What's Going on in the US House of Representatives?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If the House Republicans do not modify the rule that any one member can make a motion to vacate the chair, thereby forcing a vote on that question, dysfunction is as likely to prevail under the new speaker as it was under the old.
It will be modified to have more. From a discussion I heard from Rep. Thomas Massie he said it should be at least 5 members.
It’s an antiquated procedure to have just one member be able to make a motion because it was decided on a long time ago with a different political landscape back then.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
House Republicans and All Americans Can be Very Proud

The world was surprised this morning to learn of the massive, highly organized, and surprisingly successful attacks on Israel by Hamas. This has triggered a full-out state of war, the Israeli Prime Minister says.

House Republicans are, to a person, strong supporters of Israel. Today, they can be exceedingly proud that they stand ready, willing, and able to work with the Senate and the other two branches of government to provide whatever support Israel may need. That is, if you overlook the fact that they shut the House down for a full week so they can quibble with other about who their next speaker will be, and without a speaker, they cannot even pretend to do any business of any kind, except to elect a speaker ... and they are doing a poor job at that.

It is being explained to us this morning that this event in Israel equates to our 911. Israelis are stunned and outraged. At this critical moment, House Republicans are powerless to do anything in response to the Hamas attacks because they are a dysfunctional group that cannot keep their own house in order. Any support for Israel they and people who elected them would like to give is neutralized by their collective incompetence.
What exactly would we expect the House to do under normal circumstances? Issue a meaningless condemnation? POTUS controls foreign policy, and Biden has shown nothing but antipathy towards Israel since he took office, while cozying up with Iran (who bankrolls Hamas) and releasing billions of dollars to advance their nuclear program. Hamas was probably emboldened by Biden's weakness and antisemitic attitude. Wonder what the leaders of Taiwan are thinking right about now?


Veteran Expediter
What exactly would we expect the House to do under normal circumstances? Issue a meaningless condemnation? POTUS controls foreign policy, and Biden has shown nothing but antipathy towards Israel since he took office, while cozying up with Iran (who bankrolls Hamas) and releasing billions of dollars to advance their nuclear program. Hamas was probably emboldened by Biden's weakness and antisemitic attitude. Wonder what the leaders of Taiwan are thinking right about now?

... probably that they're darn glad it's Biden in office ... rather than Donald "Cofefe" Trump ...

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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
House Republicans and All Americans Can be Very Proud
Additionally, over in the Senate, Republicans, are holding up the appointment of 300 senior Pentagon officials and the next Ambassador to Israel. They could overrule Tuberville in an instant if they wanted to. They are content to sit on the appointments instead.
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
It will be modified to have more. From a discussion I heard from Rep. Thomas Massie he said it should be at least 5 members.
It’s an antiquated procedure to have just one member be able to make a motion because it was decided on a long time ago with a different political landscape back then.
It would be wise to do that, but can they pull it off? Also, the current rule was only recently adopted, back when it took 15 votes to seat McCarthy as chair. That newly adopted rule was part of the deal McCarthy made to win the seat. I don't know about the antiquated history part. In any event, it does not matter. The House Republicans put the rule in place and they're stuck with it until they can get enough votes together to change it.
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Retired Expediter
What exactly would we expect the House to do under normal circumstances?
I think it would be nice if the House remained in session when they are expected to. It would also be nice if they arranged for a successor speaker before booting the last one. And it would be nice if the House could pass a budget bill that does more than keep the entire US government open for 45 days.

In other words, it would be nice if they did the job they were elected to do instead of bring the institution to a halt because they cannot agree on someone to serve as speaker.

This is especially desirable as Israel reels from a totally unexpected attack, an attack that is so destabilizing that nations worldwide are reviewing their positions regarding Israel after what is being called Israel's 911. Just as much changed in the US and worldwide after our 911, much will change in Israel and worldwide after these attacks.

