It's a Team's Life

Getting Ready For 2025
Every year around this time of year Stephen spends a day or two getting ready for the new year. This includes starting to wrap up the current year we are in.
He starts to make sure all the receipts for the current year are present and filled correctly by the category they are suppose to be in. You would be surprise to find that he finds many that are in the “wrong” spot. Gee go figure we get in a hurry and just stuff them ins somewhere.
Also, for this year he makes sure that we have all the weekly settlements printed and filled. This also includes the Comdata card activity are printed and filled.
After all of this he starts going through his Excel spreadsheet to check and make sure all expenses, loads, etc. are in his spreadsheet and the “numbers” match. By the way he does this twice once in December and in February or March before he sends them in to our tax preparer. Yes, he has caught mistakes both times he checks.
Another thing he does is starts building out his next year folders (hard and soft copy). This way when receipts come in, they are ready to go. Yes, we have already gotten some receipts for next year. Got the bill in December that payment is due in January.
Next, he starts to build out next years Excel spreadsheets. Yes, you read plural. He has the following sheets: Yearly Grand Total, Loads, Expenses, IFTA and Per Diem.
The Yearly Grand Total has every year “bottom” line. Then a grand total of everything we track. It is interesting to look at these numbers they go back to November 2015 when we started in our current truck.
We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and hoping for a Prosperous 2025.
Sandy & Stephen
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