Trucker CFO

Join Trucker CFO at the Expedite Expo for Workshop on Business Planning & Live Radio Remote
It’s hard to believe that 2023 has already moved into the Summer and the arrival of the Expedite Expo is getting closer by the day. At Trucker CFO, our team is looking forward to making the trip to Fort Wayne, Ind., to be a part of an annual event that places a well-deserved spotlight on the expedited sector of the trucking industry. Our Trucker CFO Team has a number of big plans for this year’s Expo and the inaugural Crossroads of America Trucking Show.
First of all, I’m thrilled that Jimmy Mac from RadioNemo will be onsite at the Expo to host an on-air live event with Trucker CFO during the final two hours of the Dave Nemo Show on Friday, July 21. The Dave Nemo Show is heard Monday through Friday on SiriusXM’s Road Dog Trucking Radio Channel 146. I’ll be on the air with Jimmy from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 Eastern time on the 21st. Jimmy and I will be welcoming a great group of successful owner-operators, joining us onsite and sharing their experience as trucking business owners.
On the Saturday of Expedite Expo Weekend, I will be leading one of the informational workshops that have become an important and valued part of the overall Expo program during the last several years. I am very honored to work with On Time Media, founders and host of the Expedite Expo, to develop a workshop that we are calling The Trucker CFO’s Guide To Business Success.
Our workshop session at the Expo will be largely based on a new e-book that I am currently wrapping up with my Trucker CFO Team. In the weeks since the end of tax season, we have been talking to our clients, networking within the industry and doing some deep research on the many aspects of trucking that go beyond accounting and taxes.
Over the past three years, I’ve had the opportunity to develop the Trucker CFO Podcast. Starting in 2021, I began making regular appearances on the Dave Nemo Show and that opportunity has led Trucker CFO to have the opportunity to collaborate on the development of Driving Your Dollars, a regular segment on the Dave Nemo show where we discuss a variety of issues that impact the small business owners and entrepreneurs in this industry.
During my time on our podcast and in my appearances with the RadioNemo Team, I have found that one of the most consistent themes that comes up – no matter the discussion topic – is the value of having a plan. If you are attempting to run a business in any industry, you need to know where you are going and how you are going to get to your desired destination. Now, what I just noted here is the foundation for any trucking operation – the basics that have been a part of pick-ups, routing, covering the miles and deliveries since the first load.
One of the challenges in running a trucking business, especially a smaller operation, is that it can become both easy and necessary to find yourself locked into the daily cycle of planning for the day and addressing the immediate needs of the business rather than being able to step back and look at the bigger picture of steering the direction of your company.
Earlier this year, as readers of our blog here on Expediters Online know, we published our first e-book, The Trucker CFO’s Guide To Tax Season. In addition to covering the wide range of considerations trucking business owners and entrepreneurs needed to have at their fingertips during the 2023 Tax Season, our initial e-book explored a number of points, like your choice of business entity, that went beyond what could help you with your tax filing and tax planning for this year.
The response we received from our Tax Guide – both in the number of downloads of the e-book and the feedback related to the publication – inspired our team to invest the time and effort to develop our upcoming Trucker CFO Guide To Business Success as our next e-book.
With the Guide To Business Success, our goal is to look at the wide range of considerations that impact the business operation of a small trucking company. One of the approaches that we have taken in our research is to look at a trucking business from the perspective of someone who is coming into the industry with very little background or knowledge of trucking. By taking this approach, we have been able to use our extensive experience in the industry to ask the important questions and examine the long list of considerations that need to be addressed as you build a working plan for your trucking business.
We realize that most of the people who launch a business in this industry have a passion for trucking. You understand that trucking is not just a business or an industry. If you are running a small company in this industry, you know that trucking is a way of life. The commitment displayed on a daily basis from America’s trucking entrepreneurs is nothing short of incredible. Your dedication to moving the American economy down the road served as a key inspiration for our Guide To Success e-book.
As every veteran business owner in this industry knows, a consistently successful and profitable trucking operation is more than moving freight from Point A to Point B. That movement is the basic blocking and tackling of trucking – something that has been in place since the industry began. The keys to a successful and profitable trucking business are found in your plans that go beyond addressing the needs of a given day.
Our new e-book and my workshop at the Expo will be focused on looking at the bigger picture of planning and building a successful trucking business. Our discussion onsite at the Expo and throughout our Guide To Success e-book is an effort to take the time and step back from looking at the route for the day or what’s ahead next week. We will be carefully studying the entire road map for the trucking industry. Most importantly, we will be examining the numerous decisions that need to be made in running a trucking business and the routes that are available to take as you work to plan and adapt your operation to meet the needs of today and the future.
We hope that you will make your plans to join us at the Expedite Expo and tune into SiriusXM’s Road Dog Trucking Radio Channel 146 for our live remote on the Dave Nemo Show on the Friday of the Expo.
If you would like to check out our latest podcast releases, blog posts and other news from Trucker CFO, we would invite you to visit our Resources page by clicking here.