What's Going on in the US House of Representatives?


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Even Trump is frustrated with the House Republicans. But he's not defending his buddy McCarthy as the House is about to vote him out of his Speaker seat.

Will the next speaker be as responsive to Trump as McCarthy was? That Trump loyalty did not seem to do McCarthy much good, did it? Will Republicans even care any more who Trump endorses for speaker?

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History Made Today: US House Ousts its Speaker

The US House passed a resolution to vacate the Speaker's chair today on a 216-210 vote. Eight Republicans voted with Democrats to remove Kevin McCarthy from the speakership. The Republicans were: Andy Biggs, Ken Buck, Tim Burchett, Eli Crane, Matt Gaetz, Bob Good, Nancy Mace and Matt Rosendale.

No House speaker has ever before been ousted through the passage of a resolution to remove them.

McCarthy had the shortest speakership since Michael C. Kerr in 1876.
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Can the House Republicans Govern?

It took House Republicans 15 ballots to elect Speaker McCarthy and they could not keep him office very long. They recently tried to pass a budget bill but the best they could come up with was a 45 day continuing resolution. Now they have a vacant speaker's seat with no clear successor in view. I could go on but you get the idea.

It's a logical question to ask these days. Can the House Republicans govern?
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Veteran Expediter
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Even Trump is frustrated with the House Republicans. But he's not defending his buddy McCarthy as the House is about to vote him out of his Speaker seat.

Will the next speaker be as responsive to Trump as McCarthy was? That Trump loyalty did not seem to do McCarthy much good, did it? Will Republicans even care any more who Trump endorses for speaker?

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Can the House Republicans Govern?
It's a logical question to ask these days. Can the House Republicans govern?
I asked this question earlier today. Tonight, after certain House Republicans worked with Democrats to oust their Republican speaker, after it became evident no successor Speaker is immediately in view, and after the Republicans recessed (shut down) the House for a full week so they could go home, the answer is clear.

No. The House Republicans cannot govern. They have the majority, but they cannot govern.


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Fantasy Scenario (or Not)

Rational Republicans, maybe some from the 18 districts which Joe Biden won in 2020, decide they have had enough of the clown show the crazy-caucus Republicans have delivered. They tell the crazies "F You!" And they join in a power sharing arrangement in which Democrat Jeffries is elected as Speaker, and the rational Republicans get some of the key committee seats in return.

The House rules can then be modified to wring out some of the dysfunction the crazies wove into the system, and the country is better represented and better off.

The other scenario is the Republicans end their internal civil war and agree on a speaker acceptable to all 218 Republicans and they elect him/her on the first ballot.

Yet another scenario is the Republicans advance a speaker candidate who is acceptable to most Republicans and elected with help from the Democrats. That candidate, open to bipartisan work, gives Democrats some concessions in return for their support.
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If You Were a Political Strategist ...

If you were a political strategist hired to help the Democrats win the US House in 2024, is there anything you can suggest that would be more effective than what the Republicans are doing now?

You gotta admit, they're doing an amazing job of seizing the national news spotlight to show every American voter they can't govern. They can't even keep the House open to try to do the people's business. And they're doing this for free. The Democrats don't have to pay a single cent on political ads or opposition research to discredit their opponents.
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Veteran Expediter
History Made Today: US House Ousts its Speaker

The US House passed a resolution to vacate the Speaker's chair today on a 216-210 vote. Eight Republicans voted with Democrats to remove Kevin McCarthy from the speakership. The Republicans were: Andy Biggs, Ken Buck, Tim Burchett, Eli Crane, Matt Gaetz, Bob Good, Nancy Mace and Matt Rosendale.

No House speaker has ever before been ousted through the passage of a resolution to remove them.

McCarthy had the shortest speakership since Michael C. Kerr in 1876.

Scaramucci says McCarthy only lasted 24.5 Scaramuccis ...

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Veteran Expediter
Can the House Republicans Govern?

It took House Republicans 15 ballots to elect Speaker McCarthy and they could not keep him office very long. They recently tried to pass a budget bill but the best they could come up with was a 45 day continuing resolution. Now they have a vacant speaker's seat with no clear successor in view. I could go on but you get the idea.

It's a logical question to ask these days. Can the House Republicans govern?

Short answer ?


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Why Matt Gaetz moved to oust Kevin McCarthy​

Governor Gaetz perhaps?...
If he becomes governor here in Florida I will have to pack up and move, Desantis is bad enough but this moron????


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If he becomes governor here in Florida I will have to pack up and move, Desantis is bad enough but this moron????
Note that Gaetz has almost zero Republican support in ousting McCarthy. He exploited a dysfunctional rule (one person can move to vacate the chair) and joined with Democrats to do that. Florida Democrats will not be available to help Gaetz win the governor's office, and Gaetz has made a lot of Republican enemies.

There are 28 US House districts in FL. Republicans hold 20 of them. Of the 20, Gaetz was the only Republican to vote to oust McCarthy. McCarthy was Trump's boy in the US House. He is unlikely to be pleased with Gaetz for running him out. While Gaetz has the ability to rile up and feed off the MAGA base by being an extreme nut case, he has few friends among Florida Republican Party leaders. DeSantis is no Gaetz fan either. Gaetz was not charged with in the sex-trafficking investigation the DOJ dropped but his immoral behavior is well known and not denied by Gatez. A credible and competent candidate for governor should be able to make short work of Gaetz if Gaetz decides to run. He may well decide to run. His MAGA worshipers will give him lots of attention and send him a lot of money.

Be patient. I found this analysis to be informative:

"The MAGA movement is simply unsustainable. It cannot help but destroy everything it touches. Right now, it's the GOP they're ripping apart. But eventually, this urge to ruin everything will take out their own movement. (Hopefully sooner rather than later!) Taking out McCarthy, even though he's been an ass-kissing MAGA loyalist, illustrates this reality.

"There are many flavors of fascism, and MAGA is an especially nihilistic one. The right-wing media ecosystem rewards trolling above all else — especially over intra-party unity. In a competition for attention, adoration, and donations from the MAGA base, the quickest and surest route is to become a Joker-like chaos agent. MAGA loves a bad guy because it lets them pretend they're "rebels" who are "taking on the system." In reality, they are locusts swarming a field until nothing is left.

"That is why the MAGA movement is so prone to self-destruction. They're all competing with each other in an endless purity contest to win the Most MAGA prize. That may be good for individual brands of politicians like Gaetz, but, as was seen this week, it seriously damages the party's ability to stick together."
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"We wake up today to a Republican Party in disarray, bitterly divided, at war with itself, and seemingly shocked that nurturing and appeasing its lunatic fringe could end this badly."

Charlie Sykes
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