever be possible, no matter how certainly he was able to prove it. That is why that 'innocent until proven guilty' thing is so important.

Is anyone familiar with the saying.. 'There, but for the grace of God, go I'? C'mon people, do you really need to have a horrible allegation made against you personally, and to experience first-hand, the impossibility of living it down, before you comprehend the problem here? As a couple here have mentioned, whether you liked him or not, there is more to this issue than MJ himself.


Veteran Expediter
I hold a contrary opinion. It is surprising to see the level of support for Michael Jackson's supposed innocence.
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Retired Expediter
Turtle... I hold a contrary opinion. It is surprising to see the level of support for Michael Jackson's supposed innocence.

Maybe because non-ultra-conservatives can look beyond their staunch unwaivering opinions?

What surprises me is the ultra-conservatives who are willing to convict on news stories and rumour...when you are a supporter of the American way, the Constitution..."innocent till proven guilty" in a legal courtroom....not the press.

So all we are left with is "opinion"

So whos' opinion is the correct one?


Veteran Expediter
OVM... mine is a minority opinion with a constituency of one. Michael Jackson not only moonwalks, he skates.


Retired Expediter
OVM... mine is a minority opinion with a constituency of one. Michael Jackson not only moonwalks, he skates.

Past tense...."skated"

I did not like the goings on...either...since they were under-age of consent... the parents that allowed this should have also been highly scrutinized...They sold their kids for a moment of fame...


Expert Expediter
What gets me is how this is such a hot topic. To date this is post #167. No matter what side of this fence you are on, you are still on a side. Which to me shows just how popular MJ was.
AS with everyone with time his reputation will be smoothed over.

He may go down in history like say.... Edgar Allen Poe great poet but (he MAY have used alot of drugs)

Kinda like Barry Bonds. Holds the homerun record but (he MAY have used roids)

So Michael Jackson, great singer, song writer, performer but(he MAY have done bad things with little boys)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
To you sir, I would suggest that you might find the former Soviet Union as a more ideal place to reside, as I understand that their practices are apparently more in-line with your way of thinking.

It's obviously beyond my meager abilities to communicate my main point effectively with someone on your level of intellectual superiority. However, I'll give it another stab by repeating this simple question based on the assumption you're a parent:

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Retired Expediter
Not a chance...What would be the net gain for me or my son? The infamy? Ego?

Flattop you are correct...superstar with an asterisk ***


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I know this was not directed at me but when my boy was 11 he was 5'10" and over 175# and could take care of himself.

And I'll bet he wasn't inclined to do "sleep overs" in the same bed with somebody like MJ or any other 45 year-old man


Veteran Expediter
What gets me is how this is such a hot topic. To date this is post #167. No matter what side of this fence you are on, you are still on a side. Which to me shows just how popular MJ was.

I'm impressed by your refusal to 'get it': it's not about MJ at all - it's about the fundamental right to be considered innocent until proven guilty. It's about the sad fact that folks are too quick to condemn what they don't understand, or like.
It's about how a false accusation can ruin anyone's life, including yours or mine.
When intelligent folks [yes, I'm crediting you & Aristotle with intelligence] can see that the facts don't support the ONE accusation, and still pronounce the man guilty, I fear for the existence of justice in America.


Expert Expediter
What gets me is how this is such a hot topic. To date this is post #167. No matter what side of this fence you are on, you are still on a side. Which to me shows just how popular MJ was.

I'm impressed by your refusal to 'get it': it's not about MJ at all - it's about the fundamental right to be considered innocent until proven guilty. It's about the sad fact that folks are too quick to condemn what they don't understand, or like.
It's about how a false accusation can ruin anyone's life, including yours or mine.
When intelligent folks [yes, I'm crediting you & Aristotle with intelligence] can see that the facts don't support the ONE accusation, and still pronounce the man guilty, I fear for the existence of justice in America.

First of all Cheri thank you for targeting me yet again. Secondly,I DO "GET IT". I have intentionally left out what side of the fence I am on but if you look hard enough I think even you may figure it out. I am all about innocent until proven guilty. I was just remarking about how popular this thread is and how the death of MJ has become such a hot topic but then you throw me in with Aristotle. What basis do you do this? Have I once said anything about him being a pedifile or molester. I think not. I actually have enjoyed his music. I still get up and dance to Billy Jean, PYT, etc.. I on 2 occasions have said he was a great singer, song writer, and performer.

So am I not innocent until proven guilty? So get off your perch (I can see your string) and quit trying to be all hi and mighty over every little post I make.


Veteran Expediter
"Targeting" you? Puhleeze - a classic deflection, that one. [Responding to the messenger instead of the message].
I replied to your query re: allowing our children to sleep with MJ. The question was irrelevant, and inflammatory, which indicates to me that you believe MJ was a pedophile.
It is that belief, in spite of any proof, [and with plenty to demonstrate the motive of the sole accuser was money] that I [and Turtle, Pjjjjj, Relent, et al] are attempting to decipher. Because if folks can believe in guilt on the evidence presented, there is no hope of justice in a court of law.
I worry, because a false accusation can destroy a life, and can happen to anyone, famous or not.
Including you and me.


