Fuel for Thought

Keeping Up With Food

By Eric
Posted Nov 21st 2012 4:42AM

In the spirit of good food, I’m including this one as a primer for the upcoming resolutions people may be making in the new year. The linked Science News article pulls together a number of recent studies that help understand problems people have adapting to modern diets. I won’t try to summarize the article, because there are too many important details.   Try to read the whole article, because it covers different topics. The major breakdown is vegetable fats and artificial sweeteners. Remember to note that some of the studies are only animal studies at this time. Citations are listed at the end. A teaser for those who may need one—vegetable fats and marijuana seem to create similar reactions in the body when metabolized. Ever wonder where the munchies comes from? Thinking twice about that case of diet soda behind the seat? Thinking about all the artificial sweeteners in all those healthy “lite” products?...