At a time when much of great consequence is in flux worldwide, it would be nice if House Republicans could get their s_ _ t together enough to at least give the world a sense that the US government is functional.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I think it would be nice if the House remained in session when they are expected to. It would also be nice if they arranged for a successor speaker before booting the last one. And it would be nice if the House could pass a budget bill that does more than keep the entire US government open for 45 days.
In other words, it would be nice if they did the job they were elected to do instead of bring the institution to a halt because they cannot agree on someone to serve as speaker.
Enthusiastically agreed!
At a time when much of great consequence is in flux worldwide, it would be nice if House Republicans could get their s_ _ t together enough to at least give the world a sense that the US government is functional.
This temporary squabble within the US House has no relevance to the overall functionality of the US government. Both the House and Senate take recesses and vacations on a regular basis all the time and no one notices. It's not just the 8 renegade Republicans that are to blame for the House situation; as usual, every Democrat voted to oust McCarthy without any consideration to the consequences of removing a Speaker at that moment, under those circumstances. We should have a new Speaker in place along with some needed rules changes by the end of the week.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
We should have a new Speaker in place along with some needed rules changes by the end of the week.
This is not exactly a sign of Republican House member unity. When faced with a choice between McCarthy and Jordan, and given the urgency created by the new war in Israel, might the Democrats reverse themselves to work with the so-called centrist Republicans to reinstate McCarthy as speaker? That would be really weird, but I would not rule it out.

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Veteran Expediter
It's not just the 8 renegade Republicans that are to blame for the House situation; as usual, every Democrat voted to oust McCarthy without any consideration to the consequences of removing a Speaker at that moment, under those circumstances.

That's part and partial and literally the definition of being the opposition party.

What ... are you expecting that the Republicans would support Hakim Jefferies if the roles were reversed and he were speaker that had been ousted rather than McCarthy ?

Good luck selling that cray cray ...


We should have a new Speaker in place along with some needed rules changes by the end of the week.

Possible ... but it sure sounds like more hopeful wish casting to me.

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Veteran Expediter
This is not exactly a sign of Republican House member unity. When faced with a choice between McCarthy and Jordan, and given the urgency created by the new war in Israel, might the Democrats reverse themselves to work with the so-called centrist Republicans to reinstate McCarthy as speaker? That would be really weird, but I would not rule it out.

The Democrats would need to extract heavy concessions from the Republicans as the price for their support for his reinstating speakership.
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
The Democrats would need to extract heavy concessions from the Republicans as the price for their support for his reinstating speakership.
McCarthy may be delighted to give them the concessions they seek.
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Retired Expediter
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
A hundred billion more to Ukraine (at least) and more to money for Israel will be their carrot on a stick.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
About That Motion to Vacate

Dysfunction is as dysfunction does.

"Some are intent on changing the rule, known as a “motion to vacate,” so a handful of House Republicans can never again join with the minority to force a Speaker out and throw the House into chaos. But others who fought for the single-member threshold are defending it." (Source)
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Is This the Core Issue? Is it as Simple as That?

And, Is This an Accurate Characterization?


If this is not an accurate characterization, how else is the empty Speaker's chair explained?
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
And, Is This an Accurate Characterization?
It this is not an accurate characterization, how else is the empty Speaker's chair explained?
McCarthy made a mistake by allowing the passage of a vacate the speaker's chain rule by one member, appeasing the bomb thrower Gaetz. Let's not forget Pelosi encouraged this by promising to support him, then reneged. Now we're watching DC sausage-making as the House Republicans go through the nomination process for a new speaker. The pressure is on for them to have one in place by week's end, and most of Gaetz group will likely come to their senses or risk reelection in some of their districts.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We can always depend on the Democrats to vote as a block and hardly ever criticize fellow members regardless of their outrageous behavior or statements. The Squad comprised of Socialist Democrats includes Rep. Talib, who has the Palestinian flag proudly displayed in front of her office in spite of the recent Hamas attacks in Israeli civilians. Crickets from other Democrats.

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Veteran Expediter

Yeah no ... it actually is.


McCarthy made a mistake by allowing the passage of a vacate the speaker's chain rule by one member, appeasing the bomb thrower Gaetz.

True dat ...

Let's not forget Pelosi encouraged this by promising to support him, then reneged.

Nope - wrong again.

Amazing how some can be so misinformed.


Pelosi isn't the minority leader, the only thing she could promise Kev was her own personal support.

And Pelosi wasn't even there to vote - she was CA for Senator Feinstein's funeral.

It was McCarthy's choice as to when to schedule the vote.

Unfortunately, Kev made a bad decision ... something he has a habit of doing.

Along with the rest of his party.

Now we're watching DC sausage-making as the House Republicans go through the nomination process for a new speaker. The pressure is on for them to have one in place by week's end, and most of Gaetz group will likely come to their senses or risk reelection in some of their districts.

Buckle up.

The MAGAt's love them some CHAOS !!!

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