What's Going on in the US House of Representatives?


Veteran Expediter
That this latest installment of "The-Leopard-Eating-People's-Faces-Party" actually eating peoples faces could be so immensely entertaining ...

Who knew ?



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
"We wake up today to a Republican Party in disarray, bitterly divided, at war with itself, and seemingly shocked that nurturing and appeasing its lunatic fringe could end this badly."

Charlie Sykes
And to think, there are some on the right that actually applaud and endorse what has happened.
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Veteran Expediter
McCarthy thought Pelosi would deliver Dem votes to protect him from being ousted. She told him he would be protected.

Says WHO ?

McCarthy ... the guy who the radicals just had canned because they claim he's a liar ?

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Retired Expediter
US House Function v. Dysfunction

In recent news about the US House of Representatives, the word "chaos" is frequently used. I don't think it is quite as bad as that. Yes, the Republican majority is having a leadership crisis at the moment. They allowed just 8 of their own to work with Democrats to oust their Republican speaker, and they have no alternative to replace him. Consequently, they literally shut the place down for a full week in an attempt to produce a new speaker. The hope is they will quickly elect a new speaker so the house can get back to business.

"Chaos" is too strong of a word because the House is not in chaos. The House's rules remain intact and people are following them. When the seat went vacant, everyone immediately knew who the Speaker Pro Tempore is and what his powers and responsibilities are. He is following the rules and everyone is abiding by his directives. The process by which a new speaker will be elected is known and agreed to.

This is not a chaos v. order thing. The House has not descended into chaos. It is a function v. dysfunction thing. The US House functions well or it does not. Clearly, it is not functioning well today. Because the Speaker Pro Tempore's powers are strictly limited, the House could not quickly respond if a true national emergency developed. Because the majority cannot quickly produce a new speaker, the House is in an unplanned recess, and it cannot attend to other business of any kind.

In our system of government, there are certain things the US House, and only the US House can do. It cannot do those things at present because of a leadership crisis of the House's own making. While the House is not in chaos, it is dysfunctional.

Except to those who want to destroy our system of constitutional government, a dysfunctional House is unacceptable. So the question at hand is, how do we make the House functional again? As citizens and voters, what do we tell our US Representatives?
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
US House Function v. Dysfunction

In recent news about the US House of Representatives, the word "chaos" is frequently used. I don't think it is quite as bad as that. Yes, the Republican majority is having a leadership crisis at the moment. They allowed just 8 of their own to work with Democrats to oust their Republican speaker, and they have no alternative to replace him. Consequently, they literally shut the place down for a full week in an attempt to produce a new speaker. The hope is they will quickly elect a new speaker so the house can get back to business.

"Chaos" is too strong of a word because the House is not in chaos. The House's rules remain intact and people are following them. When the seat went vacant, everyone immediately knew who the Speaker Pro Tempore is and what his powers and responsibilities are. He is following the rules and everyone is abiding by his directives. The process by which a new speaker will be elected is known and agreed to.

This is not a chaos v. order thing. The House has not descended into chaos. It is a function v. dysfunction thing. The US House functions well or it does not. Clearly, it is not functioning well today. Because the Speaker Pro Tempore's powers are strictly limited, the House could not quickly respond if a true national emergency developed. Because the majority cannot quickly produce a new speaker, the House is in an unplanned recess, and it cannot attend to other business of any kind.

In our system of government, there are certain things the US House, and only the US House can do. It cannot do those things at present because of a leadership crisis of the House's own making. While the House is not in chaos, it is dysfunctional.

Except to those who want to destroy our system of constitutional government, a dysfunctional House is unacceptable. So the question at hand is, how do we make the House functional again? As citizens and voters, what do we tell our US Representatives?
Continuing Resolutions forever until the next enormous omnibus and adding trillions to the debt with no end in sight, is that the answer? Is that functional?


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
If Your George Santos, You Know You're in Trouble When ...

your campaign treasurer makes a plea deal that includes 3.5-4.0 years in prison. This leaves little doubt that Santos himself has a room waiting for him in the Gray Bar Hotel. The man is going to prison (if he does not flee to Brazil or some other country).

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Veteran Expediter
If Your George Santos, You Know You're in Trouble When ...

your campaign treasurer makes a plea deal that includes 3.5-4.0 years in prison. This leaves little doubt that Santos himself has a room waiting for him in the Gray Bar Hotel. The man is going to prison (if he does not flee to Brazil or some other country).

From the story it sounds like Santos committed fraud ... which seems to becoming a regular "feature" (or prerequisite ?) for Republican candidates.

  • Haha
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Jim Jordan or Steve Scalise have both been nominated, and either one would be a good Speaker. No matter which one wins, the Republicans need to get the vote done quickly. On a side note, Patrick McHenry - the Speaker Pro Tem - kicked former Speaker Nancy Pelosi out of her luxury office suite on his first day in the position. Hopefully that's a sign that his party has learned playing nice with Democrats is a losing proposition.



Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Jim Jordan or Steve Scalise have both been nominated, and either one would be a good Speaker. No matter which one wins, the Republicans need to get the vote done quickly. On a side note, Patrick McHenry - the Speaker Pro Tem - kicked former Speaker Nancy Pelosi out of her luxury office suite on his first day in the position. Hopefully that's a sign that his party has learned playing nice with Democrats is a losing proposition.

If the House Republicans do not modify the rule that any one member can make a motion to vacate the chair, thereby forcing a vote on that question, dysfunction is as likely to prevail under the new speaker as it was under the old.


Veteran Expediter
Jim Jordan or Steve Scalise have both been nominated, and either one would be a good Speaker.

For some, anyone able to fog a mirror and with an "R" behind their name would be a "good Speaker".

Desperate times ... and all that.

In the meantime, the dysfunction and the inability of the R's to govern is being showcased for the entire country ... and indeed the world.


No matter which one wins, the Republicans need to get the vote done quickly.

Might not go quite as quickly as some are hoping.


On a side note, Patrick McHenry - the Speaker Pro Tem - kicked former Speaker Nancy Pelosi out of her luxury office suite on his first day in the position.

It was an act of retribution ... for not bailing McCarthy out of his own stupidity ... and Pelosi wasn't the only one targeted.

It's a sign of weakness.


Hopefully that's a sign that his party has learned playing nice with Democrats is a losing proposition.

Be sure to let us know how that works out for the Repuglicants in the future ...



Senior Member
Retired Expediter
House Republicans and All Americans Can be Very Proud

The world was surprised this morning to learn of the massive, highly organized, and surprisingly successful attacks on Israel by Hamas. This has triggered a full-out state of war, the Israeli Prime Minister says.

House Republicans are, to a person, strong supporters of Israel. Today, they can be exceedingly proud that they stand ready, willing, and able to work with the Senate and the other two branches of government to provide whatever support Israel may need. That is, if you overlook the fact that they shut the House down for a full week so they can quibble with other about who their next speaker will be, and without a speaker, they cannot even pretend to do any business of any kind, except to elect a speaker ... and they are doing a poor job at that.

It is being explained to us this morning that this event in Israel equates to our 911. Israelis are stunned and outraged. At this critical moment, House Republicans are powerless to do anything in response to the Hamas attacks because they are a dysfunctional group that cannot keep their own house in order. Any support for Israel they and people who elected them would like to give is neutralized by their collective incompetence.
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