The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
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Intentional blindness. Trump has been charged, not jailed. Trump is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. And if he is found guilty, he should be jailed ... not because he is someone's political opponent, but because he is found guilty of committing the crimes charged; and also because in America, no one is above the law, not even a former president.
Willfully gaslit. By having all the flatscreens at their business tuned to MSNBC 24/7 so they can be spoon fed talking points from unhinged Leftist former prosecutors.


Veteran Expediter
Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio, convicted of seditious conspiracy among other crimes, has just now been sentenced to 22 years in prison by Judge Kelly.

Beating OK leader Stewart Rhodes by four years.

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Willfully gaslit. By having all the flatscreens at their business tuned to MSNBC 24/7 so they can be spoon fed talking points from unhinged Leftist former prosecutors.
I don't see Trump in jail, do you? I don't see any prosecutor, judge or jury saying Trump is not innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, do you? I don't see any news organization of any kind reporting that Trump is in jail. Do you? Trump's current status is not a talking point. It is a fact. He is a criminal defendant, free on bond, running for president.

Regarding flatscreens at "their" business, I can't speak for others. I can tell you the 22 flat screens we have at our business are controlled by the customers. In our ruby red county, the channel most viewed is FOX News. People are free to dial up anything they wish but most often, I see the TVs set to FOX News.
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Retired Expediter
Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio, convicted of seditious conspiracy among other crimes, has just now been sentenced to 22 years in prison by Judge Kelly.
The accountability train continues to roll.

For those who think it matters, what president appointed the judge that dolled out the 22-year sentence?
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Trump Does Not Own the Rights to his Mug Shot Photo

If you remain determined to not get this, there is nothing I can do to help you get it.

The Fulton County Sheriff owns the copyright to the Trump mug shot. That is the sole point I have made on this subject and you keep arguing about other things. Again, my sole point is this: The Fulton County Sheriff owns the copyright to the Trump mug shot. I have said, suggested or implied nothing else.
Going back to the OP, even the sub-headline of MSNBC article stated clearly that "Theoretically, the millions he is making off that photo may rightfully belong to the Fulton County sheriff." (bold emphasis mine) They allowed for some grey area in their argument from the beginning.

Nowhere does the author claim as a stone cold fact that the Sheriff's office owns the copyright privileges to the photo, because he doesn't know for sure. The author is offering a theory, or opinion. The author even contacted the Fulton County Sheriff's office to confirm their ownership of the copyright of the mugshot and didn't receive a response. Considering Fulton County's eagerness to publish the mugshot, their unwillingness to confirm that easily answerable question would lead even an unbiased observer to conclude they must not have copyright privileges. To think otherwise is just wishful thinking.

But that's what MSNBC does along with other liberal media - attack Trump and the Deplorables who support him from every possible angle. They offer nothing but Trump Derangement 24/7 and their fawning audience still can't get their fill.
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Proud Boy Not

"Rising to speak before the sentence was handed down, Tarrio called Jan. 6 a 'national embarrassment,' and apologized to the police officers who defended the Capitol and the lawmakers who fled in fear. His voice cracked as he said he let down his family and vowed that he is done with politics.

“'I am not a political zealot. Inflicting harm or changing the results of the election was not my goal,' Tarrio said. 'Please show me mercy,' he said, adding, 'I ask you that you not take my 40s from me.'

"U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly, who was appointed to the bench by Trump, said Tarrio was motivated by 'revolutionary zeal' to lead the conspiracy that resulted in '200 men, amped up for battle, encircling the Capitol.' Noting that Tarrio had not previously shown any remorse publicly for his crimes, the judge said a stiff punishment was necessary to deter future political violence.

“'It can’t happen again. It can’t happen again,' the judge repeated."

I wonder what's it's like to rise in support of Donald Trump, communicate with his inner circle, dedicate endless hours to the cause, play a leadership role in the insurrection, get sent to jail because of it, and then remain confined behind bars for 22 years realizing Trump doesn't give a s**** about you.


Veteran Expediter
Going back to the OP, even the sub-headline of MSNBC article stated clearly that "Theoretically, the millions he is making off that photo may rightfully belong to the Fulton County sheriff." (bold emphasis mine) They allowed for some grey area in their argument from the beginning.

That would seem to indicate some uncertainty on their as regards all the relevant facts pertaining to the situation.

Nowhere does the author claim as a stone cold fact that the Sheriff's office owns the copyright privileges to the photo, because he doesn't know for sure.

That's true.

The author is offering a theory, or opinion. The author even contacted the Fulton County Sheriff's office to confirm their ownership of the copyright of the mugshot and didn't receive a response.

Not terribly surprising.

Considering Fulton County's eagerness to publish the mugshot,

That's an interesting characterization.

Do you have any real insights on how long it typically takes the Fulton County Sheriff's Office to release mugshot photos or post them online ?

And did their release of Trump's mugshot significantly deviate from what they typically do in terms of that timing ?

their unwillingness to confirm that easily answerable question would lead even an unbiased observer to conclude they must not have copyright privileges. To think otherwise is just wishful thinking.

