Veteran Expediter
Yea I mean the jan 6th commission is so left leaning that even the Republicans on said committee are leaning very left.
Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger ... "left leaning" ...
Yea I mean the jan 6th commission is so left leaning that even the Republicans on said committee are leaning very left.
I only brought up the Whitmer case to give an example about informants infiltrating into groups, organizations, and gatherings.
News reports say they were there in the BLM riots in Portland last year. We know there was a heavy amount in the Whitmer case as well. It wouldn’t be a stretch to acknowledge that the Jan6 gathering/protest/riot included them too.
Then it would be about analyzing the video about actions done by people( using the doj’s current shock and awe criteria) and ask questions about why certain individuals haven’t been charged with actions that they’re similarly charging others with. Epps, scaffold guy, etc. appear to protected.
The issue though isn’t whether there should be informants infiltration but the actions of them and whether they broke the law themselves or instigated, concocted, pushed people to break the law.
But regarding the Witmer case, OOF…do they have problems with their lead guy:
More like Democrat equivalent TDS.Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger ... "left leaning" ...
The news report mentioned in the video said that he was.
The Detroit News also refers to him as central.
As well as other news reports. I guess they’re spinning too.
More like Democrat equivalent TDS.
You’re grasping. Just take L.The article you linked said he was one of their lead guys.
R-I-F (reading is fundamental ... spin not so much ...)
So what does that have to do with whether or not he is their "lead" guy ? (singular, as in there was only one)
Here's an article from MLIve where he is referred to as "a lead agent" ... not "THE lead agent":
Ex-FBI agent tied to Whitmer kidnapping investigation pleads to aggravated assault of wife
Dunno ... haven't read those articles.
Yup leaning almost as far left as aoc and the squad.Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger ... "left leaning" ...
Your full of it.....Biden is more of a danger to us than trump....trump was at least respected by other nations....Biden is looked on as well a fool.Trump is a present and ongoing threat to the United States of America.
Fortunately, his influence is waning ... as evidenced by a variety of indicators.
Unfortunately, cleaning up the mess he left will probably take a generation.
You’re grasping.
Just take L.
Your full of it.....
Biden is more of a danger to us than trump....
trump was at least respected by other nations....
Biden is looked on as well a fool.
Right wing crazies....far better than your left wing crazies that like to set everything on fire.
Now wait a min he was blocked from Facebook and Twitter plus most of the main stream news....but you all say he should have been out on tv and such saying to stop.....you real are full of p o o p .I understand that the Jan 6th Committee plans to obtain the full video from that day.
Apparently, he had to do multiple takes (why it took him so long to issue a statement) ... because he kept saying stuff that was inappropriate and wouldn't have defused the situation and his advisors kept making him do it over and over.
Those out takes should exist ... since they are part of the Presidential records of the Administration.
Should be very interesting.
Those pesky facts.Now wait a min he was blocked from Facebook and Twitter plus most of the main stream news....but you all say he should have been out on tv and such saying to stop.....you real are full of p o o p .
He got a recording out 45 mins after the crap hit the fan.....when the media doesn't back you how did you expect him to calm everyone down?
Multiple news outlets said he led the investigation. The video of the news report that I linked stated 8 seconds in to it that he led the investigation and later on it said his signature was on the charging document.I'm not the one desperately mischaracterizing what was stated in the article that I (you) linked ... in an effort to minimize - yet again - the potentially violent plans of a bunch of rightwing crazies.
You should.
The first rioter entered through a broken window at 2:12PM. Trump's first tweet calling for peaceful demonstrations went out at 2:38PM.Those pesky facts.
Now wait a min he was blocked from Facebook and Twitter plus most of the main stream news....
but you all say he should have been out on tv and such saying to stop.....you real are full of p o o p .
He got a recording out 45 mins after the crap hit the fan.....
Trump was in the West Wing of the White House at the time of the attack.[325] He was "initially pleased" and refused to intercede when his supporters breached the Capitol.[326] Staffers reported that Trump had been "impossible to talk to throughout the day".[327] Concerned that Trump may have committed treason through his actions, White House Counsel Pat Cipollone reportedly advised administration officials to avoid contact with Trump and ignore any illegal orders that could further incite the attack to limit their prosecutorial liability under the Sedition Act of 1918.[328]
Shortly after 2:00 p.m. EST, as the riot was ongoing and after Senators had been evacuated, Trump placed calls to Republican senators (first Mike Lee of Utah, then Tommy Tuberville of Alabama), asking them to make more objections to the counting of the electoral votes to try to overturn the election.[264] At 2:47 p.m., as his supporters violently clashed with police at the Capitol, Trump tweeted, "Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!"[329] The Washington Post later reported that Trump did not want to include the words "stay peaceful".[330] Pence was evacuated by the Secret Service from the Senate chamber around 2:13.[264][331]
During the riot, Chief of Staff Mark Meadows received messages from Donald Trump Jr., as well as Fox News hosts Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Brian Kilmeade, urging him to tell Trump to condemn the mayhem at the risk of his reputation.[332] By 3:10, pressure was building on Trump to condemn supporters engaged in the riots. By 3:25, Trump tweeted, "I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue", but he refused to call upon the crowd to disperse.[329] By 3:40, several congressional Republicans called upon Trump to more specifically condemn violence and to tell his supporters to end the occupation of the Capitol.[333][334]
By 3:50 p.m., White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said the National Guard and "other federal protective services" had been deployed.[329] At 4:06 p.m. on national television, President-elect Biden called for President Trump to end the riot. At 4:22 p.m., Trump issued a video message on social media that Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube later took down. In it, he praised his supporters and repeated his claims of electoral fraud.[62][329] At 6:25 p.m., Trump tweeted: "These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long" and then issued a call: "Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!"[63][329][335] At 7:00, Rudy Giuliani placed a second call to Lee's number and left a voicemail intended for Tuberville urging him to make more objections to the electoral votes as part of a bid "to try to just slow it down".[264]
when the media doesn't back you how did you expect him to calm everyone down?