The Trump Card...


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Retired Expediter
My prior posts and sources speak for themselves, so there's no reason to repeat them. The above statement ignores the GA Open Records Law: it clearly states public records can be copied. When the Fulton County Sheriff's Dept released the Trump mug shot to the public immediately after taking it, they surrendered any copyright privileges they might have had. Their intent was clear: they wanted it reproduced to the fullest extent possible and they got their wish.
It's encouraging to see you getting closer to figuring this out. You are almost seeing the difference between copyright ownership and enforceable rights under copyright. Keep trying. You're very close.
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Retired Expediter
Their plan to disgrace Trump with a mug shot turned into a massive political blunder, and they can't stand it.
I don't know there ever was such a plan. If there was, whose plan was it? Where was it formed? How was it carried out?

It surprised me how eager so many were to see Trump sit for a mug shot. The man has been indicted four times on 91 criminal felony counts. That's kind of embarrassing and harmful to one's reputation, I thought. The absence or presence of a mug shot would not change that even a little.

Indeed, in the two federal cases and New York state case where Trump did not have a mug shot taken, he is in no greater or less trouble because of it. If he is found guilty of the crimes there charged, Trump not having a mug shot taken will not be a consideration as the judges sentence Trump. If Trump is found guilty in the GA-charged crimes, the judge there will not give Trump time off because he had a mug shot taken. In the grand scheme of things, Trump's mug shot makes no difference.

It has been a useful fundraising tool for Trump. It has given people in the media a great deal to talk about. It has become an iconic image of significance in American history. It is certainly an item of interest to many people. But in the big picture (pun intended), it matters little. One might say the millions of dollars raised off the mug shot is more than a little. That's true, but at the rate Trump is spending money on lawyers, it's not enough. A year or two for now, that mug shot will amount to little more than a ripple in the larger story.

I'm still uncertain why so many people were clamoring for a Trump to sit for a mug shot. I think part of it was an eagerness to see him treated like every other defendant. For people who have waited a long, long time to see Trump answer for his misdeeds, a mug shot is tangible proof that something is actually happening. They may have valued the mug shot for that reason.

Personally, I was quick to publish Trump's mugshot and inmate number here on EO soon after they are published. I did it because it was a milestone of sorts; one not available with the other indictments did not produce mug shots. I did not do it to humiliate Trump. You cannot humiliate a man who has no shame.

A lot of people celebrated when Trump was forced to report to a prison (instead of an office) for arrest and processing. My guess is they were glad to see that because they are tired of seeing Trump skirt accountability again and again.
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Retired Expediter
A milestone in the stupidity of the Left…
Trump gets charged and arrested for felony crimes, and it's the left that's stupid? In case you didn't notice, the left did not show up at Fulton County Jail to have their mug shot taken. Criminal defendant Trump did. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I didn't think stable geniuses got indicted.
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Veteran Expediter
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The Left showed how desperate they are by drumming up 150 year old, rarely used, misapplied laws to charge Trump. And their 14th Amendment scheme is the cherry on top.
What is the Left so scared of to let the people decide the next election?
Donna at least understands it:
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The Left showed how desperate they are by drumming up 150 year old, rarely used, misapplied laws to charge Trump. And their 14th Amendment scheme is the cherry on top.
What is the Left so scared of to let the people decide the next election?
Donna at least understands it:
View attachment 22898
If we get really lucky, it will be at least another 150 years before we have to use that law again.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I think its funny, we openly interfere with other countries politics and call for regime change and then we get mad when other countries try to do the same to us.
I think it’s funny when we portray some higher moral authority and condemn other countries for jailing their political opponents and then say hold my beer as they go after Trump.

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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
The Left showed how desperate they are by drumming up 150 year old, rarely used, misapplied laws to charge Trump. And their 14th Amendment scheme is the cherry on top.
What is the Left so scared of to let the people decide the next election?
Donna at least understands it:
View attachment 22898
The 14th Amendment is as current and meaningful as the First Amendment or Second Amendment and all other amendments. You don't get to pick and choose the amendments you like. The circumstances Trump has visited on the nation has brought the 14th Amendment into focus. Local actions have been or soon will be taken that will put the questions into the court system where they will be addressed. This has nothing do do with "let the people decide." It has to do with the application of the constitution.

Similarly, when someone is charged with a crime and arrested, we do not say "let the people decide." We say you are innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law, and here is your court date. This is America. In America, the only people who vote on charges made against a defendant are the 12 members of the jury.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I think it’s funny when we portray some higher moral authority and condemn other countries for jailing their political opponents and then say hold my beer as they go after Trump.

And charging Trump with crimes is one of the few things that Joe Biden is doing right, nobody is above the law, NOBODY!!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
And charging Trump with crimes is one of the few things that Joe Biden is doing right, nobody is above the law, NOBODY!!!
Careful there. Joe Biden isn't the one doing and doesn't do the charging. It was a Grand Jury that indicted Trump based on the evidence presented to them.
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Retired Expediter
I think it’s funny when we portray some higher moral authority and condemn other countries for jailing their political opponents and then say hold my beer as they go after Trump.
Intentional blindness. Trump has been charged, not jailed. Trump is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. And if he is found guilty, he should be jailed ... not because he is someone's political opponent, but because he is found guilty of committing the crimes charged; and also because in America, no one is above the law, not even a former president.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It's encouraging to see you getting closer to figuring this out. You are almost seeing the difference between copyright ownership and enforceable rights under copyright. Keep trying. You're very close.
I'll try to keep this simple by ignoring the snarky liberal condescension and refer once again to the GA Open Records Law previously posted and the GA website quoted below. Although it specifically deals with mugshot websites, the term "commercial" is key; mugshots can be used for commercial gain (to make a profit).

In spite of opinions from the chattering heads of Politico or MSNBC, the Fulton County Sheriff's Office has no recourse under US Copyright law for the material or political gains of others from Trump's mugshot. If that weren't the case they would've already filed suit for copyright infringement not only for general harassment purposes, but also to stop the political campaigns based on the Trump mugshot.

"If someone has been arrested, his or her arrest booking photograph (“mugshot”), the person’s name, arrest date and birth date, may be posted on a publicly available commercial website...(emphasis mine)
It should be noted that the law does permit a mugshot to be used in the publication or dissemination of news, commentary or advertisement by a newspaper, periodical, radio station or network, or television station or network."

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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
I'll try to keep this simple by ignoring the snarky liberal condescension and refer once again to the GA Open Records Law previously posted and the GA website quoted below. Although it specifically deals with mugshot websites, the term "commercial" is key; mugshots can be used for commercial gain (to make a profit).

In spite of opinions from the chattering heads of Politico or MSNBC, the Fulton County Sheriff's Office has no recourse under US Copyright law for the material or political gains of others from Trump's mugshot. If that weren't the case they would've already filed suit for copyright infringement not only for general harassment purposes, but also to stop the political campaigns based on the Trump mugshot.

"If someone has been arrested, his or her arrest booking photograph (“mugshot”), the person’s name, arrest date and birth date, may be posted on a publicly available commercial website...(emphasis mine)
It should be noted that the law does permit a mugshot to be used in the publication or dissemination of news, commentary or advertisement by a newspaper, periodical, radio station or network, or television station or network."

If you remain determined to not get this, there is nothing I can do to help you get it.

The Fulton County Sheriff owns the copyright to the Trump mug shot. That is the sole point I have made on this subject and you keep arguing about other things. Again, my sole point is this: The Fulton County Sheriff owns the copyright to the Trump mug shot. I have said, suggested or implied nothing else.
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