2 Russian Nuclear Sub's of the East Coast Hmm


Veteran Expediter
WASHINGTON (AFP) – Two Russian nuclear-powered submarines have been patrolling off the US East Coast in recent days, the first such move in several years and one that has US officials concerned, the New York Times said Wednesday.
Citing defense and intelligence officials speaking on condition of anonymity, a report on the paper's website said one submarine remained in international waters some 200 miles (320 kilometers) off the US coast, while the location of the other remained unclear.
The pair were Akula class vessels, the paper said.
The episode does not appear to pose any immediate threat to the United States, but it echoes the cat-and-mouse manouvers of the Soviet and US militaries during the Cold War, when Moscow and Washington routinely sent submarines towards one another's coasts to gather intelligence and track fleet movements.
"Any time the Russian Navy does something so out of the ordinary it is cause for worry," a senior US Defense Department official who has monitored reports about the submarines' activities was quoted as saying.
"We've known where they were, and we're not concerned about our ability to track the subs," said the official. "We're concerned just because they are there."
Naval historian and submarine warfare expert Norman Polmar told the Times: "I don't think they've put two first-line nuclear subs off the US coast in about 15 years."
While Pentagon officials declined to speculate about what weapons may be aboard the vessels, the submarines are considered not among the larger class of Russian submarines that can launch nuclear missiles, the Times reported.
The revelations of the Russian movements come as Moscow seeks to move on from the embarrassment of another failed test of its intercontinental Bulava missile.
The missile, which can carry nuclear warheads, veered off course and blew up mid-flight after it was launched from Russia's Dmitri Donskoi submarine in the White Sea on July 16.
Several such tests have already ended in failure, including one in December 2008 launched by the same submarine in the White Sea, off the northwest coast of Russia. On that occasion the missile also exploded in mid-air.
Once a mighty global naval power, Russian ship forays into open seas have become less common, although a flotilla of Russian warships conducted joint naval operations with Venezuela last December in the Caribbean Sea, close to US waters.

Oh well.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Russia had all but stopped this kind of activity until now. More proof that they see us as getting weaker and feel the need to flex their muscles again. They are in the process of re-inventing the Soviet Empire. Not that the fact that our Coward in Chief associates with KNOWN Soviet backers would have ANYHTING to do with it. NAW, no conection at all. Birds of a Feather..............


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Let us also keep in mind that the last time, the late 1930's, that the Communist world and the Nazi world were gaining in popularity. These two far left countries and idelologies, Germany and Russia, signed a NON-Agression Pact which Hitler (Obama) broke on I think it was June 21 or 22 of 1941. The far left cannot even get along with itself. Too bad so few today learned history. It ONLY repeats, as it seems to be doing now, because we ALLOW IT to!! We allow it by NOT learning the leasons of the past and NOT believing that EVIL ALWAYS returns. It is again.


Veteran Expediter
this info came out earlier in the week...while the subs were hanfing off the coast (just on the edge of international waters) they are heading to cuba, after they "show" themselves here....ras layout said, russia stopped this yrs ago because they knew it wouldn't be tolerated...well with barry in on the job, they have no respect nor fear of him, show they are willing to "step" up and america know, "hey we haven't gone anywhere...."

i suppose barry and hilary might have a "strongly worded" responce, but then barry will say he is sorry for our shoreline being so close to the international waters....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What we NEED to do is "Lash the Snot" out of those subs with multiple sona-bouys and "ACTIVE" sonar from an entire host of sub-killers. Just to wake those guys up. Moving in several Los Angeles class attack boats to within a few hundred yards of those turkeys would help as well.
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Retired Expediter
What we NEED to do is "Lash the Snot" out of those subs with multiple sona-bouys and "ACTIVE" sonar from an entire host of sub-killers. Just to wake those guys up. Moving in several Los Angeles class attack boats to within a few hundred yards of those turkeys would help as well.

