The Trump Card...


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Refinancing Trump's massive loans got harder when Trump's former accounting firm fired him and said the Trump Organization's financial statements of the last 10 years are unreliable. Some say Trump will turn to foreign interests to get the needed refinancing when the loans come due. With Russian banks and Putin's oligarchs now under sanctions, Russian funding is now harder if not impossible to obtain.

Trumps big loans are due in years, not months. So there is a lot of room for things to change and refinancing to become easier or even harder to get. Watch that space.

In the meantime, it is quite interesting to see Trump maneuver as he discovers his open admiration of Putin is now politically unsustainable. It seems Trump is choosing the polls over Putin these days as Putin's criminal aggression against democracy makes him a pariah, even among Trump's strongest supporters and among autocrats worldwide.

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Veteran Expediter
Apparently President Biden has decided to the claims of "executive privilege" to the Jan 6th Committee for both former General Flynn and Peter Navarro, deeming it not in the national interest.

Navarro says he will appeal it to the Supreme Court.

Good to see things moving forward, time is of the essence.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Apparently President Biden has decided to the claims of "executive privilege" to the Jan 6th Committee for both former General Flynn and Peter Navarro, deeming it not in the national interest.

Navarro says he will appeal it to the Supreme Court.

Good to see things moving forward, time is of the essence.
Biden doesn’t decide anything anymore.
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Veteran Expediter
Speaking of that fellow, let's remember who it was that was planning to pull the US out NATO, abandoning our allies:

Trump, Who Wanted to Withdraw the U.S. from NATO, Now Claims Credit for Its Existence

As reported by WaPo's Carol Leonnig in her recent book, he was only dissuaded when it was pointed out that doing so probably would be handing the opposition a weapon that might not play well with voters. At which point he reportedly said "Yeah ... we'll do that in the second term" or something to that effect.

It's important to remember this going forward because Russia, under Vladimir Putin, has actually been at war with the United States for some number of years.

Technically, it's not a "hot" war with actual armed conflict (yet) ... but it's still a war ... which is why we need to update our thinking on these matters.

The reason why it's important ?

We need to remember WHO it was that gave "aid and comfort" to our enemy.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If Russia has been “at war” with us could it not have something to do with the constant meddling, antagonizing, and assistance with regime changes with a buffer state on the border with them?

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We can't afford to do that. Despising anything eats at you from the inside out. Political philosophies exist not on their own but only in the hearts and minds of the people who adhere to them. It is a very small step from despising conservationism to despising conservatives. Doing that only contributes to the political divide that hurts those who do the despising and our country.
Its hard to let these things go when the people who spread this garbage are so screwed up that it makes you wonder where these crazy ideas even camr from. Thankfully I am closer to the end of my life and wont have to deal with this insanity much longer but I feel bad for my children who are just starting out and are going to have to deal with these morons for many years.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
That is simply not true. I don't know where you got this information, but there have been numerous detailed and well-sourced studies that have shown, without refute, that masks on children are either useless and/or harmful from both physical and mental standpoints. If there are teachers who have a serious underlying condition that makes covid - especially the milder Omicron variant - a deadly threat, then they shouldn't be in the classroom or even in public. But contrary to the above claim, there aren't that many that fall into this category.

Sadly, that's what happens when diseases, their prevention and their cures get politicized.
Here is an example, absolute utter garbage that keeps getting spread and people believe it.
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Its hard to let these things go when the people who spread this garbage are so screwed up that it makes you wonder where these crazy ideas even camr from. Thankfully I am closer to the end of my life and wont have to deal with this insanity much longer but I feel bad for my children who are just starting out and are going to have to deal with these morons for many years.
That's why it's more important than ever for us older folks to figure out how to get along. We need to figure it out and teach the children so they won't have to deal with the mess we created.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Here is an example, absolute utter garbage that keeps getting spread and people believe it.
This attitude is out of touch with reality and denial of science. Even the CDC has relaxed its guidelines and nearly every state is doing away with mask mandates, even CA and NY.

