The Sinking Of The Titantic - FDCC

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Retired Expediter
This is a great statement Jim and one that is so true.

We often think if the company would just do "this" all problems would be solved. That is why I go on my rants if we want the company to conform to us and our needs we need to get our own authority and the new company would be called "Caffee Express" Once called this name I could try and make the company fit my wants and needs and forgot totally about who the customer really is and who calls the shots!

It has never been about in contractors...that is why we switch carriers till we find one that is at least a close match....and when WE or the carriers moves away from that match, WE switch carriers again.....WE are NOT going to mold the carrier to our needs...
The carriers have their own needs and goals..My carrier does NOT owe me a living..that is up to me.....


Veteran Expediter
The topic is: about Fedex/ATeam
Well the topic evolved, not because of a normal evolution of a conversation but because several members decided to make it about Phil and his inability to change with the carrier, and his choice of trucks, and his Pom Poms and on and on and on...
NOT Greg334 or anyone else...
If it is good for the goose it should be good for the gander. There is no denying Greg's disdain for Phil, and any mention of Phil draws at least some bs from Greg and I am tired of the constant ****. Because he won't take it to PM and Phil tired of the constant bull he put him on ignore and we read a constant barrage of one sided pot shots.

BACK to the topic Please...:D
More than happy to.


Retired Expediter
Well the topic evolved, not because of a normal evolution of a conversation but because several members decided to make it about Phil and his inability to change with the carrier, and his choice of trucks, and his Pom Poms and on and on and on...If it is good for the goose it should be good for the gander. There is no denying Greg's disdain for Phil, and any mention of Phil draws at least some bs from Greg and I am tired of the constant ****. Because he won't take it to PM and Phil tired of the constant bull he put him on ignore and we read a constant barrage of one sided pot shots.

More than happy to.

I understand your reasoning...:)


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
So you attacked Phil every chance you got, and still do.


The quality of my EO experience improved immensely when I stopped responding to the member in question and ignored his posts. You might try doing the same. I've been doing it for many months if not a couple of years now and haven't missed a thing.

There are people out there who try to build themselves up by tearing others down. When you become the target of or irritated by such a person, ignoring him or her is not only an effective strategy, it is peaceful too.

People have asked me privately if I really do ignore his posts and the answer is yes. When I am logged in, the posts are hidden from me. If I am not logged in, the posts are visible but I simply skip over them because I prefer to maintain a higher quality EO experience.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Well the topic evolved, not because of a normal evolution of a conversation but because several members decided to make it about Phil and his inability to change with the carrier, and his choice of trucks, and his Pom Poms and on and on and on...

In the interests of clarity, let me explain that Diane and I did not leave FedEx Custom Critical because we were unable to change with the carrier, we left because we were unwilling to do so.

We are not willing to operate under the FDCC umbrella for less money than could be earned before the carrier made certain changes. Having suffered the negative effects of the changes, we believe better money can be made elsewhere so elsewhere is where we went.

Regarding our choice of truck, most readers know that we spent a lot of money on it and spec'ed it exclusively for White Glove work at FedEx Custom Critical. While many people criticized that decision, it proved to be a good one for us.

The truck was paid off in short order, not with proceeds from the sale of our house or other assets, but totally from our expediting earnings. We could literally throw the truck away right now and be money ahead.

How will the truck work at our new carrier? What configuration changes must be made? We think we know but I prefer to build a history before talking about it. We would not have moved to the carrier we did if we did not belive we could do well.

Regarding pom poms, I have never considered myself a FedEx cheerleader, though many others did. I considered myself a truth teller; not a person in rose colored glasses but one with a clear view.

If you ran with a carrier that provided you with an opportunity to earn enough money to pay off a quarter-million-dollar truck in 22 months, would you not praise the company too? Everything I said about the company in our years one through seven with them was true. When things turned south in year eight, I continued to tell the truth and continued to walk the talk.
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Veteran Expediter
Hey Jim I wonder what prompted you to personally attack me like this in an open forum a second time?

