The Trump Card...


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Retired Expediter
Fake news hoax like “fine people on both sides” hoax.
Trump's "both sides" quote is on film and widely reported. So too with JD Vance's statement that he does not regret spreading baseless rumors. These are video-documented, accurate, quotes. Yet you call it "fake news hoax."

The truth means nothing to you, does it. It's only about what you can get others to believe. To that end, an alternative fact is as good as a real one.

The problem with that is reality always gets its way. The truth always comes out. You can stand in the rain and say it's a sunny day, but in the end, you're the one who gets wet.

I think that's part of the reason so many MAGA people are pissed off so much of the time. They buy into lies and reality keeps slapping them in the face.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Trump's "both sides" quote is on film and widely reported. So too with JD Vance's statement that he does not regret spreading baseless rumors. These are video-documented, accurate, quotes. Yet you call it "fake news hoax."

The truth means nothing to you, does it. It's only about what you can get others to believe. To that end, an alternative fact is as good as a real one.

The problem with that is reality always gets its way. The truth always comes out. You can stand in the rain and say it's a sunny day, but in the end, you're the one who gets wet.

I think that's part of the reason so many MAGA people are pissed off so much of the time. They buy into lies and reality keeps slapping them in the face.
Exactly, its true because Trump said it. That is the true meaning of Trump derangement syndrome.....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Trump's "both sides" quote is on film and widely reported.
It sure is, and it takes about 2 minutes to find sources that show the complete transcript that debunks the "both sides" quote. In this case, even the left-leaning Snopes site does a good job of showing the liberals' representation of the quote to be FALSE.

"In sum, while Trump did say that there were "very fine people on both sides," he also specifically noted that he was not talking about neo-Nazis and white supremacists and said they should be "condemned totally." Therefore, we have rated this claim "False."

The truth means nothing to you, does it. It's only about what you can get others to believe. To that end, an alternative fact is as good as a real one.
Seriously!? Have you read the *entire* transcript?
The problem with that is reality always gets its way. The truth always comes out. You can stand in the rain and say it's a sunny day, but in the end, you're the one who gets wet.
Reality is a b*tch isn't it? It's been around since 2017 and the loony left has continued to deny it. Hope there's plenty of towels available.
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Veteran Expediter
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
It sure is, and it takes about 2 minutes to find sources that show the complete transcript that debunks the "both sides" quote. In this case, even the left-leaning Snopes site does a good job of showing the liberals' representation of the quote to be FALSE.

"In sum, while Trump did say that there were "very fine people on both sides," he also specifically noted that he was not talking about neo-Nazis and white supremacists and said they should be "condemned totally." Therefore, we have rated this claim "False."

Seriously!? Have you read the *entire* transcript?

Reality is a b*tch isn't it? It's been around since 2017 and the loony left has continued to deny it. Hope there's plenty of towels available.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Reality is a b*tch isn't it?
No, reality is not a b*tch, at least not for me. Reality is reality. How one functions within it is another matter.

You are correct to point out the transcript and I admit my error. My comments about Vance remain correct, right?
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Trump and the Markets

Trump keeps saying the stock market will crash if Harris is elected. He said the same thing about Biden four years ago. Trump's problem is the markets have set numerous all-time highs while Biden/Harris have been in office, including one this week. .

One stock that bucks this trend is Trump Media, market symbol DJT.

In recent months, DJT skyrocketed when Trump was shot in the ear. Those gains did not hold, however. It jumped 50% on the news, but quickly declined to set new, post-merger lows.

Smaller price spikes happened after the Trump Media streaming service was announced, RFK withdrew from the race, Trump announced he would not sell his DJT stock when the lockout period ends (I think he's lying), and the second assassination attempt. In each case, the price popped a bit, but the ongoing downtrend reversed them all.

For reference, the NASDAQ debut high was $79.38. It declined to a low of $22.55 from there. The first assassination attempt popped the stock up to $46.27, but that did not hold. The stock closed today at $15.62.

Barring unanticipated news, the next big event for this stock will happen on Sept. 20 (or 19, depending on which report proves accurate), when the lockout period ends. That's when Trump and other insiders will be free to sell the vast number of shares they hold.

I'm watching with great interest to see what move, if any, the price makes then. The anticipated sell-off may already be priced into the market. Or it may drive the price much lower. It could even happen that the prices rises some, because, maybe, investors will relax about the sell-off danger. The hitherto unknown effect of the lockout lift will become known, relieving the market of that uncertainty.

Ultimately, I expect this stock to crash much lower. The current price, and all past prices are nowhere near the true value of this company. Trump media has never made a profit, and Trump has a long history of scam offerings (which this stock is).

The hopes and dreams investors have placed in the long-term prospects of this company are poorly based. That's the case even if Trump wins the election. The company fundamentals come nowhere near supporting the current price.
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Wow. Not a good sign for Harris.
That's OK. There are ample good signs for Harris; including:
  • Fundraising supremacy
  • Ground game superiority
  • Celebrity endorsements
  • Mental acuity
  • Volunteer hours
  • Happily married
  • Polling trends
  • Debate triumph
  • Local campaign offices
  • Rally crowd size
  • Age and vitality
  • Campaign work ethic (no golf)
  • Popular VP pick
  • Agrees with the public on abortion
  • Doesn't get tangled up in lies about people eating pets
  • Not a convicted felon
  • Not under indictment
  • Not losing hundreds of notable party members to the other candidate
  • Not a racist
To name a few
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Wow. Not a good sign for Harris.
This Teamsters non-endorsement is curious. I have not looked deeply into this. I do wonder, if the polls show strong support for Trump among Teamsters, why did their union not endorse Trump; especially when warm relations were shown by the Teamsters at the Republican convention?

Also, if the polls show strong support for Trump among Teamsters, why are multiple Teamster state organizations and caucuses coming out for Harris?

Something seems off.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
That's OK. There are ample good signs for Harris; including:
  • Fundraising supremacy
  • Ground game superiority
  • Celebrity endorsements
  • Mental acuity
  • Volunteer hours
  • Happily married
  • Polling trends
  • Debate triumph
  • Local campaign offices
  • Rally crowd size
  • Age and vitality
  • Campaign work ethic (no golf)
  • Popular VP pick
  • Agrees with the public on abortion
  • Doesn't get tangled up in lies about people eating pets
  • Not a convicted felon
  • Not under indictment
  • Not losing hundreds of notable party members to the other candidate
  • Not a racist
To name a few
Those signs are mostly debunked as false. The remaining few like for example, celebrity endorsements, who cares? He connects with the common folk, not some multi millionaire out of touch with normal everyday living that the rest of us have to live under.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Regarding campaign work ethic( not golf): So what? Trump does a tremendous amount of more interviews and campaign events than she does. A round of golf once in a while is fine. It beats drinking too much wine and being hungover as a way to unwind from the campaign.