The Trump Card...


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Trump Gains Another Flipper

As described in the posts above, Sidney Powell has pleaded guilty in the GA RICO case, and she has agreed to flip on Trump and other co-defendants named in this case.

Trump critics are "Kraken up."
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Veteran Expediter
Sidney Powell is an unindicted co conspirator in the Jan 6 case Jack Smith is prosecuting. My guess is Smith is going to focus squarely on Trump's trial until the trial begins, and possibly until the trial ends. Then he will indict the co-conspirators.


Powell my very well go to prison, but Trump is first in line.

Entirely possible.

She may also turn State's evidence and testify against Trump in the Federal case and avoid doing time.

In other words, her life is ruined. #ETTD

That's a fact Jack !
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They did not overcharge. They dropped charges in return for Powell's full cooperation. If that cooperation is not forthcoming, the charges will be refiled. She got a very sweet deal, suggesting she has a great deal to provide prosecutors as they prosecute Trump and other less-cooperative co defendants. This plea deal is not the end of the Powell story. It's the beginning of a new chapter.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Mercy sakes, I'm ready for 4 more years of Biden, higher inflation, increased fuel prices and I want my gas water heater replaced and a new Electric car,,,there,,,we will be better off soon,,,,
Well a newer gas high efficiency hot water heater is anywhere from 10 to 30 percent more efficient than the typical one and even the most efficient gas cars can only use 30 percent of the energy in a gallon of gas. By all means, continue to waste as much energy as you want.

But that all mean nothing if you cant afford an electric car, if thats the case then there isnt anything you can do but waste the energy.,


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Retired Expediter
Cheseboro is guilty. As with Powell, who is also guilty, his plea deal requires that he turn over any evidence in his possession and truthfully testify at all hearings and trials involving the case’s co-defendants, including Trump.

These two attorneys used to run closely with Trump himself. Bad news for him that they are now best friends with Fani Willis.
Also, with Powell and Cheseboro both pleading guilty, their speedy trials are no longer needed. Trump will not get the sneak peak at the prosecution strategy the speedy trials would have provided.

Nineteen people were originally indicted in the GA RICO case. Cheseboro is the third to plead out, leaving 16 to go. More plea agreements are expected. Will Trump himself be one to avoid prison by taking a plea? Would Fani Willis even accept such an offer? Probably not. Things are shaping up such that Republicans who were very close to Trump are lining up with Willis to nail Trump's butt to the wall.
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Judge Engoron Threatens to Imprison Trump

Judge Engoron fined Trump $5,000 for violating the judge's gag order, and then went on to say:

"Make no mistake: future violations, whether intentional or unintentional, will subject the violator to far more severe sanctions, which may include, but are not limited to, steeper financial penalties, holding Donald Trump in contempt of court, and possibly imprisoning him."

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Veteran Expediter
US Navy
Meanwhile, back the ranch, the Bidens stumble on with their Chin friends awaiting on another payment to come in,,,,of course this was all a made up story......................
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More #ETTD

Trump-endorsed Jim Jordan was defeated three times by his own Republican Party in the US House elections for Speaker. Trump's endorsement was worthless.
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How Cheseboro's Plea Deal Affects Trump's GA and US Cases

Cheseboro is said to be one of the architects of the fake electors scheme, which was part of Trump's attempt to subvert the 2020 election and the Constitution. He pleaded guilty yesterday to lesser charges and agreed to provide evidence to and cooperate with the prosecutors as they press charges against Trump and others. Cheseboro corresponded with several co-defendants in this case and that correspondence is now irrefutable evidence of crimes committed. Cheseboro's evidence and admission of guilt have the following consequences.

1. The speedy trial he (and Powell) demanded will not happen. This trial was expected to last five months. With that trial gone, Fani Willis's office is freed to focus on the upcoming trial of Trump and others.

2. Cheseboro's fake electors plan is a core element in the RICO charges that directly implicates a number of other co-defendants. Willis gained a very important cooperating witness. While Trump himself is not directly implicated, there are co-defendants who can do so, and their cases became weaker, if not hopeless, when Cheseboro flipped. Cheseboro's plea increases the likelihood that the co-defendants who can directly implicate Trump will flip and directly implicate Trump.

3. The evidence Cheseboro will provide can be used by Jack Smith in the federal case he is pursuing against Trump. Smith did not have to flip Cheseboro. Willis has already done that work. When Cheseboro plead out, Willis's and Smith's cases both got stronger.

4. Cheseboro's (and Powell's) plea deals erode Trump's claim that this is all a Democratic hoax. Cheseboro and Powell are Republican attorneys picked personally by Trump to work at the highest levels. They are not Democrats. They are Republican co conspirators, and now key witnesses.
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