September Banter & Location

Dynamite 1

Staff member
Fleet Owner
dont think so, just called them and they just called back. possible load to get us outta the house.


Expert Expediter
got two pieces of info from down there shadow. friday was was some kind of holiday and most didnt work over the weekend, also t/t have been doing the same as you asked. carrying two and three loads outta there cheap. hope you get two or three soon.

Well thanks for the news! Dispatch scored me another lottery load last night .. Laredo to Laredo....... Oppppps gotta go dispatch just called with a long load out! Thanks dispatch!


Veteran Expediter
I'll be in the yard in the morning....Franklin Park IL to Woodhaven Mich.....deliver in the morning...BIG HEAVY Freight...thanks for the call and offer Frankie...and I can go heavier too!! :D


OVM Project Manager
Just watched last nights premere of 2 1/2 Men on
So you now know what happened to Charley...kind of anticlimatic wasn't it? :)

Cleaning up some of the canning mess in the gawd I didn't know one woman could make such a mess! *lol*


Retired Expediter
Well that is nuts....Joe claims he had a load?....But yet Ron did not get a call, we were together having coffee?....then Joe takes away my LA time...:eek:


Veteran Expediter
Sitting Patiently in El Paso...Came out here from Dallas 640 miles to be number one on my own dime...Was number one until the guy from Laredo(THAT WAS NUMBER ONE IN LAREDO) came out here 660 miles to jack me from being number 1 out here...SCREWED...:(


Veteran Expediter
My New Puppy I get in 3 weeks...

He is awesome...:D

Dynamite 1

Staff member
Fleet Owner
how does that work ? if you both moved and he got there before you, well that just the luck, or do they look at sit time when you move.

ken, why did he take your wait time away ? this losing wait time and position is something we havent dealt with yet. of course till about a week and a half after we started we didnt know about the position thing. knew if you turned down a load you lost your time towards paid layover, which is understandable and rite. dont quite understand the position thing though. i cant see it being an issue much except at the yard but anytime is a bummer. explain ??