More Dead Birds


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Another but smaller mass die off of birds in California this time. Pay attention to the last sentence. It is important and correct.

More than 100 dead birds found off Calif. highway​

GEYSERVILLE, Calif. – California wildlife officials are trying to figure out what caused the death of more than 100 birds found clustered together just off Highway 101.

The Santa Rosa Press Democrat reports that California Highway Patrol officers found the dead birds near the roadway on Saturday and called in the state Department of Fish and Game to investigate.

The officers who found the birds described them as small with brown and black feathers. They were intact and had not been shot.

The reports come as other, larger bird deaths have been reported in Arkansas, Louisiana and other states.

Scientists say mass die-offs of wildlife happen regularly, and are usually unrelated and unreported.

More than 100 dead birds found off Calif. highway - Yahoo! News


Veteran Expediter
This stuff is really bugging me. All these masses of different types of birds dying in different areas throughout the world.. Italy (turtle doves), Quebec (pigeons), Ark (blackbirds), Louisiana (blackbirds, starlings, sparrows), California (apparently they don't know what kind of birds they are(??)), Sweden (jackdaws).. and fish too..

The experts are saying that it's not out of the ordinary, and because of immediate internet exposure nowadays, people post it on youtube, etc., and masses of people find out about it, whereas it may not have been reported in the media otherwise. The thing is tho, that youtube and twitter and all those things have been around awhile now, and yet we haven't been hearing these numerous stories every day.. so it hardly seems a rational explanation to fluff it off to people now having the ability to immediately post it.

Reports are mostly saying that the birds don't have outward damage, but they have internal bleeding, internal blunt force trauma etc... but to have blunt force trauma, wouldn't they also be showing outward signs of that (aside from whatever outward damage occurred upon landing dead on the ground)?

If birds and fish are more sensitive to environmental changes than humans and animals are.. one can't help at least considering the possibility that they're perhaps feeding or being exposed to toxins.

I can't help being amazed that in this day and age with all of our 'higher education', brilliant technology, and research dollars, nobody has answers, even after testing. (lightning, noise, shock, thunder, fireworks, cold snaps, warm snaps, seasonal lack of food, normal-occurrences, UFOs, doomsday, etc.)


Veteran Expediter
I heard with the pigeons in Quebec it was suicide.

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