What's Going on in the US House of Representatives?


Veteran Expediter

The MAGA "Legal Brain Trust":



Habba - who along with Trump - was just laughed out of court says the Menendez indictment is "fake news" ...



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Retired Expediter
Impeachment Inquiry

I have not been following the news about the impeachment inquiry currently going on in the House Oversight Committed, but I saw a report that two of the witnesses the GOP called said there was not enough evidence or not enough information to say Biden should be impeached.

Is that true?
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Impeachment Inquiry

I have not been following the news about the impeachment inquiry currently going on in the House Oversight Committed, but I saw a report that two of the witnesses the GOP called said there was not enough evidence or not enough information to say Biden should be impeached.

Is that true?
That's what is being reported....
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Retired Expediter


Veteran Expediter
Glad I'm not putting time into following this story.

Same here - although I have caught enough coverage of it to get a flavor.

Doesn't sound like it's going too well for the Republicans.


No point in trying to understand crazy.


However there is a point in understanding just how the crazy makes the Republican Party incapable of actual governance.

Hopefully the American People are paying attention ... and will vote accordingly in the upcoming elections.

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Same here - although I have caught enough coverage of it to get a flavor.

Doesn't sound like it's going too well for the Republicans.



However there is a point in understanding just how the crazy makes the Republican Party incapable of actual governance.

Hopefully the American People are paying attention ... and will vote accordingly in the upcoming elections.

I'm waiting to see how our MAGA friends spin this.
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Veteran Expediter
How do you spin a quarter of a million dollars wired to Joe Biden’s house from a Chinese foreign national?

Pretty sure bank wires don't actually go directly to people's homes ...

Mine come into and go out of my bank accounts.

Mebbe if one has no experience with such things then brush up on how they actually work ?



Senior Member
Retired Expediter
I do not expect a government shutdown. I expect rational Republicans will join with Democrats at the last moment to pass a budget bill.
Exactly as I expected. No shutdown.

It's sad that expectations of Congress are so low that people count it as a victory when the government continues to run day-to-day.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Bowman should be arrested, tried, convicted and punished just as any person would be who did the same thing. Then he should be fired and removed from office.

ETA Corrected post to be clear even to those too challenged to comprehend meaning from context.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
He should be arrested, tried, convicted and punished just as any person would be who did the same thing. Then he should be fired and removed from office.
You're right.... Santos should be arrested, tried, and convicted.
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Retired Expediter
Is Matt Gaetz Overplaying His Hand?

Gaetz announced Sunday his plan to make a motion to vacate the US House Speaker's chair. If the resolution passes on a majority vote, McCarthy is out as speaker and the House will need to elect a replacement.

I'm hoping House Republicans use this opportunity to put the crazy caucus a/k/a the chaos caucus in their place. If Republicans are willing to work in a bipartisan way with Democrats to actually govern, they can easily sideline that caucus and fade the dysfunctional taint the crazies have given to all House Republicans. By cooperating with the Democrats, like they just did to keep the government from shutting down, House Republicans can soundly defeat the motion to vacate and thereby let the toxic noisemakers know they don't matter anymore.

On the other hand, the Democrats could vote to vacate and thereby oust McCarthy. That would force Republicans to pick a new speaker and possibly treat America to more popcorn moments like they did the last time they picked a speaker. That public message would be loud and clear. The Republicans can't govern. That message would come in very handy on the campaign trail as 2024 approaches.

There is a rule in politics that says never interrupt your opponent when he is busy hurting himself.

Will the Democrats follow that rule, oust McCarthy and let the Republicans further implode? Or will they instead side with the more rational House Republicans in an attempt to better govern? If they do that, you can be sure they will extract a price from McCarthy for helping him save his seat.

Either way, Gaetz's plan to oust McCarthy is a huge gift to the Democrats. By putting the Speaker's seat in play this morning, Gaetz gave the House Democrats have massive leverage they did not have last night. I imagine House Minority Leader Jeffries jumped from his chair to do a happy dance when he saw Gaetz announce his plans on CNN this morning.

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The “more rational republicans” and Democrats. The ones that want to send endless amounts of money to Ukraine.