September Banter & Location


OVM Project Manager
Could use a bit of the rain here now...grass is turning brown.

Cool this morning @53..up to 84 today though...good day for a trip to Wally's.

Morning all!:)


Retired Expediter
Good morning rained from Tn to Detroit yesterday and awoke to still raining....the good part is...I awoke...:D


Veteran Expediter
After dropping at Sevierville, TN was predispatched on a run from Sevierville, TN to Murry, KY lol so off I go...MILESTONE 700th POST!!!


Veteran Expediter
Traveling through New York on I-90. I came across a little town around exit 28, and all of a sudden I hear the air raid siren. I looked to my left and see the river that had crested take out a bridge, and then a house. I had chills. I know that no one was in the house, as it was obviously flooded, but the fact that someone just lost everything that they had worked so hard for in life. Its sad.

I wish that they would hire a lot of the unemployed people to come up here and fill tanker trucks with all the flood waters and take it to the south for the fires and droughts. Between the flooding here and the mid west it would take care of everything. Unfortunately its not that easy.

The Enemy

Veteran Expediter
Dropped of in Connecticut about an hour ago. Hope to get out of here real soon before they start shutting down more of the highways due to flooding. Don't want to be stuck out here. Hope the boys and girls in dispatch can work their majic and get us headed west.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Got my transmission fluid changed Tuesday and renewed my CDL Wednesday, then came back in service a little after noon. Drove over to Oak Grove, KY to the J.

A few hours later I get a call from Dispatch wanting to know if I'd like to move to........ Hopkinsville.


Retired Expediter
I now know why John keeps the towels so close to dispatch..:eek:
..Caryn sweet talked me into service for one to Chicago....delivered awhile ago and Frank calls with one picking up in the morning going right back close to the "Yard"...:D Glad I did not want to work....:p


Veteran Expediter
Im clueless why in the WORLD WOULD DISPATCH HAVE YOU MOVE BY ME...KNOWING I HAD A DELIVERY THERE...Makes me wonder sometimes...:confused:


Staff member
Retired Expediter
I think I was too subtle. :D

I was sitting at the J in Oak Grove (A.K.A. Hopkinsville) and they wanted me to move to Hopkinsville, which is about 8 miles north of the J. I told him I was already there, at the J 8 miles south of Hopkinsville, but that if he paid me enough I'd move up to the Walmart or Lowe's or someplace else right there in Hopkinsville. :D

He said he didn't look and see where I was. Probably thought I was still at home or something.

Yes, I ran that load on Monday. I live about half a mile from Briggs.

I'm now in beautiful downtown Madison, IN waiting to pickup a load to KC.