Russia Invades Ukraine


Veteran Expediter
Never forget:

The Orange Baboon attempted to extort an ally for personal gain (which is a crime), abusing the powers of his office ...

He was unfit to serve then ... and is certainly unfit to serve now.
So joe going to Ukraine as vice president under Obama and telling them to fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son or he would withhold financial aid is not quid pro quo?
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Veteran Expediter
So joe going to Ukraine as vice president under Obama and telling them to fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son or he would withhold financial aid is not quid pro quo?

1. The prosecutor that was fired was not investigating Biden's son, and in actual fact, was not even investigating the company involved (Bursima) at the time that Biden called for his ouster.

2. The previous investigation - which prosecutor that was fired had hindered and tried to bury - dealt with a time frame that preceded Hunter Biden's involvement with the company.

3. There was bipartisan support to get rid of the prosector here in the US, as he was viewed as being corrupt.

4. There was support in wider worldwide community to get rid of the prosecutor for the very same reason.

I won't accuse you of knowing any of these facts.

I would note however that your grasp of that particular situation seems very similar to your take on whether Ukraine is a member of the UN, and whether Russia and China are members of NATO.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
So what ?

Ukraine is no doubt similar to many other places in the world where extremists hold some positions in government.

Shoot ... we've got actual members of Congress here that attend and address White Nationalist conferences.

Interestingly enough, the Russians apparently reached an agreement with the officials there that they would not replace the Konotop government after they invaded and took the town over:

Бої на Сумщині – влада Конотопа провела переговори з окупантами після ультиматуму

What exactly does that tell you ?

Not really the same thing as someone appearing at a conference and not familiar with the organizer’s comments and having actual full battalions now is it?

It tells me they made a strategic decision at the time.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
1. The prosecutor that was fired was not investigating Biden's son, and in actual fact, was not even investigating the company involved (Bursima) at the time that Biden called for his ouster.

2. The previous investigation - which prosecutor that was fired had hindered and tried to bury - dealt with a time frame that preceded Hunter Biden's involvement with the company.

3. There was bipartisan support to get rid of the prosector here in the US, as he was viewed as being corrupt.

4. There was support in wider worldwide community to get rid of the prosecutor for the very same reason.

I won't accuse you of knowing any of these facts.

I would note however that your grasp of that particular situation seems very similar to your take on whether Ukraine is a member of the UN, and whether Russia and China are members of NATO.
Those are all irrelevant “facts” in the context that Biden threatened to withhold money unless a condition was met.
Trump was accused of extortion for allegedly requiring an investigation to look into corruption, but your answer glosses over Biden’s requirement that the prosecutor be fired before they get the money.
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Veteran Expediter
Those are all irrelevant “facts” in the context that Biden threatened to withhold money unless a condition was met.
Trump was accused of extortion for allegedly requiring an investigation to look into corruption, but your answer glosses over Biden’s requirement that the prosecutor be fired before they get the money.

And your narrative above glosses over the fact that Biden was executing the foreign policy of the United States government, for which there was bipartisan support.

Trump was attempting extort an ally ... for personal gain ... and trying to circumvent the law, as enacted by Congress.

Yet another sad Muttly ... #FAIL

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
And your narrative above glosses over the fact that Biden was executing the foreign policy of the United States government, for which there was bipartisan support.

Trump was attempting extort an ally ... for personal gain ... and trying to circumvent the law, as enacted by Congress.

Yet another sad Muttly ... #FAIL

Got it. When Trump asked to have them look at corruption, that’s bad and impeachable.
When Biden threatened to withhold money, it’s just peachy.
Some really twist themselves into a pretzel to try to own Trump.


Veteran Expediter
Got it. When Trump asked to have them look at corruption, that’s bad and impeachable.

Seeking to obtain a thing of personal benefit ... against a likely campaign opponent.

When Biden threatened to withhold money, it’s just peachy.

Carrying out the foreign policy of the United States.

Some really twist themselves into a pretzel to try to own Trump.

No need to twist oneself into anything - it's actually pretty straightforward.

But if there's a desire to look at someone twisting themselves into a pretzel I'd suggest that a review of the post I'm replying to here, and several before, that would be in order.

As far as "owning" Trump goes ... he's damaged goods ... why bother ?

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Veteran Expediter

US force levels in Europe have now reached 100,000 troops.

Probably a very safe bet that they won't be coming home until any threat of aggressive Russian invasions have either been neutralized or eliminated.

All Trump voters should rejoice ... for the higher taxes they will now be paying - along with all the other associated costs - all due to Orange Mango's fecklessness and weakness toward his Real Daddy Vlad.


Veteran Expediter
In the meantime, here's a real good backgrounder on what's going on (30 minute YouTube):

Hint: it has absolutely nothing to do with any of the "reasons" (pretexts) RU is giving for the "special military operation".


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Seeking to obtain a thing of personal benefit ... against a likely campaign opponent.
No, it would be a national benefit by exposing the phony Russia DNC hack and Hunter and the compromised “big guy”.
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Veteran Expediter
No, it would be a national benefit by exposing the phony Russia DNC hack and Hunter and the compromised “big guy”.

Get a clue.

He was asking them to announce an "investigation" ... which could then be weaponized for political purposes.

That part has already come out.

Please try and keep up.

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