The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Not hysterical. Just a realist. And lower income people will bear the brunt of the idiocy of Biden’s backward energy policy and Ukraine involvement.
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This was my previous post that some claimed I didn’t provide a link to. It’s there on the bottom. RIF…


Veteran Expediter
We've seen that before.

View attachment 21406

He hasn't.

That little "info" turd has been exposed as RU agit-prop ... and has already been addressed here previously.

The EIA (Energy Information Agency) data - which I believe I posted - shows it isn't really an accurate claim.

But hey - please keep continuing to repeat it.

Well ... if he shuts off whatever we are importing from RU that will just be more leverage, one more nail in Vlad's coffin ... wouldn't it ?

Your graph you understand shows Obama and Biden with trump in between them.....with trump having the much lower gas prices.


Veteran Expediter
Your graph you understand shows Obama and Biden with trump in between them.....with trump having the much lower gas prices.

Gas prices fluctuate ... as do the prices of many things. It's how a market economy works.

But there is a case that case that could be made that Obama's robust economy that Trump inherited helped to drive the decreasing prices, and the pandemic disaster that Trump left Biden to clean up caused them to rise.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Gas prices fluctuate ... as do the prices of many things. It's how a market economy works.

But there is a case that case that could be made that Obama's robust economy that Trump inherited helped to drive the decreasing prices, and the pandemic disaster that Trump left Biden to clean up caused them to rise.
Obama’s “robust” economy was snailing along, that’s why people largely elected Trump as President.
Under Trump, average gas prices were lower than both Obama and Biden.
Gas prices naturally fluctuate yes, but having an energy policy that maximizes production instead of limiting it will create an overall lower average in gas prices like we saw with the Trump administration. We had lower gas prices with him during a great economy. We also had even lower gas prices during the Pandemic. So gas prices were kept low in both scenarios. Once Biden was “elected”, gas prices started to steadily climb upward( primarily due to future speculators) and when he took office he proved them right by immediately taking actions to limit production.
We also haven’t recovered all the jobs that were lost due to the shutdowns so demand hasn’t even got to the height reached during the robust Trump economy when gas prices were still kept low.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Your comment insinuated Trump beat Obama. Re-read how you wrote it.
As I said in the previous post, Trump was elected due to the economy that was snailing along under Obama.(People wanted a better economy) You interjected that it was due to Hillary being a weak candidate. I then responded that Dems said that Trump was elected because of Russia, which they claimed over and over again without evidence.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
As I said in the previous post, Trump was elected due to the economy that was snailing along under Obama.(People wanted a better economy) You interjected that it was due to Hillary being a weak candidate. I then responded that Dems said that Trump was elected because of Russia, which they claimed over and over again without evidence.