No, it doesn't.

But it might lead a biased observer - who is willing to engage in a little wishful thinking - and wants a pretext to jump to a particular conclusion to assume that they don't own the copyright.

A truly unbiased lay observer would probably conclude that not enough facts are known to draw a definite conclusion.

But that's what MSNBC does along with other liberal media - attack Trump and the Deplorables who support him from every possible angle.

Wah ... wah ... wah ...

Apparently it's not just the liberal media though:

Trump may have violated copyright law by selling mugshot merchandise

Can you legally use Trump’s mugshot on merchandise?

Of course, this all follows Trump's Campaign Manager, Chris LaCivita, threatening to come after anyone who has produced similar El Donaldo-themed merchandise with lawsuits ... all while claiming that Trump "owns" the copyright to his image ... in a mugshot taken by law enforcement ...


Newsflashfor Chris :

That ain't how copyright typically works.

And if that isn't enough irony, Trump's posting of his original mugshot came with the added words "Never Surrender" ...

... right after he surrendered to the authorities in Fulton County.

Excellent !

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Careful there. Joe Biden isn't the one doing and doesn't do the charging. It was a Grand Jury that indicted Trump based on the evidence presented to them.
No he isnt doing the charging, but he is the head of the executive branch, and he can direct investigations. I am about as much of a Joe Biden fan as I am a Donald Trump fan, both of them do occasionally do something right. Going after Trump for his crimes is the right thing to do.
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Just Wondering

In the GA RICO case being prosecuted by Fulton County DA Fani Willis, we're seeing a few defendants throw Trump under the bus as they try to defend their own best interests, but we're seeing none of Trump's 18 co-defendants actually flip to become cooperating witnesses against Trump.

I'm starting to wonder if Willis has already made her arrangements with the flippers and she's not looking for more. The indictment lists 19 named co-conspirators and 30 unnamed unindicted co-conspirators. I have no way to know this for sure, but the thought comes to mind. Maybe Willis is not looking for new flippers. With 30 unindicted co-conspirators, maybe Willis feels she already has all the cooperating witnesses she needs to make her RICO case.

Maybe Willis is saying to the 18, you had your chance, and now it's gone. Now you're going to prison for a long time. With your chance to cooperate gone, the only remaining way for you to reduce the amount of time you stay in prison is to save us the time and trouble of a trial and plead out. For that, we'll give you a reduced sentence.

Again, I have no way to know this. Just wondering.
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14th Amendment Lawsuit Filed in Colorado

While I expect to see a number of lawsuits filed that seek to have Trump disqualified by the 14th Amendment from holding public office and being placed on the ballot, one was filed today in Colorado that merits special attention.

Per constitutional scholar Lawrence Tribe, "This is the strongest of the suits filed to compel sec’s of state to apply the 14th Amendment’s Disqualification Clause to Trump. The 6 plaintiffs clearly have standing under Colorado law and ironclad legal and factual research backs up their complaint"

You can read the lawsuit here

Important to the case is whether or not an actual insurrection happened. The plaintiffs say, "It is a matter of public record that January 6th was an 'insurrection.'” You can read their legal argument about this in page 84 of the lawsuit. This will be one of several items ruled on by the Court.

  • "Trump’s own impeachment counsel admitted “everyone agrees” there was “‘a violent insurrection of the Capitol” on January 6th."
  • “The [New Mexico] Court concludes that the January 6, 2021 attack on the United States Capitol and the surrounding planning, mobilization, and incitement constituted an ‘insurrection’ within the meaning of Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment.”
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Veteran Expediter
Just Wondering

In the GA RICO case being prosecuted by Fulton County DA Fani Willis, we're seeing a few defendants throw Trump under the bus as they try to defend their own best interests, but we're seeing none of Trump's 18 co-defendants actually flip to become cooperating witnesses against Trump.

I'm starting to wonder if Willis has already made her arrangements with the flippers and she's not looking for more. The indictment lists 19 named co-conspirators and 30 unnamed unindicted co-conspirators. I have no way to know this for sure, but the thought comes to mind. Maybe Willis is not looking for new flippers. With 30 unindicted co-conspirators, maybe Willis feels she already has all the cooperating witnesses she needs to make her RICO case.

Maybe Willis is saying to the 18, you had your chance, and now it's gone. Now you're going to prison for a long time. With your chance to cooperate gone, the only remaining way for you to reduce the amount of time you stay in prison is to save us the time and trouble of a trial and plead out. For that, we'll give you a reduced sentence.

Again, I have no way to know this. Just wondering.

The prosecution just told the judge in that case they plan on calling 150 witnesses to the stand.


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It's Official. Employee #4 has Flipped

This was pretty much known already. Now, because of a court filing, it is confirmed. Employee #4, Yuscil Taveras, the Mar-a-Lago IT worker, has flipped. "According to the terms of the deal explained in the filing, Taveras agreed to testify in the classified documents case and in exchange will not be prosecuted. He has not been charged with any crimes." (Source: CNN)
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