It's a Team's Life


By Kelly Plumb
Posted Feb 19th 2025 8:30AM


Recently, I was invited to join a ladies Bible study group. Now, before you start rolling your eyes thinking that I’m going to get all religious on you just hear me out. I believe that all of the ladies in the group are truck drivers; however, I cannot say for certain. All of the ladies that I know who are in the group are truck drivers. Being invited into this group got me to thinking about how truck drivers (both men and women) form connections in such an isolated industry. There may be some drivers who enjoy the solitude and aloneness of the open road. Sometimes I enjoy the peace and quiet of rolling along with my own thoughts. Other times, I have the need to connect with people.

Where do you fall in the spectrum of solitude or companionship? If you are one who enjoys being by yourself, what do you do to prevent boredom? Have you joined a trucking organization or other group with which you can connect? Do you listen to music or maybe an audio book? I know a team that when either of them is behind the wheel they do not talk on the phone, eat or drink anything or listen to the radio. They want to keep distractions to as little as possible. I think that is great.

Having said that, if I did nothing but drive all day, I would probably fall asleep. Of course, we don’t want that to happen. I will listen to the radio or an audiobook to keep my mind active. On occasion I will take a phone call while I am driving. Of course I am wearing my headset and using a hands-free device. I am doing all that I can to be as safe as possible while still having some sort of connection.

I do have my husband Dave in the truck with me as my co-driver. For those of you who drive solo, how do you do it? I always say that if something happened to Dave where he could no longer driver, I would  come off the road too. I am in awe of all drivers who work alone; however, I have the utmost respect for women who travel the roads both day and night by themselves. You are amazing!

For all of you solo drivers, feel free to reach out if you need a connection. Reach out to a family member or a friend. If you are tired, reach out to get that boost of energy to get you through your shift. If you are lonely, reach out to someone to ease the sadness. Just know that there are others out there who might be in the same situation as you and can relate to you. You are not alone.

Here’s wishing you millions of safe, profitable and CONNECTED miles.

Kelly Plumb