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  1. Dynamite 1

    zip codes

    just a question for those who have been here longer and might have the answer from already asking. we have noticed that about 35% of the time, maybe a little less, the zip codes sent over the qc for p/u and del. addresses are wrong on one end or the other and sometimes both. we check the bol to...
  2. Dynamite 1

    Novembers Guess-timates?

    well, this comment is made with fingers crossed. if things pick up for the year end then great, we will take it. if not and they stay the same that is ok to. we have not been just setting the world of expedite on fire with 5000 mile weeks but we have been darn steady. within 500 miles a week...
  3. Dynamite 1

    November Banter and Location

    we dont worry about the 19 to much. if at the yard we do one and if there is a few in front of us we do what we need if its less than three we generally just wait as you never know. i do understand that it is different for you small straights and sprinters. i dont know that without alot of...
  4. Dynamite 1

    November Banter and Location

    Ya, we don't understand that either. We are a team and we will do short loads. Granted, after a few we want a long one but often them shorties pay well and as well they should. I wouldn't do one cheap but as long as its paying well take it and run. Work smarter not harder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Dynamite 1

    November Banter and Location

    We left the house Tuesday night and ran everyday. Great job by dispatch. Ended up the week with a nice run to brownsville. Deliver Monday and hopefully get back at it right away with a load out.
  6. Dynamite 1

    Best companies to be leased on with.

    whats up with that cheri ? you mean you are not on the special pay program. 100.00 bucks for every nice post about load one. you need to talk to the powers that be and get on the program. you are missing out. LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Dynamite 1

    panther and owners pulling trucks out

    well, if it takes 3.50 / 4.00 per mi. in a straight truck for someone to run their business and pay personal expenses, then one should look at their expenses with a microscope and see where money is being wasted. sure, that kind of money would be nice but not needed to make a decent living and...
  8. Dynamite 1

    US Express Transportation

    that was not the experience we had with conway terminals either. while with conway now we used the terminals all the time, especially the one off jarupa in fontana, ca. when we went to L.A. we stayed at that terminal all the time. even for a few days in a row. we always found that the sister...
  9. Dynamite 1

    New to Load 1

    i hope it works out and he does climb in the truck w/you. we dont need fleet owners like that here or anywhere for that matter. if people drop them like a hot potato when something seems fishy then they will cease to be fleet owners. on another note jim, you might give brian @espar a call about...
  10. Dynamite 1

    Michigan front lic.plate for straight truck

    well, i am registered in illinois through the IRP program and have been for 11 years with this truck and 8 yrs before w/another and have never been given 2 plates for a straight truck. even asked at the irp office in springfield and was told we only supply one. as for requesting a second plate...
  11. Dynamite 1

    October Banter and Location

    we have been home since the 21st heading out monday. sure hope things pick up. we were not slow when we came home. hope we missed it and things will be back to normal. did get the house finished and all the workers finally gone. rewired the lights on the truck for winter. last few winters took a...
  12. Dynamite 1

    New to Load 1

    welcome home jim. soon you will see why. hope your start is good.
  13. Dynamite 1

    The people you meet...

    dont know might have been CB savage.
  14. Dynamite 1

    lions and tigers and bears, oh no !!!!!!

    he just got out of prison 3 weeks ago from a gun chaege then his wife left him.
  15. Dynamite 1

    lions and tigers and bears, oh no !!!!!!

    just on the news, zanesville, oh. wild animals from a wild animal farm escape and are roaming the area. owner found dead and cages all open. 31 animals have been put down so far with possibly 20 still on the loose. jack hanna on site to help with live recovery of the rest at daylight, if...
  16. Dynamite 1

    Jennifer Hnidy was born on this day!

    Happy bday Jen and hope you are feeling better provided you didn't just take a long weekend cause of your bday. If you did then good for you. Had I known I would have left you something yesterday . Anyways happy birthday. Ah, to be 21 again ?????????????????
  17. Dynamite 1

    I received the call, from US Xpress

    Straight trucks are 1.15 plus a fuel surcharge figured on the energy information association formula which she said was .30 didn't get much further than that but she did stress there would be many stops per load paid at 35.00 per stop.
  18. Dynamite 1

    October Banter and Location

    Happy bday ken, you know they say things get better with age. LOL. We are heading to the house for a bit to get some things done. If you come through effingham with extra time holler and we will meet you. On another note , I ran into an old friend in the orientation building yesterday. One...
  19. Dynamite 1

    October Banter and Location

    Not jumping in on this. Just meant sometimes its better to wait and use your resources in other places. That is, till someone decides its time to move your cheese and you don't know who done it. Weather the storm all We will be in the yard in the morning. Bringing one up out of Miami to...
  20. Dynamite 1

    October Banter and Location

    thats exactly right , when its busy you move when its not you learn to be patient. sometimes even the biggest sales force cant get you freight. sometimes its just not there. lots of people talk of moving when it gets slow. thats not the way the game is played. i spoke with someone the other day...