LOL .... anytime 'stotle ... I'm equal-opportunity abuser .... friend and foe alike ....
It's not so much an affinity for Michael Jackson, as it is
a willingness to consider that there might be some other reasonable explanation for his conduct - however bizarre the average man on the street might find it - rather than just seeing how odd or different he was than me, and then ascribing some sick and perverted motivation to it.
Of course, I did have some admiration for the man's talent - you would have to be a rock not to .....
FWIW, in the interests of full disclosure, both my sons slept with my wife and I, just about every night, until they were
at least 5 years old .... and on and off for some years after that - because
they wanted to - not because we desired that they do so (believe me there were times that we both would have really preferred they did not want to sleep with us - especially with the older one, who was prone to jamming his elbow into ya while he slept)
And, by the way, both were also on the teet until that time as well .... (God bless the old lady - she was a saint for putting up with them .... just imagine being in the mall .... and your
6 year-old decides he's hungry ....

At some point, as time went on, they just naturally grew disinterested in both .... we didn't kick them or force them out of our bed, and tried to avoid doing anything that would make them feel unloved or unwanted, although we often failed. They turned out to be perfectly normal young men (whatever that is ..)
Nothing remotely deviant, perverted, or sexual about it - although I'm sure that some folks would see it that way, and perhaps would be unable come to any other conclusion.
I don't know if it was the case that or not, but it certainly doesn't seem entirely out of the realm to me that for Michael Jackson, with all his riches and fame, that any kind of relationship could be ..... complicated ..... to put it mildly.
That he might want someone that he could be friends with, and would accept and love him for whoever he was, and that he could love in return - in a platonic sense - that didn't want alot back in return, didn't want to complicate things and just wanted to be friends, doesn't seem too far a stretch for me.
For some folks, even inspite of society's current fixation on it, sex just isn't that big a deal (as in not much interest in) ..... given the current state of things, they might, in a sense, be lucky. He might have been one of them folks .... dunno.
Naw .... it's too hard to type and drive at the same time .... but other than that though, I have very little trouble driving while
rational ...
Always - you too.