It's a Team's Life
ATRI Detention Survey
The American Trucking Research Institute (ATRI) has put out a survey on Truck Driver Detention experience. This survey is a follow up to the one they did in 2019. The survey covers of course demographics of the person completing the survey. Then asking time spent on detention. If you get paid by your company for detention, when it starts, etc. We did the survey and at the end you can put in your name and email address for a copy of the final study. It will be interesting to review the results.
Driver detention – time spent waiting at shipper or receiver facilities outside of loading/unloading – is a longstanding issue in the trucking industry. Accordingly, ATRI’s Research Advisory Committee (RAC) identified the need for new research to document the widespread negative consequences of driver detention for carriers, truck drivers, shippers, and the economy as a whole.
“Drivers routinely rank detention/delay at customer facilities among their top industry concerns,” said ATRI President Rebecca Brewster. “This research will update our 2019 analysis on detention to see how and if things have changed post-pandemic.”
Truck drivers are encouraged to complete the survey ATRI Driver Detention Survey The survey will remain open through April 26, 2024.
Sandy & Stephen
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