Fuel for Thought

Failure is not an option. As a matter of fact, it should not even be in your vocabulary. I cannot remember the last time I failed. Sure, I have unsuccessful attempts at various tasks over the years, but to me, failure only comes when you are unsuccessful at something and then stop trying new iterations to produce favorable outcomes. If you continue to try new iterations, or a new approach or a new tack, you have not failed, you just have not found the right combination to unlock the desired result you seek.
This can apply to any and everything you do. Whenever you are trying to accomplish anything, if the first attempt does not work do you just give up? No. You find a new way to achieve the outcome you want.
When your truck needs repair and the shop works on it but the problem persists, do you just park the truck and walk away? No. You find another shop to work on it.
If you cannot find loads to meet your needs, do you just quit? No. You find new ways to look at the problem and try different iterations to find a suitable result. You might call on 10 loads to no avail, but maybe the 11th or the 25th call will bear fruit. Perhaps the iteration is not about the rate, but your costs. Maybe the iteration is your equipment, more or newer equipment may be the solution. It could just be a shift in the customer base you are pursuing, a new iteration may uncover customers that value your skills or equipment.
Whenever you begin to think you have failed at something, step back, take an honest look at the situation, make changes where necessary (some changes may be uncomfortable at first), evaluate the result. If you still find the end result unacceptable, try a new iteration. Failure only happens when you stop seeking new avenues to reach your goals.
The hardest part is taking an honest, objective look at your situation. Try looking at it from 30,000 feet rather than up close and personal. You can see so much more when you look at the overall picture rather than just focusing on one or two pixels.
Speaking of pixels, once you find the right iterations to reach your goal(s), then look at the pixels (you already have the big picture mapped out) to fine tune and streamline the new results. Now you are running on instinct and experience, just don’t forget to keep an eye in the sky (from 30,000 feet) so that you are not blindsided by outside sources that could affect you.
Failure should not be an option. Many will fail from lack of perseverance, don’t aspire to be one of the many, be the stand out. Be the weird one. Be the outlier. Be the underdog. Be the success you were meant to be. Participation trophies are for children, do more than participate, be the leader.
*Side note: I don’t think children should have participation trophies either, but this is the world we live in.
Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
- Calvin Coolidge
See you down the road,