The Trump Card...


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Trump has solid arguments in the frivolous Colorado case.
Just like he had solid arguments in his other cases (about 140 since Election Day, 2020). The arguments seem solid to MAGA minds, but they almost always fail in real courts where real judges follow the real law, and real juries have their say. Trump's current loss rate is 93.9%. .

Just yesterday, Trump brought his "solid arguments" to that Colorado court. He argued the case should be dismissed, and he lost. The trial begins on Oct. 30 and is expected to last five days.
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Trump to Attend NY Fraud Trial Again When Cohen Takes Stand

I imagine Michael Cohen jumped for joy when he heard the report that Trump plans to be in the courtroom when prosecutors put Cohen on the stand and under oath to testify in Trump's fraud trial.

Cohen is very proud that his testimony before the House Oversight Committee in Feb. 2019 prompted the NY DA to open an investigation into Trump's fraud. That investigation led to the ruling already made that Trump committed massive fraud for a number of years. The trial going on now is to deal with other aspects of that lawsuit and to determine what additional punishments Trump will receive.

Cohen will testify at that trial next week. And Trump says he's coming.

This is marvelous news for Cohen. His testimony would get a fair amount of press coverage on its own. But with Trump there, it will be headline news nationwide. Cohen will be asked to appear on all the political shows. His book sales will increase. The story he wants told about Trump's fraud will be told on the record under oath, and far more Americans will hear it because Trump is drawing attention to it.

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Just like he had solid arguments in his other cases (about 140 since Election Day, 2020). The arguments seem solid to MAGA minds, but they almost always fail in real courts where real judges follow the real law, and real juries have their say. Trump's current loss rate is 93.9%. .

Just yesterday, Trump brought his "solid arguments" to that Colorado court. He argued the case should be dismissed, and he lost. The trial begins on Oct. 30 and is expected to last five days.
The 14th Amendment doesn’t include Presidents.

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The 14th Amendment doesn’t include Presidents.
That's why we have the courts, isn't it? They are orderly places where legal and constitutional experts can present their cases and rulings can be made. Questions like these are not decided by the volume of links and memes people post. They are decided in court.
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Merger Off: Truth Social Entity Suffers Major Financial Setback

Trump has said he would keep Truth Social afloat, even if he has to fund it with his own money. It may well come to that.

"In January 2023, the New York Times reported that, while Truth Social now carried advertising, it was limited to niche products, without the participation of major brands. It reported Truth Social's burn rate [the rate at which it is losing money] at around $1.7m per month." (Wikipedia)

"The former president’s fortune dropped from an estimated $3.2 billion last fall to $2.5 billion today. The biggest reason? His social media business, once hyped to the moon, has come crashing down, erasing $550 million from his net worth—so far." (Source)

"Donald Trump's Truth Social dealt major blow" (link below)

With the enterprise losing money at this rate and the investor-deal collapse (link below), Trump may indeed have to bail out the company using his personal funds, if he wants to keep it afloat. As it is now, it's a sinking ship.

There are two problems with that. 1. Trump does not have the money he claims to have, and 2. whatever money he does have will be vastly reduced with the state of New York dissolves Trump's New York businesses.

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DeSantis Calling Out Trump for "Confused Moments"

DeSantis is now questioning Trump's mental acuity.

See this video. "This is a different Donald Trump."

The DeSantis "War Room" Twitter feed highlights these Trump "confused moments."

Per DeSantis:

Trump slammed the Israeli prime minister and said terror group Hezbollah is “very smart”
Trump said the Chinese Communist Party “may very well turn out to be fine,” then attacked conservatives who want economic independence.
Trump shockingly admitted he never intended to get Mexico to pay for the wall.
Trump bizarrely said pro-life laws are a “terrible thing.”
Trump repeatedly confused Biden and Obama
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Court to Rudy: #FAFO

Former Trump Attorney and once a star DA Giuliani now sits at the defendant's table and the judge is not happy with his behavior. Rudy knows the law and the courts. He knows better than to earn the consequences he just earned. Yet he took that path. What is so important to him to keep under wraps that he chooses the judge's punishment instead?

