September Banter & Location

Dynamite 1

Staff member
Fleet Owner
its only another year, you cant put it off,. well i guess you can one more day. all us older folks are just makin sure we dont miss it, or is that forget it. i dont know, i forgot what i was tryin not to miss. just glad i didnt miss what i forgot.


Veteran Expediter
Empty in Manchester TN...AND!!! There is a Logans Roadhouse here!!! :D And there is a Karaoke bar down the street!!!! :D

Headin for a shower, dinner and to "entertain" the locals!!" Well at least the chances of them remembering me the next time get back here will be slim to none!!!! :D


Veteran Expediter
Finally sunshine today. In Provincetown, MA. On Cape Cod. Whale watching cruise tomorrow. Big schooner race going on also.


Veteran Expediter
Leaving KC for Iowa - anyone coming in, bring the rain gear, it's pouring .
Was parked in a closed gas station this afternoon [for shade & quiet] when it started, and it was wicked - when I jumped up front to close the wing vents, there were 4 wheelers parked in every spot under the canopy, lol.