Is this your response to my PM?

I really looked up to you and a couple others who have been doing the same and respected you enough by sending you a PM. What didn't you get in the PM, did you need my tax return or talk to the families I have been helping?

Because you specifically asked, if you can't figure out what I am getting at, have others explain it to you. It seems others got it, a few are not happy with the issue. These threads turned into it being about Phil and HIS decision because it seems he wanted it about him and only him while to a few of us it is about ethics and quality of information which means absolutely nothing to many in this business or apparently on EO.

As for you, I don't give a crap what you and others are tired of - don't read my posts if you don't like it. Phil put me on his blocked list because he couldn't handle the criticism or answer some of the things I asked him about - please do the same. IF you can't ask Lawrence to have one of his admins to do that for you. This stops one problem - your frustration with ME because unless I get banned, I won't be going anywhere.

As for Phil, it is funny that you are defending him like that because you apparently don't read some of the other threads. I don't always trash him, outside of EO I actually promote his blog (along with EO and sometimes another site) when I meet people who want to know about this business - I still have some copies of his intro to expediting with me. When it comes to info he has to offer, I actually read it and if I can add to it, I do BUT IF I THINK IT IS WRONG, I say so. Sometimes I DON'T say anything at all. One good example in the newbie forum there is a thread he started in which I thought he had a great point - - I didn't go there and trash him but made a post with a little additional info in it and in favor of his comment. HOWEVER others didn't read HIS entire post OR UNDERSTAND HIS POINT which went is what you accuse me of doing. Our great tortoise moderator thought well enough to leave my first post alone (if I remember right my second post I actually defended him), deleting all the others after it.

Amazing isn't it?

Actually go and SEE WHAT I SAID?

See Jim, EO is about helping others and that's what I try to do outside the soapbox. I'm not building an empire or a bullsh*t repository that you can point to when you are selling yourself as something your not to a company - which I can do and have it be effective but it is about helping others.

If you want me to put into a "Phil" context for you (because Phil responded to your post), it is about balance. I am not one who is building a million dollar operation rather drive a small but old truck and have fun doing it. I am very content with things, I didn't expect to make the big bucks or BS my way into the business but started at the bottom with a lot of obstacles to deal with. It took me a few years to figure out where to go and how to do it, which Phil is following my lead and offered to help him as I would with anything I could seeing I did the research and leg work for trucks like ours. I am very willing to not just think out of the box but also done it a lot of times to see what works and what doesn't for me and for others. IF I want to try something different and willing to do so without a lot of hesitation, I do.

Does this make me a know it all?

No ***ing way AND I don't have the ego or arrogance that others have who have been doing different things.

What is also does is it makes me not afraid to do different things and counters what others "learn by talking to those who are doing those things" which seems to have some people fawning all over themselves to defend. Phil is afraid of stepping out of the cab into something new while I'm not AND I told him if he wants to tell people what it is like to be at Panther or at Landstar, get out of the cab and try it. It wasn't for my benefit to say this but for those who believe he has the answers and more importantly for himself.

When I was with FedEx, I was told by many pom pom people I was full of sh*t because what I said just didn't happen. I broke a code of silence not because of FedEx but because of the exact reason I am posting this - others defended things they are clueless about and getting upset when someone makes waves against an authority. I was vocal about it because as I was told two groups at FedEx read this forum, one in Green and one in Memphis. I knew that it would filter up and IT DID.

As you and Dennis seem to point out a few times, my connections are so important to you two so OK I know people there who I either worked with before or been introduced to them. They tell me what's going on which is not state secrets but more importantly helped me help others - if you don't like that too bad.

Well got to go and do some work on the truck - I actually drive a truck or didn't you think so?


Retired Expediter
I waited for Greg to respond...NOW

Take it private..we've beat this horse long enough....
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