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Questions Answered in Court; Week of 10/08/23

Running Total

*Trump-Favorable Answers: 8
Trump-Adverse Answers: 132
Trump Win Rate: 6.06%

Answered This Week:

*Yes, the conflict-of-interest hearing in the Mar-a-Lago documents case will be postponed. 10/12/23, Cannon

No, The Colorado 14th Amendment disqualification lawsuit will not be dismissed. 10/11/23, Wallace

Yes, the non-disclosure and non-disparagement agreements signed by all Trump 2016 campaign employees, contractors and volunteers are invalid and unenforceable, and Trump will pay the plaintiff’s legal fees. 10/11/23, Gardephe

Answered in Previous Weeks:
*Yes, Trump is granted an interim stay of the cancellation of Trump’s NY business certificates. 10/6/23, Appeals Court Judge Moulton
*Yes, certain pretrial deadlines in the FL documents case will be paused while the judge considers Trump’s motion to delay the trial until after the Nov. 2024 election. 10/6/23, Cannon
No, Trump’s New York fraud trial will not be paused while a Trump appeal is considered. 10/6/23, Appeals Court Judge Moulton
Yes, Trump et al must disclose all New York business entities, and all people having beneficial ownership in them, to a court monitor, and the defendants are enjoined from moving, transferring, renaming, or otherwise changing ownership of those assets without first notifying the monitor. Applications for new NY business entities must also be reported to the monitor. 10/4/23, Engoron
Yes, a gag order is issued forbidding any posts, emails or public remarks about members of Judge Engoron’s staff. 10/3/23, Engoron
Yes, the DOJ motion to Ensure that Extrajudicial Statements will not Prejudice will be heard. Chutkan, 9/29/23
No, Judge Chutkan will not recuse herself from the federal election subversion case. Chutkan, 9/27/23
Yes, Trump’s New York business certificates shall be canceled and the businesses shall be placed in receivership and dissolved. Engoron, 9/26/23
Yes, Trump repeatedly committed massive fraud for many years. Engoron, 9/26/23
Yes, Trump’s request for a summary judgement is denied. Engoron, 9/26/23
Yes, a protective order opposed by Trump shall be issued that prohibits threats and intimidation in the Colorado 14th Amendment lawsuit. 9/22/23, Wallace
Yes, the DOJ motion requesting limits on Trump’s speech will be redacted and unsealed. 9/15/23, Chutkan
Yes, Trump’s motion for relief from a previous ruling (sanctions imposed for frivolous lawsuit) is denied. 9/15/23, Middlebrooks
*Yes, Trump’s GA RICO case (and those of 16 others) will be severed from the two co-defendants who are demanding a speedy Trial. 9/14/23, McAfee
No, the second Carroll trial will not be delayed. 9/13/23, US 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals.
No, Trump may not speak about classified information with defense counsel outside of a SCIF. 9/13/23, Cannon
Yes, the 14th Amendment lawsuit filed in Colorado was improperly removed by Trump to federal court, and will be sent back to state court. 9/12/23, Brimmer
Yes, a state lawsuit (Colorado) will be filed seeking to keep Trump’s name off the presidential ballot on 14th Amendment grounds. 9/6/23
Yes, Trump’s request to stay the NY state $250 million civil fraud trial is completely without merit. The trial will proceed as scheduled. 9/6/23, Engoron
Yes, a partial summary judgement is granted. Trump is liable for defamatory statements against E. Jean Carroll. The Jan. 2024 trial is needed only to set the monetary damages. 9/6/23, Kaplan
Yes, the DOJ request to bar Trump from being deposed in lawsuits brought by former FBI agents Strzok and Page (because he was president) is denied. 9/1/23, DC Appeals Court
Yes, the motion to intervene submitted by the Trump legal team is denied. 8/29/23, Chutkan
Yes, the petition for a writ of habeas corpus filed by the Trump legal team is denied. 8/29/23, Chutkan
No, the Trump legal team may not file amicus briefs in this criminal case. 8/29/23, Chutkan
Yes, Trump’s federal election interference trial date is set for March 4, 2024. 8/29/23, Chutkan
No, the GA RICO case will not be delayed while Trump aids seek its removal to federal court. 8/23/23, Jones
Yes, Trump will have bail conditions and a $200,000 bond in GA. 8/21/23, McAfee
No, the May, 2024 Mar-a-Lago documents trial date will not be changed to a later date. 8/21/23, Cannon
No, the second Carroll defamation trial scheduled for 1/15/24 will not be delayed. 8/18/23, Kaplan
Yes, the appeal Trump filed RE Carroll is frivolous and is denied for that reason. 8/18/23, Kaplan
Yes, Trump (and 18 co-defendants) will be indicted by a Fulton County grand jury on RICO and other charges. 8/15/23
No, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Merchan will not recuse himself from the Manhattan falsified business records case. 8/14/23
*No, the protective order will not be as broad as DOJ requests. 8/11/23, Chutkan
