Russia Invades Ukraine


Veteran Expediter
Another good guy to follow is Trent Telenko, who did a thread on equipment and tire maintenance (and lack thereof) that I read a couple of days ago.

(FYI: "Rasputitsa" is a Russian term for two seasons of the year, spring and autumn, when travel on unpaved roads or across country becomes difficult, owing to muddy conditions from rain or melting snow.)

This one below is on logistics ... and that big scary "column" north of Kyiv:

This is the one on vehicle and tire maintenance:

Good guy to follow ... as opposed to Vlad's Col. Surrender Monkey that appears on Faux Nuuz.



Veteran Expediter

The linked text is worth a read, no idea as to authenticity ... but some folks with expertise have commented that it looks like it may be.

Lots in there, but one major assessment is:

We (the West) are at war ... whether we know it or not.

Be interesting to see others' assessments on it in coming days as far as validity goes, by those that have insights into such things.
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Veteran Expediter
This one makes a good point in terms of war coverage in the US media, although that's not really what it's aimed at.

Most (tv) media focus on telling a dramatic story, the more drama the better as it holds viewer interest.

Very few presenters are experts in the subject matter they are dealing with, with the exception of the occasional expert brought in to opine. In this case most likely military experts, although scholars on defense international geopolitics as well.

Graphic departments in newsrooms largely make up what you see on the screen and the suffer from the same weakness as the presenters.

In the two maps below, the one on the left is likely to far more accurate than the one on the right (click each one to see the whole map)

An army can roll through an area - but that doesn't mean that they actually occupy or control it ... or what's behind them.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
They will find ways to get around this anyway. In the meantime, U.S citizens, especially lower income people, will bare the brunt of the sanctions with even higher energy costs as well as a whole host of other things.



Veteran Expediter
US Navy
12 bucks now to fill up a motorcycle gas tank,,,love it,,,but 55 mpg makes up for it,,,lol,,,life goes on,,at the moment...
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Veteran Expediter
"Please, please ... just allow Uncle Pooty's wanton slaughter of civilians - innocent men, women, and children - to continue ... my fuel bill(s) are going up ... and I don't like that ... sniff ..."
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Veteran Expediter
Stop being criptic, what's your point?

I'd say he's trying to equate US military actions with what Russia is doing ... either without realizing - or purposely ignoring - that US targeting and ROE has been highly constrained ... unlike what Russia is doing (and has done repeatedly: Grozny, Aleppo, etc.)

Has the US made serious errors and mistakes with respect in terms of targeting and have soldiers violated ROE ?

Have there yahoo cowboys in US armed forces that have done such ?

Absolutely ... but there is literally no equating one with the other.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I'd say he's trying to equate US military actions with what Russia is doing ... either without realizing - or purposely ignoring - that US targeting and ROE has been highly constrained ... unlike what Russia is doing (and has done repeatedly: Grozny, Aleppo, etc.)

Has the US made serious errors and mistakes with respect in terms of targeting and have soldiers violated ROE ?

Have there yahoo cowboys in US armed forces that have done such ?

Absolutely ... but there is literally no equating one with the other.
You forgot one other country.