Moderator Emeritus
Main Entry: 1emer·i·tus
Pronunciation: \i-ˈmer-ə-təs\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural emer·i·ti \-ə-ˌtī, -ˌtē\
Date: 1750
: one retired from professional life but permitted to retain as an...
I'll tell ya what's crazier Ray,the fact that this guy is sitting and running his rigmaster 166 days of every year and only running the truck 71 days. Sounds like an expediter,an expediter with a company that can't find him enough loads to stay busy:eek:
LOL,thanks Ken,I didn't even know that was a recorded statistic.
I guess being #2 means I will have to try harder.
Also in theory with me holding this lofty position,that must mean that Terry is #1 in dispensing infractions.:D
With all of the turmoil that the President has stirred up in his few short months in office,posting in the soapbox has been going at breakneck speed.
In fact either later tonight or tomorow for sure the soapbox will become the second most popular forum here on EO.
And with all the plans he has...
You are so right chef,we had an old I pass that we were no longer using after they started accepting EZ pass,it was under our seat and 3 different times was picked up by the NY toll readers.
Bad part was there was no money in that account,so not only were we getting dinged for the tolls,but for...
I learned from a buddy that was on the local fire department that I was a member of that these newest class of submarines that we are using now have an awesome sonar on them. (He was in the Navy on boomer subs over 8 years.)
He told me that once when they were in a foriegn port that they...
I for one don't have any faith in this government,but I do have faith in our navy and I'm confident that this matter is being handled in a most professional and experienced way by our sailors in the silent service.
Yesteryear,I can't speak for how Tri State does their hazmat loads as I am with the Fed.
Fedex always sets the routes for hazmat so we don't usually worry too much about it,but we double check it anyways and have found mistakes. (They tried routing us over the Ambassador bridge more than once.)