Yes, Trump is prohibited from making inflammatory statements about the election interference case. 8/11/23, Chutkan
No, the protective order hearing date will not be delayed. 8/8/23, Chutkan
Yes, the DOJ can have its requested Garcia hearing regarding Woodward conflicts. 8/7/23, Cannon
*No, the Special Counsel may not file under seal evidence of conflicts RE attorney Woodward. 8/7/23, Cannon
Yes, Trump’s counter-defamation suit against E. Jean Carroll is without merit and is dismissed 8/7/23, Kaplan
No, Trump's request for a delayed response to DOJ's protective order motion will not be granted. 8/5/23
Yes, the Trump deposition transcript from the Carroll trial will be given to DA Bragg. 8/3/23
Yes, Trump will be indicted on charges concerning the 2020 election. 8/3/23
Yes, the Miami grand jury will continue its investigation and produce additional indictments, even after it first indicted Trump. 8/1/23
*Yes, Trump is protected by presidential immunity regarding two defamatory statements he made against a PA voting machine supervisor when Trump was president. 7/31/23, Erdos
No, Trump is not protected by presidential immunity regarding one defamatory statement he made against a PA voting machine supervisor after Trump left office. 7/31/23
Yes, the GA Special Grand Jury report can be used against Trump. 7/31
No, Fani Willis will not be disqualified from prosecuting Trump. 7/31
Yes, Trump will be deposed under oath regarding the $500 million lawsuit he filed against Cohen. 7/31/23
Yes, the defamation lawsuit Trump filed against CNN is dismissed because the judge rules it is "not actionable." 7/28/23, Singhal
No, the documents trial will not be postponed until after the election. 7/21/23, Cannon
Yes, Cohen and Trump will settle Cohen's lawsuit claiming millions in unpaid legal fees. 7/21/23
No, the falsified records case will not be moved to federal court. 7/19/23, Hellerstein
Yes, Trump is a rapist. 7/19/23, Kaplan
Yes, the $5 million in damages the jury said Trump must pay Carroll is reasonable. 7/19/23, Kaplan
No, Fani Willis will not be disqualified from working on the GA election interference case. GA Supreme Court, 7/17/23
No, the GA Special Grand Jury report will not be thrown out. 7/17/23, GA Supreme Court
No, Trump is not immune from defamation charges because he was president. 6/29/23, Kaplan
*Yes, the scope of the lawsuit brought by NY AG James is limited by the statute of limitations, and Ivanka Trump is thereby dismissed from the suit. 6/27/23, New York Appellate Division
Yes, the 2019 Carroll lawsuit can be amended to include Trump's CNN remarks. 6/13/23, Kaplan
No, John Eastman does not have executive privilege to withhold documents from the Jan. 6 Committee3/28/23, Carter
No, the NY AG lawsuit against Trump et al will not be delayed. 3/21/23 Engoron
Yes, Trump attorney Corcoran must testify because attorney client privilege does not apply (furtherance of a crime). 3/17/23,Howell
Yes, Trump is ordered to pay $938,000 in legal fees to Hillary and others, because Trump abused the legal system. 1/19/23, Middlebrooks
No, the NY AG lawsuit will not be dismissed. 1/6/23, Engoron
Yes, the Trump Organization is guilty of 17 counts of tax fraud. 12/6/22, Jury
Yes, Trump's lawsuit challenging the Mar-a-Lago search will be dismissed due to a lack of jurisdiction. 12/12/22, Cannon No, special rules cannot be written by Judge Cannon for Trump because he is a former president. 12/1/22, 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.
No, Judge Cannon does not have jurisdiction to appoint a special master. Cannon's ruling is reversed. 12/1/22, 11th Circuit Court of Appeals
Yes, an independent monitor is appointed to thwart Trump's attempt to move his business legal structure out of New York jurisdiction. 11/14/22
Yes, NY AG James will sue the Trump Organization claiming $250 million in fraud. 9/21/22
No, former White House Counsel Cipollone cannot claim executive privilege to avoid testifying before the grand jury. 7/1/22, Chutkan.
No, former national security advisor Robert O’Brien cannot assert executive privilege to avoid testifying before the Jan. 6 Committee. 4/21/22, Jackson
*No, NYC Mayor de Blasio does not have the right to cancel Trump’s contract to run the Ferry Point Golf Course. 4/8/22, James
No, Mike Pence does not have executive privilege to avoid testifying before the Jan. 6 Committee. 3/8/22, Boasberg
Yes. Trump’s defamation lawsuit against the New York Times is dismissed. 3/9/21, d’Auguste
No, Meadows and other Trump aids cannot assert executive privilege to avoid testifying before the Jan. 6 Committee. 3/8/22, Chutkan
Yes, the Trump defamation lawsuit against the Washington Post is dismissed, 2/10/22, Contreras
Yes. Trump’s defamation lawsuit against CNN is dismissed. 11/23/20, Singhal
No, 62 lawsuits filed by Trump making various 2020 election claims are not valid. 11/20 - 1/21,
Judges in 62 courts

