What's Going on in the US House of Representatives?


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Trump's Endorsed Candidate for Speaker Rejected by House Republicans

Trump endorsed Jordan for Speaker and Jordan lost in a two-way race in which the only voters were House Republicans. That's an interesting development. I'm not going to read more into this than is there, but it's a development worth noting, that's for sure.

I wonder how Trump will explain that embarrassing defeat away. Who will he blame?

I laughed when I saw one commenter write, "[Trump's} grip over the Republican Party is eroding faster than his net worth."

An additional item to note is this was a secret ballot. Maybe these Republicans are brave in the dark but frightened of Trump in the daylight.
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Previously Planned Vote for House Speaker is Put Off

This is no surprise. Only four Republicans need to withhold their vote for Speaker to keep anyone from filling the seat. The Chaos Caucus still rules. The only way out of this is for rational Republicans to say enough is enough, and to cooperate with Democrats to silence the crazies. That would likely mean a power sharing agreement of some sort.

At present, that seems to be the Republican's best move. The way things are, they have no power at all, and they continue to prove to voters nationwide that in the US House, Republicans can't govern ... literally, they cannot govern.

MSNBC: There will not be a vote for speaker on the House floor at 3 p.m. today as was previously planned, four sources tell NBC News. It is unclear whether there could be a vote later today or another day. Republicans are trying to avoid a protracted floor vote like what occurred in January.
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Veteran Expediter
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DeSantis won Florida by almost 20 points. Florida is a red state and has a lot of MAGA in it. MAGA likes Gaetz. He has at least an even chance of winning the governorship.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It's not silly that the Republican House caucus cannot govern. It's sad.
Maybe a good thing right now that there is a delay. Biden wants another 100 billion ( at least) for Ukraine. Not happening.
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Veteran Expediter
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In your dreams.
Gaetz must be at the Trump speech in Florida. He just announced him and got a large applause. He probably would get Trump’s endorsement, which helped DeSantis get the republican primary win and ultimately his win as Florida governor.
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Retired Expediter
Gaetz must be at the Trump speech in Florida. He just announced him and got a large applause. He probably would get Trump’s endorsement, which helped DeSantis get the republican primary win and ultimately his win as Florida governor.
Jordan just received Trump's endorsement in the all-Republican US House caucus and he lost big. Trump critics did not say this before but they are saying it now, after Trump has been criminally indicted and is the defendant in six trials. The Trump endorsement is not the asset it once was. They say it has become the kiss of death. I realize no Trump supporter will accept that from Trump critics, but it is a shift. They did not say that before. They are saying it now. How do they know it is the kiss of death? Witness Jim Jordan.

You can disagree and point to Trump's 2022 endorsement win rate, but that was a political eon ago. Trump is a criminal defendant now and he holds less sway. How do I now he holds less sway? Witness Jim Jordan. If the Trump endorsement means nothing among stalwart Republican House members, what will it mean to the voters who elected those Republicans?

We do not know Gaetz will actually run for governor. If he does, he will certainly have credible primary opponents, one or more of which will be backed by DeSantis. When Florida Republicans are considering a Trump-endorsed Gaetz and other candidates who are more credible, the Trump endorsement may not mean much at all.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Jordan just received Trump's endorsement in the all-Republican US House caucus and he lost big. Trump critics did not say this before but they are saying it now, after Trump has been criminally indicted and is the defendant in six trials. The Trump endorsement is not the asset it once was. They say it has become the kiss of death. I realize no Trump supporter will accept that from Trump critics, but it is a shift. They did not say that before. They are saying it now. How do they know it is the kiss of death? Witness Jim Jordan.

You can disagree and point to Trump's 2022 endorsement win rate, but that was a political eon ago. Trump is a criminal defendant now and he holds less sway. How do I now he holds less sway? Witness Jim Jordan.

We do not know Gaetz will actually run for governor. If he does, he will certainly have credible primary opponents, one or more of which will be backed by DeSantis. When Florida Republicans are considering a Trump-endorsed Gaetz and other candidates who are more credible, the Trump endorsement may not mean much at all.
This has a lot to do with Ukraine money. MAGA wants to close off the spigot. Too many Republicans still want to send money there and Scalise was McCarthy’s right hand man.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Scalise won the caucus vote and he still can't get enough votes to secure the Speaker's seat. Kinda crazy, huh? The best the Republicans can do is elect someone they can't elect.
Dems will have to vote for him or enough of them not to show up if it comes to a floor vote.
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Retired Expediter
The House Republicans are Incapacitated

This morning's news shows House Republicans are still incapacitated.
  • They fired their House speaker with no replacement in mind.
  • Because of internal bickering, they cannot pull together enough votes to elect a new speaker to allow the House to function again.
  • Because they put party ahead of country, they will not work with Democrats to elect a new speaker.
  • The Band-Aid budget resolution they recently passed is counting down to the next government shutdown threat on Nov 17.
  • They have done NOTHING to address the looming shutdown threat.
  • As a body, they are incapable of responding in any way to the new war in Israel.
  • They seem to care more about internal tribalism than maintaining or expanding their razor-thin majority in 2024.
  • They are showing no path forward to get themselves out of this mess.
  • There is a tiny "chaos caucus" within the larger Republican caucus that does not want government to work. The chaos caucus is winning, and all other House Republicans are letting that happen.
Republican House members cannot govern. How do I know that? They are not governing. They act instead to shut down the House of Representatives and keep it shut down.

It will be up to the voters to throw these abysmal failures out with the trash on Election Day, 2024.
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