The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
While three are several things that prompt me to rise and/or act in opposition, I can't think of a single person, idea or thing that warrants despising. Despising something releases stress hormones into your bloodstream. Those kid of stress hormones are harmful.

They can be potentially harmful ... or also possibly beneficial ... ;)

Stress and hormones

There's a reason why hormones exist and they do serve a function and purpose.

Why do that to yourself if you don't have to?


That's why I don't sit around all day long despising such things.


OTOH, simply recognizing such things for exactly what they are ... and noting it (to self or others) provides for a very good stress reliever.



Senior Member
Retired Expediter
They can be potentially harmful ... or also possibly beneficial ... ;)

Stress and hormones

There's a reason why hormones exist and they do serve a function and purpose.
With seven years of study and practical application helping people and striving myself to achieve fitness goals, I have come to know a bit about stress and its effects on the body and brain. I claim no knowledge on this topic beyond what is stated above, but I am confident in saying the kind of stress produced by despising something is in no way beneficial to any human being.

That kind of stress is not a cause. It is a result. It comes after people consciously decide or unconsciously develop the mindset to despise something. The thoughts produce the emotional response. And part of that response is the release of harmful stress hormones into the bloodstream.

As you correctly say, stress can be beneficial, like when you are in immediate danger (like in a burning building) and the fight or flight response kicks in; or when you are on a foot-race starting line or weightlifting platform about to attempt a performance level you have not previously topped. But that is beneficial only until the event passes, and once it's done, you calm down.

Those are different applications of stress than that produced by despising someone or something. The stress that comes from despising is chronic and exposes the person maintaining to several health risks.

In other words, if you spend time despising a political opponent or idea, you are boxing yourself into a limiting point of view that blinds you to other possibilities. And you are injecting hormones into your body and brain that can degrade your health and happiness.
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Veteran Expediter
Speaking of those bad hormones (pronounced HOAR-MOAN-EEYS via Andrea Martin of SCTV fame) however, Belarus (Parliament ?) will hold a "kangaroo vote" later - outcome of which is supposedly predetermined - to allow Russia to move nuclear missiles onto it's territory.

This might be a good time to remember:

It's not a very good idea to allow narcissistic sociopaths to obtain and hold power.

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Senior Member
Retired Expediter

Thank you for your concerns - I am sure they are genuine.
I'm not speaking to you specifically but to the audience in general.

It pains (distresses) me to see so many people in politics literally hate the other side because I know how harmful that can be; to people's individual health, and to the country overall. I am not immune form this but I continually work to be self-aware enough to step back if I find myself becoming negatively engaged; or if I find politics taking up anything more than a tiny percentage of my brain's time.

For me, politics is not about making the other side lose or making my political opponents feel bad. It's about helping my ideas win on their merits and seeing people vote accordingly. In sports, politics, business and other life endeavors, if I focus on making other people lose, it becomes all about them and my ability to learn, grow and win is compromised. We don't win by putting other people down. We win by developing our skills and improving little bits at a time.
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Veteran Expediter
He’s got a book to sell. Lol

And a reputation to try and salvage.

Guess that whole thing about not being concerned about his legacy might not have been entirely true.

Possibly that ... or maybe he's just finding that being a social pariah isn't too much fun ?



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
And a reputation to try and salvage.

Guess that whole thing about not being concerned about his legacy might not have been entirely true.

Possibly that ... or maybe he's just finding that being a social pariah isn't too much fun ?

Lives in DC area so overwhelmingly swamp bubble territory.
But he hired Durham so he did some good.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yeah ... that kinda tends to happen ... when you work for the Federal Government at a high level.

But perhaps we'd be better with Cletus Hayseed as AG ...

I think he was already there - Barr just repurposed him.
And found the right purpose for him too.