Expert Expediter
"Targeting" you? Puhleeze - a classic deflection, that one. [Responding to the messenger instead of the message].
I replied to your query re: allowing our children to sleep with MJ. The question was irrelevant, and inflammatory, which indicates to me that you believe MJ was a pedophile.

I am assuming you are talking about my response about my boy being as big as he is. And if so why didn't you quote it and not my other post. The reason for my commenting about his size is because at the age of 11 he could defend himslelf IF NEED BE and that 11 year olds are not as small and helpless as some seem to think they are. The sad thing is I am actually on your side, yet your infatuation ;) with me is curbing your judgement.

And yes you have been targeting me. Not only on this thread but on others and if it persists I may have to get a mod. envolved.


Veteran Expediter
Reading your comments in post 173 ["even you", "get off your perch and quit acting high and mighty with me" "I can see the string"] might lead one to think that YOU are targeting ME, eh?
I'm not complaining, mind you - it seems as if folks complain of being targeted only when they feel outgunned, so to speak, and I don't feel that. I welcome challenges to what I post - it makes me think about it, which is a good thing, IMO.
I don't want to get off topic, so will be happy to hear your charges via pm, ok? Please cite specifics, and I'll defend my words.


Expert Expediter
Reading your comments in post 173 ["even you", "get off your perch and quit acting high and mighty with me" "I can see the string"] might lead one to think that YOU are targeting ME, eh?
I'm not complaining, mind you - it seems as if folks complain of being targeted only when they feel outgunned, so to speak, and I don't feel that. I welcome challenges to what I post - it makes me think about it, which is a good thing, IMO.
I don't want to get off topic, so will be happy to hear your charges via pm, ok? Please cite specifics, and I'll defend my words.

No need for PM, I have nothing to hide, do you?

Can't answer my questions from the previous post? So I guess I will ask it again but in simple terms. Why you be tinken dat I be not liken MJ mmkay?

You say you don't want to get off topic but you have. There is nothing in your last post that has anything to do with the thread.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
I hold a contrary opinion. It is surprising to see the level of support for Michael Jackson's supposed innocence.
The phrasing here is interesting, and telling. One, there's no "supposed" anything, it's either innocent until proven guilty or it's not. Two, why is it surprising? Is it surprising to you that so many people would rather deal with facts and what is provable instead of tossing all that aside in favor of the more sensationalistic hype of accusatory hearsay and circumstantial evidence that means, in the end, nothing?

If you take the stories and accusations at face value, at the value of the sensational, and then let the imagination run rampant to conclusion, you'll see dozens, if not hundreds of accusations, enough of them to conclude that the only thing he could be is guilty. But the reality is, the accusations are very few and far between, and not one of them were proven, even a little bit, to be even remotely true. Yet you still want to dismiss all that in favor of the shocking, the abhorrent, the sensational. Amazing. I mean, when you take a look at it, it's pretty amazing how few the accusations are, and at how weak they are. But, Michael Jackson was weird, very unlike the rest of us, so it's easy to believe that he would do things the rest of us wouldn't.

You hold a contrary opinion, but it's one that is clearly emotionally based, an opinion formed not by the facts, but by the emotions of the charges. Like I said, that's a nasty business.

As someone who was once arrested and charged with something I did not do, even though the charges were later dismissed with prejudice (same as a double jeopardy not guilty finding, meaning they were without merit or foundation and cannot be brought against me again), the arrest record still follows me around after nearly 20 years. I still carry with me the judge's order dismissing the charges, as well as the second order expunging the actual arrest itself, two things I have needed to get my FAST card and needed on more than one occasion on both sides of the Canadian border to literally prove my innocence, something no one should have to do. As a result, I tend to be an "innocent until proven guilty" kinda guy.

As a side note, and perhaps a relevant one, man is it easy to get an arrest onto someone's record. Make up a charge, have them arrested, the charges are dismissed or withdrawn, the arrest stays on their record. Amazing.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Actually, that's a classic loaded question worthy of Mr Bat Guano (may he rest in peace). Leave off the last word and it becomes a valid question in relation to the issue, but at is stands, it changes the conditions of circumstances, assumes things not in question, and becomes an exercise in the hypothetical, not to mention a pretty blatant deflection towards whoever answers the question, since a "no" would supposedly prove your point, making you out to be superior, and a "yes" would allow you to deride the answerer, again, making you out to be superior.

In any case, the question, and the answer, is a rather weak attempt to draw a corollary between the answer and your already concluded conclusion, and is a classic illusory corollary, since to reach the conclusion you have come to, one must conclude that any 45 year old man who would have a child on a sleepover must be a pedophile under any and all circumstances, period.

You view Michael Jackson in terms of black and white (no pun intended, well, maybe a little) in that he was a 45 year old man, period. And he had little boys over for sleepovers, period. Ergo, period.

There was nothing about the guy that was normal, yet you want to make him out to be a very normal pedophile. Really?