The Trump Card...

Mr. Loyalty.

Rookie Expediter
Your graph you understand shows Obama and Biden with trump in between them.....with trump having the much lower gas prices.
Amen, brother!!! Gas at the Avon Lake Pilot was $3.60 a gallon, with diesel at $4.55 a gallon...isn't it ironic how this country was running like a well oiled machine, gas prices less than half of what they are now, under Mr Trumps command...

Than we get incompetent Joe...look at the mess this country is in now...smh...


Veteran Expediter
Looking more and more like it really was a seditious conspiracy to insurrection:

Imagine that !

Kellye SoRellye - "General Counsel" of the Oath Keepers (and part-time squeeze of Stewie Rhodes) - appears to be implicated in obstruction of justice BIGLY ... no doubt due to some screwball interpretation of the Constitution that exists down in the "Republic" of Texas.

Be interesting to see how this effects other defendants facing similar charges.


Veteran Expediter
Looks like there is some other "BIG" news in the Jan 6th conspiracy to overturn the results of the election as well.



Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Much of what has been said about the Jan 6 committee has been speculation or baseless rhetoric because the committee's work is ongoing and the committee has made few formal statements about it's findings. An accurate glimpse was provided yesterday when the committee made a formal release of its findings (at least some of them) in a court filing.

The committee's purpose in filing was to ask the court to compel a Trump operative (John Eastman) to turn over certain emails. Of greater interest to many is, in the filing, the committee disclosed some of its findings. What follows are excerpts from this source that describes the filing:

  • The Jan. 6 select committee says its evidence has shown that then-President Donald Trump and his campaign tried to illegally obstruct Congress’ counting of electoral votes and “engaged in a criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States.”

  • ... the committee suggested that its evidence supported findings that Trump himself violated multiple laws by attempting to prevent Congress from certifying his defeat.

  • Characterizing excerpts of nearly a dozen depositions from top aides to Trump and former Vice President Mike Pence, the committee described a president who had been informed repeatedly that he lost the election and that his claims of fraud were unfounded — only to reject them and continue to mislead the American public. He then pushed top advisers to continue strategizing ways to overturn the election results.

  • In 16 accompanying exhibits, the panel showcased testimony it received from key figures in Trump-world, ...

  • The committee suggests Trump and some of his allies may have committed three distinct crimes: Obstruction of an official proceeding — in this case, Congress’ Jan 6 session to count electoral votes — defrauding the United States by interfering in the election certification and spreading false information about the results, and a violation of the District of Columbia’s common fraud law.

  • Although the evidence offers insight into the contours of what is likely to be the committee’s final report, it is only a small window into the 650-plus interviews the panel has conducted.

The committee is not a law-enforcement entity so it will not prosecute Trump. But its evidence and findings will be of great interest to and useful for the prosecutors who may.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter


Bolton probably now has about a ZERO percent chance of being invited back on NewsMax ... but I could be wrong.

You’re most likely wrong. Newsmax has Dick Morris among others pushing for U.S. intervention in Ukraine. They may have an occasional guest with an opposing point of view regarding this conflict, but it’s very few. Similar to Fox News in that respect except for Tucker and a couple others. I like the fact that Trump tried more diplomacy with Russia. Probably hard to do with many in the political sphere in DC pounding the drumbeat to be against better relations. Many did it for purely partisan political reasons too.
BTW, did you hear Bolton say THE Ukraine at the very end there? Lol


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Boebert and Greene are using the same in-your-face tactics that Democrats have been using for years. Of course the genteel GOP establishment is appalled, and Democrats are livid at getting a dose of their own medicine.
  • Haha
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Veteran Expediter
Boebert and Greene are using the same in-your-face tactics that Democrats have been using for years. Of course the genteel GOP establishment is appalled, and Democrats are livid at getting a dose of their own medicine.

Yeah ... that totally explains why they are getting laughed at and mocked on the late night shows.

No, mostly "Democratic" folks I've seen, see them as the jokes that they are.

Do they have a political following ?

Sure, you betcha !

Which includes various goobers ... like the guy who thought he was storming the White House on Jan 6th ... and folks who tune in to Scruffy Steve's "War Room: Pandemic" on a regular basis.



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yeah ... that totally explains why they are getting laughed at and mocked on the late night shows.

No, mostly "Democratic" folks I've seen, see them as the jokes that they are.

Do they have a political following ?

Sure, you betcha !

Which includes various goobers ... like the guy who thought he was storming the White House on Jan 6th ... and folks who tune in to Scruffy Steve's "War Room: Pandemic" on a regular basis.

Who are the rubes that still watch the late night “comedy” shows?


Veteran Expediter
You’re most likely wrong.

Well, I certainly hope so.

Otherwise Ruddy's viewership will remain ignorant of stuff they ought to know.

Newsmax has Dick Morris among others pushing for U.S. intervention in Ukraine.

Good for them.


And good to know Dick is on the right side of this issue at least.

In the meantime Ruddy should continue on with his exfil plans ...


They may have an occasional guest with an opposing point of view regarding this conflict, but it’s very few.


Similar to Fox News in that respect except for Tucker and a couple others. I like the fact that Trump tried more diplomacy with Russia.

If you tune into Tucker this week, enjoy the entertainment during the commercial breaks:

Those type of confessions are potentially good evidence ...

I like the fact that Trump tried more diplomacy with Russia.

Some folks remain completely oblivious to what Trump's weakness and sycophancy has brought us to.

Probably hard to do with many in the political sphere in DC pounding the drumbeat to be against better relations. Many did it for purely partisan political reasons too.

Better relations ... with a butcher and madman ...

BTW, did you hear Bolton say THE Ukraine at the very end there? Lol

No ... why ... should it have #triggered me or something ?



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well, I certainly hope so.

Otherwise Ruddy's viewership will remain ignorant of stuff they ought to know.

Good for them.


And good to know Dick is on the right side of this issue at least.

In the meantime Ruddy should continue on with his exfil plans ...



If you tune into Tucker this week, enjoy the entertainment during the commercial breaks:

Those type of confessions are potentially good evidence ...

Some folks remain completely oblivious to what Trump's weakness and sycophancy has brought us to.

Better relations ... with a butcher and madman ...

No ... why ... should it have #triggered me or something ?

You know Bolton was fired right?


Veteran Expediter
You know Bolton was fired right?

Not only do I know that ... but more importantly, I know WHO fired him.

BTW - the career official which oversaw the review of Bolton's book - and was pressured to say it contained classified material when it actually didn't - has been rehired.


Probably sucks to be one of those who pressured her right now.

Ellis and Philbin ... we see you.



Senior Member
Retired Expediter
I wouldn’t underestimate MTG. She may be the mouth of the south, but she also is articulate and smart.
I would not overestimate her either. Her own Republican caucus stripped her of her committee assignments.
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