Disclaimer: This ongoing compilation is done on a best-efforts basis. If I miss or get something wrong, kindly advise me and I'll correct the list. Where a ruling has been appealed to a higher court, the higher court's ruling is shown when made. The lower court's ruling remains on the list, as it was a question answered at the time.
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Trump Skipping Debates to Hide His Cognitive Decline

DeSantis has started talking about this (see post above). Now others are too.

What makes this article interesting is the fact that a liberal blogger has chosen to even mention the "cognitive decline" issue with Joe Biden displaying his dementia nearly every time he's on camera. Does this mean the Democrats are finally admitting that Biden is unfit for office and are quietly in the process of finding a younger candidate for 2024? If not, the country could find itself in a situation where both parties are running candidates who may not be able to finish their term or properly carry out their duties while they're in office.
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Veteran Expediter
What makes this article interesting is the fact that a liberal blogger has chosen to even mention the "cognitive decline" issue with Joe Biden displaying his dementia nearly every time he's on camera.

It won't be long before they will fitting Donnie for his own personalized Dribble Bib and Drool Cup™.


Does this mean the Democrats are finally admitting that Biden is unfit for office and are quietly in the process of finding a younger candidate for 2024?



If not, the country could find itself in a situation where both parties are running candidates who may not be able to finish their term or properly carry out their duties while they're in office.

That's why there's the 25th Amendment ... and a line of succession.

But anyway for the concern trolling !

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DeSantis Calling Out Trump for "Confused Moments"

DeSantis is now questioning Trump's mental acuity.

See this video. "This is a different Donald Trump."

The DeSantis "War Room" Twitter feed highlights these Trump "confused moments."

Per DeSantis:

Trump slammed the Israeli prime minister and said terror group Hezbollah is “very smart”
Trump said the Chinese Communist Party “may very well turn out to be fine,” then attacked conservatives who want economic independence.
Trump shockingly admitted he never intended to get Mexico to pay for the wall.
Trump bizarrely said pro-life laws are a “terrible thing.”
Trump repeatedly confused Biden and Obama
This is nothing more than desperation by DeSantis. Contrived issues that won’t move the needle as his campaign continues to implode and torching his future candidacy for 2028. He listened to consultants that told him that the indictments would finish Trump, but instead solidified more support and leads DeSantis in his own state by about 30 points. His campaign is currently throwing all the money on the craps table in Iowa hoping for a miracle, but all indications are showing that the dice will come up snake eyes.
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This is nothing more than desperation by DeSantis.
Seems so.
Contrived issues that won’t move the needle as his campaign continues to implode and torching his future candidacy for 2028.
Maybe not contrived. May be something to the cognitive decline thing. The video clips shown are not contrived. They are real.

