The Sinking Of The Titantic - FDCC

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You know the Feds could just be running the cost of freight into the toilet because they see it as the way to divest themselves of all their O/O's. When the dust settles and all is said and done, they'll just up their rates again, or at least attempt to see that the O/O's get more of the pie, however that might not be the case because if your happy running @ .80 cpm, why would the company even consider a return to the old 1.50 or more a mile.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It is not only FDCC. I think you are going to see the downward pressure on rates industry wide.

IF Mexico gets it's way, and I see little reason why they won't, they are, sooner or later, going to be allowed to work interstate freight as well as the international freight. Then we will all be toast. Mexico has already said that they want their drivers to be able to do so.
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Retired Expediter
It is not only FDCC. I think you are going to see the downward pressure on rates industry wide.

IF Mexico gets it's way, and I see little reason why they won't, they are, sooner or later, going to be allowed to work interstate freight as well as the international freight. Then we will all be toast. Mexico has already said that they want their drivers to be able to do so.
Canada wanted to as well Joe and it has never come to anything...even the US wanted to do Inter Canada...and that has never gone anywhere....I TRUE free trade would allow this...Free Trade is a rouse...a joke...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Canada isn't our supplier of millions of illegitimate voters and future citizens. They will never get what Mexico will be given, on a silver platter no less.


Veteran Expediter
EXCUSE ME .... what does any of this have to do with FedEx?

The Mexican truckers are not going to drop the rates, thats BS.

The last time I looked, we still have voting laws in this country that are actually enforced and haven't yet converted the 10-40 million invaders to citizens and most likely won't.

The Canadians are not going to share their recipe for Poutine.

The middle class is reverting back to what it once was, people with an education working in anything but labor intensive jobs.

No one wants the US as a third world or second rate country other than the people themselves, it lessens the power that anyone could achieve over the people and in politics.

AND FedEx is not offering cheaper rates to the customers or all of its contractors, only to some of their contractors. Rates in the real world are different than rates given to customers of a package delivery service.

If FedEx contractors don't want to spell out the changes that have taken place, then it is no reason to complain to people who wouldn't understand nor can do anything about it.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Since I see the Titanic has been sinking for the last few months I thought I would provide my real world numbers as I go down with the ship.
I am also, primarily a west coast operator (where of course everyone knows there is little freight anymore). I am not TVAL so have not had to deal with those problems.
From Apr 27- Jun 27 (last 60 days)..... 29runs....16,483 loaded miles.... $39,911.98 gross pay.....$2.37 a loaded mile. These numbers are off the xtranet
My question Dave and Mayfield and others at Panther how much better could I do there, on average? Do you're trucks average over $20,000 a month?
Also, here in the Bay Area we have been short on trucks lately, my refusals Thurs and Fri Were from $5900 to $6700 to try and get me to take a load from San Jose to Pougkeepsie, Ny, $5000 to Canton,Oh and $4000 for a 1500 mile run to Oklahoma City (I just want to stay local for a while)


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
I can't speak for Mayfield but we do average at that number or higher with our dry vans. We may not be the typical operator at Panther, as we do things a little different, but those are the numbers. We provided our fleet numbers collectively and by the truck at several of the EO workshops were folks could see the breakdown of everything on a spreadsheet.
I don't know if that number would be obtainable doing strictly the west coast. Never tried it, but in all honesty, it would be hard to hold that number without some creativity.
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Retired Expediter
Since I see the Titanic has been sinking for the last few months I thought I would provide my real world numbers as I go down with the ship.
I am also, primarily a west coast operator (where of course everyone knows there is little freight anymore). I am not TVAL so have not had to deal with those problems.
From Apr 27- Jun 27 (last 60 days)..... 29runs....16,483 loaded miles.... $39,911.98 gross pay.....$2.37 a loaded mile. These numbers are off the xtranet
My question Dave and Mayfield and others at Panther how much better could I do there, on average? Do you're trucks average over $20,000 a month?
Also, here in the Bay Area we have been short on trucks lately, my refusals Thurs and Fri Were from $5900 to $6700 to try and get me to take a load from San Jose to Pougkeepsie, Ny, $5000 to Canton,Oh and $4000 for a 1500 mile run to Oklahoma City (I just want to stay local for a while)

Jack....WG? or surface?


Veteran Expediter
US Army
It seems to me that the ones that are complaining the most are those with the expensive TVAL trucks that are sitting and waiting for that high dollar load so they can make that next truck payment. You know, the ones that have all the qualifications and can haul anything but won't because the rate is too low.
We used to be a TVAL team when we were drivers for a fleet owner. Now we are just a lowly surface team with a $28,000 truck running flat rate. I imagine we will be broke soon from putting all those miles on the truck.


Retired Expediter
Jack is a WG reefer been with FedEx many years from a surface to WG truck.

I am thinking Phil must not have ran the numbers had they just downgraded...dumped the Tval and became a regular WG truck...

all assumption of course for what it is worth...:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
I was told by one of these successful operators here that I can't make money with a cheap older truck because no one would want to put a cheap older truck in the fleet and allow me to haul the freight that they have.

So far with one serious issue with the truck and not one service failure, I have made the money I wanted to make and ran my operation as I wanted to without the attitude from the company I had to deal with in the past.

Success is defined not by those who have not taken many if any chances but by those who are not afraid to make changes.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
I don't doubt that for a minute. From the reliability stand point, the older trucks in our fleet are more durable than the new. Most of that is attributed to the DPF regen systems.
Total waste of money. Starting to make a lot more sense going to rebuilds or gliders.


Veteran Expediter
Well Dave, I looked at replacing my little class 7 with something new and exciting but can't get over any idea of spending more than $50k to do it with.

So far I can take almost any class 8 for less than $20k, take $30k and have practically a new truck on the road.

It makes no sense what so ever to invest in anything new and fancy at this point outside of wanting something new and fancy (except Caffee's truck, I would take that).

BUT the point that I am making is being told that you have to have a new truck by successful expediters seems to counter reality.
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
We'll see .... I wait to see what classification they place on them ... most likely a "D" truck, because of weight capacity ....

Will be interesting to see how it shakes out ....

You are correct. D it is. Carriers vary in how they classify trucks. It matters not what they call us. It matters more what we can haul and that the agents come to know it.
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