The Trump Card...


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The prosecution just told the judge in that case they plan on calling 150 witnesses to the stand.
That kinda supports my suspicions. When you have 150 witnesses lined up and ready to go, who needs additional flippers?

It just might be Fani Willis intends to prosecute all 19 defendants to the fullest extent of the law, and recruiting additional flippers may not even be on her mind. She may have the single-minded purpose to put all 19 in prison.


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Jury verdict. Trump is liable. Trump pays. And if he didn't put his fingers where they don't belong and didn't defame his victims, he would not have to worry about what kind of judge he gets.
New York jury. And they did not conclude she was raped. The Clinton judge erroneously said that.
And the jury decided based on the preponderance of the evidence( just 51 percent needed to say he raped) but they still said he didn’t.
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That kinda supports my suspicions. When you have 150 witnesses lined up and ready to go, who needs additional flippers?

It just might be Fani Willis intends to prosecute all 19 defendants to the fullest extent of the law, and recruiting additional flippers may not even be on her mind. She may have the single-minded purpose to put all 19 in prison.
Dream on.


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DC Grand jury that indicted Trump has reconvened after a 4 week break:

Grand jury investigating 2020 election interference meets after four-week break

Possibly related to fraudulent fund-raising ...

Stay tuned ... more indictments may be coming ...

Speculation is grand jury will indict for fraudulent fundraising (money used for purposes other than stated when money requests were made). And prosecutors will seek forfeiture of all such funds. As I said, this is speculation. We won't know until we know.


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Peter Navaro Convicted

I've lost track of how many Trump associates and aids have been convicted. Peter Navaro is the latest.

Other than those pardoned by Trump, and before the most-recent indictments, can you think of someone in the Trump arena who has been charged by DOJ and not convicted? You can't because the DOJ does not bring cases to court the do not thnk they can win. The department's conviction rate is in the 95%-97% range.

"Former Donald Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro has been convicted of contempt of Congress for not complying to a subpoena from the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol." (Source: CNN)
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Veteran Expediter
Speculation is grand jury will indict for fraudulent fundraising (money used for purposes other than stated when money requests were made). And prosecutors will seek forfeiture of all such funds. As I said, this is speculation. We won't know until we know.
Ahh this is how they defund his campaign.
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Peter Navaro Convicted

I've lost track of how many Trump associates and aids have been convicted. Peter Navaro is the latest.

Other than those pardoned by Trump, and before the most-recent indictments, can you think of someone in the Trump arena who has been charged by DOJ and not convicted? You can't because the DOJ does not bring cases to court the do not thnk they can win. The department's conviction rate is in the 95%-97% range.

"Former Donald Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro has been convicted of contempt of Congress for not complying to a subpoena from the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol." (Source: CNN)
They can bring any case they want before a DC court/jury and win against a Trump associate because it’s a highly partisan area that voted Dem around 95 percent. And the judges are all in the same social club. Any Republican judge knows they need to rule like the Dem judges or they’ll be ostracized by the others.
It’s a 2 tier justice system there.


Veteran Expediter
Former AG Holder was held in contempt of Congress.


After Holder met with Chairman Darrell "Grand Theft Auto" Issa ... and offered to provide him with the documents he was seeking.

On June 19, 2012, Holder met with Issa in person to discuss the requested documents. Holder said he offered to provide the documents to Issa on the condition that Issa provided his assurance that doing so would satisfy the committee subpoenas and resolve the dispute.

Issa - playing election year politics - rejected the offer.

That same day Obama asserted Executive Privilege over the additional documents the committee was seeking.

What happened with that? Nothing

Not exactly ... the referral was sent to DOJ and DOJ declined to prosecute because: 1. Executive Privilege (essentially at that point Holder was upholding the EP claim and carrying out his Constitutional duty), and 2. it was clearly political, playing election year politics.

Ultimately DOJ IG - after a 19 month investigation - cleared Holder of any wrongdoing:

In September 2012, after a nineteen-month review, the United States Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General cleared the Attorney General of any wrongdoing with regard to Fast and Furious, stating that there was "no evidence" that Holder knew about the operation before early 2011. The report did cite fourteen lower ranking officials for possible disciplinary action.[147] Holder responded to the internal investigation, saying "It is unfortunate that some were so quick to make baseless accusations before they possessed the facts about these operations – accusations that turned out to be without foundation and that have caused a great deal of unnecessary harm and confusion."

That left only the civil matter in Federal court, where The Repugnants™ were suing for the documents and asked the Judge overseeing that the case to hold Holder in contempt of court:

In August 2014, federal judge Amy Berman Jackson ordered the Justice Department to provide Congress with a list of the previously withheld documents.[150] In October 2014, Jackson rejected a House bid to hold Holder in contempt of court, stating that it was "entirely unnecessary."[151]

The reason being:

... and said it was evident that she was considering the government's motion to lift her prior order. "Under those circumstances, the Court finds no basis to hold defendant in contempt," she wrote.

Ultimately what happened:

In January 2016, Jackson tossed out Obama's executive privilege claims but stressed that her ruling wasn't based on the merits of the claim, but instead on the fact that many of the documents had by then become public as part of the 2012 inspector general's report.

Yet another sad, pathetic chapter in the Republican Whack-a-doodle conspiracy theories novella ("He musta known about Fast and Furious !")


The DC judges take care of the Dems.

No, they follow the law.

... which kinda sucks if you're a Republican.


Her court, her rule on the law.

BTW - the part that you (oh-so-conveniently) left out:

However, in a ruling Monday, U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson also denied Holder's request for an indefinite stay of her prior order that the attorney general must turn over any "non-privileged" documents the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee subpoenaed as part of an investigation into the botched gunrunning investigation. The judge previously ruled that Holder must give the panel any documents that are not both predecisional and deliberative in nature.

Yeah ... Judge Jackson is totally in the tank for Holder and the Obama Administration.

Good luck selling that little bit of cray cray ... :clapping-happy:



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GA Special Grand Jury Report Now Available

Before the GA grand jury indicted Trump and 18 others, a special grand jury was convened to investigate the matter. In GA, a special grand jury cannot indict. It can only investigate and report. A regular grand jury then takes up the report and indicts as it deems appropriate. Per a judge's order. the special grand jury report was unsealed today.

You can read the 28-page report here.
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