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  1. P

    Sylectus sold!!

    Qualcomm Announces Acquisition of Sylectus There can come a time when a payout looks good compared to several more years of..... whatever you happen to be doing and all of its related offshoots, including whatever aggravations are part of the package. I wonder if they will be keeping Stu as...
  2. P

    New York Permits

    Are you operating as an OO leased on with a carrier or as a carrier?
  3. P

    for new van owner want to be

    The way I looked at it was that the miles given are paid miles only, and the fuel is what was paid for all fuel (including DH and personal) for a year. (or what his numbers would expand be if expanded over a year) Since we don't know what time period or length of time period he's basing his...
  4. P

    for new van owner want to be

    and - I am just wondering how long you have been at it, and how long is the period of time on which you are basing your annual numbers? - Is there a per-gallon avg price you are using to calculate your future fuel costs, or are you using your own numbers based on whatever time period...
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    Dumbing down the speeches

    Perhaps that is why he received the most votes for a presidential candidate in American history, and the 2008 election had the largest voter turnout in 40 years? Maybe the candidates in the next election should take note!
  6. P

    President defends abortion as a right..

    Instead of everyone bickering about what their morality is and what their politics are, how about proposing viable alternative solutions to abortion? I had a look at the statistics the other day, and I found them quite interesting. Someone in another post asked if you people who oppose a...
  7. P

    Don't buy I Renew

    Ha Thanks for the memories! Reminds me of a time several years ago.. first and ONLY time I ever purchased one of those scams (not I Renew but another one) being advertised on tv.. For only $20, I was getting not ONLY the amazing product itself, but they were going to throw in 2 of them, AND a...
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    Earth 'to get second sun this year' as supernova turns night into day

    Guess I won't hold my breath on that one!
  9. P

    If ya gotta sit during this storm, get paid!

    And Paparazzi love to catch you on film Moot, this time playing in the snow - hope you were also getting paid!
  10. P

    Mammoth 'could be reborn in four years'

    To me that is just a nutty thing to say, no offence to you personally LOS. Can you imagine how many species would be extinct by now if man had not been smart enough to foresee some of the extinctions (through research, knowledge, travel) and take action to prevent it? Isn't that why there are...
  11. P

    Where Have All The Controversial Posts Gone

    They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.. they took all the trees and put them in a tree museum.. late last night I heard the screen door slam.. and a big yellow taxi took away my old man...
  12. P

    Calif. ranchers kill 3 escaped Hearst Ranch zebras

    No time to call the neighbour, but time enough to call the taxidermist to get those hides tanned. You REALLY have to wonder about people nowadays, dontcha tho??
  13. P

    e-mail photos

    Another way (if you didn't want to get involved with photobucket or another online thing).. (also depending on which email you're using, what format the pics are in, your level of competency, etc etc etc) Try this: -right click on the pic itself (or open it) -'save as' whatever you want to...
  14. P

    More Dead Birds

    This stuff is really bugging me. All these masses of different types of birds dying in different areas throughout the world.. Italy (turtle doves), Quebec (pigeons), Ark (blackbirds), Louisiana (blackbirds, starlings, sparrows), California (apparently they don't know what kind of birds they...
  15. P

    Hello, new to expeditors.

    A 'carrier', no matter the size, has many more expenses than a contractor-driver. 'Carriers' who are thinking of their business in a business sense, even if they are one-unit operations, aren't going to accept runs for the same reduced percentage-of-the-whole that a contractor-driver is...
  16. P

    Hello, new to expeditors.

    That is one of the stupidest remarks I have read on this forum (political discussions excluded). Can we agree that Panther is a pretty large company and get loads their driver-contractors aren't always nearby to pick up? If their own drivers were nearby, they'd offer those loads to their own...
  17. P

    Why would i want to show OOS

    Don't forget another reason.. if you are going to be enjoying an adult beverage or two, as you could be called in to do a pee test at any time you are in service. Dispatcher03 thank you for providing some dandy entertainment for many readers on EO. Perhaps in order not to embarrass yourself...
  18. P

    Will the D-12 defend this?

    Perhaps I am missing something but I'm confused as to why people are expecting a police report to have been filled out when the 'officer' was not on duty as an officer, and was providing security on behalf of the service station itself, which has no problem with their security officer's handling...
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    O/O Software

    I love QuickBooks! If you already have it, just use what you have and 'open a new company'. No need to upgrade to a more recent model as long as the basics are there.
  20. P

    Your Thoughts

    Can you please confirm that you meant to type $0.25 pay to the driver per mile, less fuel? Is that $0.25 per ALL miles? Loaded miles? You pay the fuel and then get reimbursed? Not reimbursed? Same twenty-five cents gets split into two if it's a team? It's a huge oversight to leave out such...