Driver Lifestyles

Holidays on the Road
Consider what it may feel like to be, in some cases, thousands of miles away from the ones you love, especially during the holiday season. With Thanksgiving just a few weeks away, there’s still at least another month or so when a lot of our favorite truckers will be spending a considerable amount of time away from home. So, for those of us who are fortunate enough to be able to stay close and near to family during the holidays, let’s pause to think about what those who are over-the-road are going through and grant them our appreciation.
Very Little Home Time
One of the toughest challenges for drivers is a lack of regular home time, which can definitely be a struggle for many truckers. This can be extremely difficult when they have a family that they’d prefer to spend their time with. But even if they happen to be single and simply have other obligations back home, drivers are still dealing with a host of variables that make it difficult to get back home on a regular basis.
An Irregular Schedule
Another challenge truck drivers face is not knowing what their schedule might look like from one week to the next. Their jobs can often vary, both in distance away and time spent on the road. This is especially challenging because the driver doesn’t always know when they’ll exactly be home again. The time on the road can also affect their sleep schedule, and their health can also become a problem when having to schedule important appointments or personal events back home.
About Health Risks
The number of long hours spent sitting in one place or position, like the front seat of a cab, the irregular and offbeat working hours, and the necessity to eat wherever and whenever they possibly can, are just several issues that certainly contribute to health problems for many truckers. Keep in mind that their goal is to make money for a living, but neglecting one’s health can also be a detriment to all on the road.
A Multitude of Regulations
There can be a lot of red tape associated with being a truck driver, and some drivers can become increasingly frustrated with certain regulations that are being placed upon them. Things such as how many hours they can legally drive at a time, and increasingly lofty health restrictions. Although these regulations are certainly necessary, it can be tough if they’re trying to maximize their time on the road in order to earn more money or even just making an attempt to get home sooner.
Irregular Pay
Most trucking companies will pay their drivers by the mile, sometimes a percentage, and with irregular routes it’s not always easy to know exactly what their take-home pay will look like each pay period. It also means that when they’re stuck waiting on things like a traffic slowdown, or anticipating being loaded and unloaded, they aren’t always getting paid while they sit. This, of course, largely depends on the carrier they drive for, but it also bears reminding that patience and understanding is appreciated on all sides.
As you can understand, life as a truck driver is not without its challenges but most of them can be tackled with the right type of understanding and support system. And during the holiday season, it helps to be fully supportive of our trucking community because without them we may not be able to provide the type of holiday our friends and families deserve.