Lash the snot...*LOL* and this does what? make loud noise or something?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Hitting a sub with active sonar makes that really loud "PING" noise you hear in war movies all the time. It is a BAD thing for a sub jokey to hear. Subs depend on stealth to do their job and NO submarinier likes to be "detected". Once "fixed" by sonar the KNOW that they are in "deep kimpchie" and are not far from dead. They "failed" at their job. Lash them enough and they don't come back. This IS a threat and should be treated as such. Meet force with greater force early and it will end. Wait and let it go on and it WILL excilate.
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Expert Expediter
20+ years ago when I was on submarines there would have been a pair of our own fast attack subs heading out to dog them until they left. Not anymore. So far I have heard no response from the White House on this. It's a sad state of affairs we are in now.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yeah, while I was NOT a sub jockey I DID play that game with the Russians for MOST of my career. In this case I would have responded with more than a pair. Let them know fast and strong that we are NOT going to tolerate this stuff starting up again. I doubt that our Coward in Chief is going to do ANYHING at all. He has NO CLUE!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
20+ years ago when I was on submarines there would have been a pair of our own fast attack subs heading out to dog them until they left. Not anymore. So far I have heard no response from the White House on this. It's a sad state of affairs we are in now.

Hey, when you were "playing that game" did you ever have the unfortunate chance to get "lashed" by sonar? My son told me that it REALLY sucks!! They got "lashed" by a fishing boat once. He was on boomers.

Doggie Daddy

Veteran Expediter
I learned from a buddy that was on the local fire department that I was a member of that these newest class of submarines that we are using now have an awesome sonar on them. (He was in the Navy on boomer subs over 8 years.)

He told me that once when they were in a foriegn port that they switched on their sonar at half power,and it caused the water around the sub to boil and fish were floating to the surface.:cool:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
That is a new one on me too. That would mean that we COULD NOT EVER search for any sub from any other country. It is ALMOST impossible to find a submerged sub with only one ping. I cannot even find fish like that.


Veteran Expediter
When hunting Soviet Subs there is active mode and Passive mode.

If you run across a Soviet Sub and You ping him more than one time it is considered an act of war.

It don't matter if your a sub your self or a Ship conducting

When Sonar is in Active mode its considered on Infinitive search and Destroy.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You lost me Iceroad. When pinging to LOOK for a submerged sub you ARE on active sonar. That is the ONLY way you can get a return signal off of a target to "see" it. Just as my fish finder (sonar unit) is always 'pinging". Passive systems are only looking or OTHERS active signals. In all my years with working on the Soviet target set I have never heard of what you are saying. We used to instruct our subs on a regular basis to "ping away" to garner a response from the Soviet subs. What is your source on this? It differs from my experience.


Veteran Expediter
You lost me Iceroad. When pinging to LOOK for a submerged sub you ARE on active sonar. That is the ONLY way you can get a return signal off of a target to "see" it. Just as my fish finder (sonar unit) is always 'pinging". Passive systems are only looking or OTHERS active signals. In all my years with working on the Soviet target set I have never heard of what you are saying. We used to instruct our subs on a regular basis to "ping away" to garner a response from the Soviet subs. What is your source on this? It differs from my experience.

Hey now, you're not divulging national security secrets are you???


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
NOPE!! I would NEVER do that. There is OPEN SOURCE info out there on this. Clinton did it often, but NOT the Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
The silent service U listen Passive. In War games Yes PING

range to target yes ping. You chase a Russian Sub and Ping more than once it considered an act of war.

Go ahead Shooter Ping a Soviet sub more than once

When you here the torpedo doors open don't be surprised whats next.


Diesel Boats forever

That been gone for more than a decade.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You have truely lost me on this one. I wish I knew your source. IF we ONLY listen and the Russian ONLY listens, how can we find him? He can just lay their, not turning his screws and unless he messed up we would NOT know where he was. WE ALWAYS wanted to know where they were. No problem, in confuse easy.