Since the release of the new CDC guidance:
  • School mask requirements in Connecticut and Massachusetts were lifted on Monday, as scheduled.
  • The governors of Delaware, Illinois, and New York announced their mask mandates will end this week. (Illinois’ requirement, however, had already been put on hold by a judge.)
  • The governors of California, Oregon, and Washington issued a joint announcement that mask requirements would end in their states effective March 12.
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Veteran Expediter
If Russia has been “at war” with us could it not have something to do with the constant meddling, antagonizing, and assistance with regime changes with a buffer state on the border with them?

Looks like maybe something is missing there ...

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Veteran Expediter
Another thing the last guy couldn't get done:

The operator of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline connecting Russia with Germany has laid off more than 100 workers and wound down its operations, according to a Swiss official.




Veteran Expediter
Gas it at 4 dollars.

We've seen that before.

Screen Shot 2022-03-01 at 17.57.41.png

Thanks Biden for shutting down oil in our country

He hasn't.

and buying more from Russia.

That little "info" turd has been exposed as RU agit-prop ... and has already been addressed here previously.

The EIA (Energy Information Agency) data - which I believe I posted - shows it isn't really an accurate claim.

But hey - please keep continuing to repeat it.

That makes so much sense, doesn’t it?

Well ... if he shuts off whatever we are importing from RU that will just be more leverage, one more nail in Vlad's coffin ... wouldn't it ?



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We've seen that before.

View attachment 21406

He hasn't.

That little "info" turd has been exposed as RU agit-prop ... and has already been addressed here previously.

The EIA (Energy Information Agency) data - which I believe I posted - shows it isn't really an accurate claim.

But hey - please keep continuing to repeat it.

Well ... if he shuts off whatever we are importing from RU that will just be more leverage, one more nail in Vlad's coffin ... wouldn't it ?

Great, then our gas goes up to 7 dollars. But hey they’re taking vodka off the shelves( that has already been bought. Lol.) just to stick it to Putin. The people taking the hit for all this are the lower income people bearing the brunt of a stupid foreign interventionist and domestic energy policy.


Veteran Expediter
Great, then our gas goes up to 7 dollars.

Sounds a tad ... hysterical ... not to mention, not even addressing some of the points I raised that is (theoretically) being "responded" to.

But hey they’re taking vodka off the shelves( that has already been bought. Lol.) just to stick it to Putin.

Uncle Pooty deserves having it "stuck to him" ... and probably in a quite literal sense.

And that may yet come to pass.

The people taking the hit for all this are the lower income people bearing the brunt of a stupid foreign interventionist and domestic energy policy.

I've seen tv report footage here of people pouring Russian Vodka down the sewers.

It sure didn't look like State officials to me ... just regular old folks ... laughing and enjoying themselves for the most part.

Good for them.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Sounds a tad ... hysterical ... not to mention, not even addressing some of the points I raised that is (theoretically) being "responded" to.

Uncle Pooty deserves having it "stuck to him" ... and probably in a quite literal sense.

And that may yet come to pass.

I've seen tv report footage here of people pouring Russian Vodka down the sewers.

It sure didn't look like State officials to me ... just regular old folks ... laughing and enjoying themselves for the most part.

Good for them.
Not hysterical. Just a realist. And lower income people will bear the brunt of the idiocy of Biden’s backward energy policy and Ukraine involvement.



Veteran Expediter
Not hysterical.

Wrong - completely hysterical.

BTW - Lil' Stewie Peters should be considered to be the absolute epitome of unhinged and hysterical.


And now ... we're back to posting screenshots ...

Rather than linking sources.


Just a realist.

How's that AZ audit coming along ?

They "decertify" (not actually a thing) yet ?


And lower income people will bear the brunt of the idiocy of Biden’s backward energy policy and Ukraine involvement.


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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Wrong - completely hysterical.

BTW - Lil' Stewie Peters should be considered to be the absolute epitome of unhinged and hysterical.


And now ... we're back to posting screenshots ...

Rather than linking sources.


How's that AZ audit coming along ?

They "decertify" (not actually a thing) yet ?



Please don’t lie. I posted a link with the screenshots.