He listened to consultants that told him that the indictments would finish Trump, but instead solidified more support and leads DeSantis in his own state by about 30 points.
Classic move by supporters of a political figure who is failing. Blame the consultants. It's never the guy who hired and listened to the consultants. It's the consultants who are at fault.
His campaign is currently throwing all the money on the craps table in Iowa hoping for a miracle, but all indications are showing that the dice will come up snake eyes.
Seems so.
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Third-Quarter 2023 Fundraising Results

The reports are in. In Q3, 2023:

Biden raised over $71 million. Trump raised $46 million.
Biden has $91 million cash on hand. Trump has $38 million cash on hand. (Source)

Biden has no extraordinary legal expenses paid by the campaign.
Trump has a fair amount of extraordinary legal expenses paid by the campaign.

Regarding Trump's Republican primary rivals, he is miles ahead of all of them in fundraising, cash on hand and popular support. Frankly, unless something external to the race takes Trump out (conviction of a crime and jail, health issues, death), they don't have a prayer.
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Veteran Expediter
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Seems so.

Maybe not contrived. May be something to the cognitive decline thing. The video clips shown are not contrived. They are real.

Classic move by supporters of a political figure who is failing. Blame the consultants. It's never the guy who hired and listened to the consultants. It's the consultants who are at fault.

Seems so.
My point wasn’t to put the ultimate blame with consultants. They have their own money motivations. The blame lies squarely on DeSantis for not listening to others that told him to wait until 2028. His success as Governor on a few issues in the state and coming off a near 20 point victory had him high on his own supply. He wanted to parlay that popularity nationally. Bad timing.
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My point wasn’t to put the ultimate blame with consultants. They have their own money motivations. The blame lies squarely on DeSantis for not listening to others that told him to wait until 2028. His success as Governor on a few issues in the state and coming off a near 20 point victory had him high on his own supply. He wanted to parlay that popularity nationally. Bad timing.
Nice to see you realize that. When he comes off the campaign trail and "returns" to FL, he will do so as a diminished figure. His big win in the governor's race will be a distant and irrelevant memory.
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Trump's Gag Order Hearing

The Trump legal team and prosecutors are in Judge Chutkan's court today arguing their cases for and against a Trump gag order. From the Twitter posts coming from reporters in the courtroom, it's not going well for Trump. The attorney arguing for Trump is John Lauro. It can't feel good for him when he tries to make a serious pro-Trump statement and the courtroom breaks out in laughter.

We'll have to wait to see how Judge Chutkan rules, but it is clear at this point that she's giving no slack to Trump's legal team. She's also cutting no slack for the prosecution, having expressed concerns that their proposed gag order is too broad.

Selected Chutkan Quotes from the Hearing

“[Trump] does not have the right to do or say anything that he pleases”.. “because he’s a criminal defendant on pretrial release.”

"I've never said Mr. Trump cannot respond to criticism or that he can't campaign. What's at issue here is the language he is using."

'When Mr. Trump has singled out certain people in the past, hasn't that led to being threatened and harassed? These are people who are doing their jobs,"

“I’ve stressed this case will proceed as any other case. This defendant will be treated like any other defendant”

"Joe Biden isn't a party to this case... And he's not under release conditions"

"In what kind of case do you think it's appropriate for a defendant to call a prosecutor a thug... and remain on the streets?"

"Just because this defendant happens to be running a political campaign doesn't give him the right to use any language he wants. Tell me how the term 'thug' is justified here.. it's raises a real possibility of violence"

"Do you think a defendant posting a photo of a judge's law clerk on social media is acceptable? Or Mr. Trump to post a photo of my staff?"

"This court has been the subject of a criminal threat"

"Mr Trump is not campaigning against Mr. Barr... or Mr Raffensperger or Gen Milley... so why should he make remarks about them at all" as part of campaign?"

"His statements have the very real potential of misstating the facts of this case & the government can't respond"

"The witnesses the defendant has attacked to date...." are all named in indictment.

"We're in here because he keeps calling the prosecutors thugs... I'm not sure without some type of restriction, we won't be in here all the time"
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