Russia Invades Ukraine


Veteran Expediter
Never mind.

Was it the fact that the aid was already approved by Congress and he was legally required to provide it ?

Was that part a mystery and somehow couldn't be fathomed ?


That is fine if someone wants to donate to a fund,

I'm not donating to "a fund" ... I'm donating directly to their military.

but I’m not for these countries giving Zalensky false hope that his military will prevail by having a protracted drawn out war where his country is decimated and absorbs a tremendous amount of additional casualties needlessly.

Well, that's very sweet.

It's his and the countries call collectively though ... not yours.

You can always call/email your elected representatives - including POTUS - though and make your voice heard.

Even be bold - get some signage and put it up publicly, proclaiming that there should be "No military aid for Ukraine !"

I'm sure there would be a very warm reception ...

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Was it the fact that the aid was already approved by Congress and he was legally required to provide it ?

Was that part a mystery and somehow couldn't be fathomed ?


I'm not donating to "a fund" ... I'm donating directly to their military.

Well, that's very sweet.

It's his and the countries call collectively though ... not yours.

You can always call/email your elected representatives - including POTUS - though and make your voice heard.

Even be bold - get some signage and put it up publicly, proclaiming that there should be "No military aid for Ukraine !"

I'm sure there would be a very warm reception ...

So Trump was supposedly somehow “extorting” Zalenski by withholding money he couldn’t withhold anyway. And Zalensky knew he couldn’t withhold the money already approved by Congress anyway.
Worst case of phony “extortion” EVAH.
But now do Biden withholding money to get the Ukrainian prosecutor fired.( It’s on tape.)

Just make sure whatever fund you donate to, it’s legit. And not something phony. At lot of that going around over there apparently.

Yes, I know it’s not my call. Just observing the lunacy and idiocy of it all from afar.

Not a good idea to put a sign out there with that right now. Any criticism against the current lunacy going may be met harshly from the war frothys.
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Veteran Expediter
So Trump was supposedly somehow “extorting” Zalenski by withholding money he couldn’t withhold anyway.

The weak Orange Pus Bag one-term loser did manage to delay it ... at a time when Ukraine desperately needed it.

It's all been documented.

And Zalensky knew he couldn’t withhold the money already approved by Congress anyway.

Did he ?

Possibly so ... but that really doesn't matter.

Worst case of phony “extortion” EVAH.

Nope ... best case of attempted extortion ... EVAH !!!

That's a Federal crime by the way - see :

18 U.S. Code § 872 - Extortion by officers or employees of the United States

Just make sure whatever fund you donate to, it’s legit. And not something phony.

Thanks for the advice ...


At lot of that going around over there apparently.

Could be ... grifters gonna grift.

Yes, I know it’s not my call. Just observing the lunacy and idiocy of it all from afar.

No comment.

Not a good idea to put a sign out there with that right now. Any criticism against the current lunacy going may be met harshly from the war frothys.

Very well then.

Carry on.


Veteran Expediter
It’s not propaganda that Biden is inept.

And I'd say Uncle Pooty is finding out otherwise ... as are our allies.

The ones the fetid Orange Blob crapped all over ... remember ?


The mayor has a picture of Bandera hanging in his office. Just saying.

So what ?

Ukraine is no doubt similar to many other places in the world where extremists hold some positions in government.

Shoot ... we've got actual members of Congress here that attend and address White Nationalist conferences.


Interestingly enough, the Russians apparently reached an agreement with the officials there that they would not replace the Konotop government after they invaded and took the town over:

Перемовини з російськими окупантами, які висунули ультиматум Конотопській міській владі, тривали 12 хвилин. В результаті - український прапор залишається на місці, про жодну зміну влади не йдеться.

Бої на Сумщині – влада Конотопа провела переговори з окупантами після ультиматуму

What exactly does that tell you ?

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