Russia Invades Ukraine


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I guess NATO has nixed any involvement in Ukraine, but what about a U.N. peace keeping force?
Ya know, the blue helmet guys....
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
And the blame the U.S. continues...
That's right - blame the U.S., Britain and Russia. It goes all the way back to Bill Clinton who engineered the "Budapest Memorandum", which promised that America and the Brits would provide heavy weapons and defense for Ukraine if they gave up their nuclear and lethal weapons to Russia. Obama also failed to provide promised defensive aid. Feckless Biden is just following a pattern.
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Veteran Expediter
Please don’t lie.

If you think I'm "lying" then please articulate what you think Rags was conveying and what his concerns where.

Be very specific.

He can then assess whether you have grasped the intent of what he communicated and let us know.

We can have a little conversation ... and tease out the nuances involved.

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If you think I'm "lying" then please articulate what you think Rags was conveying and what his concerns where.

Be very specific.

He can then assess whether you have grasped the intent of what he communicated and let us know.

We can have a little conversation ... and tease out the nuances involved.

Rags: Putin = H
My point : Zelensky should surrender instead of dragging out a conflict that is doomed and will have a heavy amount of unnecessary casualties due to NATO not being able to fight with them militarily, nor should they. Not a NATO country.

Rags: My above synopsis is the same as Neville Chamberlain’s appeasement with Germany circa 1938 because Putin is H.

My point: Putin isn’t H. And doesn’t want to do what H did. This conflict is with a border state that should be a buffer (neutral) instead of having the U.S involved with regime changes,(documented to be true) assisting militarily in a civil war there, and the talk of them joining NATO which will add an additional perceived threat to Russia if that happens.


Veteran Expediter
Rags: Putin = H

Don't put words in his mouth.

Let him speak for himself.

My point : Zelensky should surrender instead of dragging out a conflict that is doomed and will have a heavy amount of unnecessary casualties due to NATO not being able to fight with them militarily, nor should they. Not a NATO country.

Don't advocate for another what you are not willing to embrace for yourself.

If that view above is still held, please march right down to local police department and surrender any firearms and weapons in your possession.

They won't be needed ... but surrender and compliance will be.

Rags: My above synopsis is the same as Neville Chamberlain’s appeasement with Germany circa 1938 because Putin is H.

Don't put words in his mouth.

Let him speak for himself.

You're attempting to address his position on the matter without letting him say what it is.

There is a reason for why you're doing that.

My point: Putin isn’t H.

Of course Putin isn't Hitler ...

And doesn’t want to do what H did.

Willful blindness is not helpful in a situation such as this.

And he's certain doing some of what Hitler did.

This conflict is with a border state that should be a buffer (neutral)

Who or what they are isn't up to you, me, or Putin to decide.

It's up to Ukraine.

Don't rob them of their agency - it's their decision.

Their President has an approval rating of over 90% from the last poll I saw which was a couple of days ago.

instead of having the U.S involved with regime changes,(documented to be true) assisting militarily in a civil war there, and the talk of them joining NATO which will add an additional perceived threat to Russia if that happens.

NATO is a defense alliance.

Learn a little history ... instead of spending time carrying water for a brutal thug who already was a murderer ... but has now evolved into a MASS MURDERER ... repeatedly.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Don't put words in his mouth.

Let him speak for himself.

Don't advocate for another what you are not willing to embrace for yourself.

If that view above is still held, please march right down to local police department and surrender any firearms and weapons in your possession.

They won't be needed ... but surrender and compliance will be.

Don't put words in his mouth.

Let him speak for himself.

You're attempting to address his position on the matter without letting him say what it is.

There is a reason for why you're doing that.

Of course Putin isn't Hitler ...

Willful blindness is not helpful in a situation such as this.

And he's certain doing some of what Hitler did.

Who or what they are isn't up to you, me, or Putin to decide.

It's up to Ukraine.

Don't rob them of their agency - it's their decision.

Their President has an approval rating of over 90% from the last poll I saw which was a couple of days ago.

NATO is a defense alliance.

Learn a little history ... instead of spending time carrying water for a brutal thug who already was a murderer ... but has now evolved into a MASS MURDERER ... repeatedly.
You asked what I thought Rags was conveying, so I did . And then tell me don't put words in his mouth. Dude?
BTW, I did ask him.
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Veteran Expediter
So at least equal to or worse?

I can't answer for Ragman, but I do concur with that assessment of his.

Putin has not done exactly the same thing as Hitler (concentration camps, gas chambers) but the amount of blood on his hands is very significant.

The wanton slaughter against civilians is repeated time after time.

He is an embodiment of evil.

Pick a side: it's your choice.
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Veteran Expediter
Some good very analysis of what has gone wrong with Russia unprovoked war of aggression. Read the full thread:

It appears to have been a very, very bad gamble for Uncle Pooty ... and it may be about to turn into an unmitigated disaster.

Long story short: RU is having BIG logistical difficulties and can't resupply ... to the point that they rushing non-military civilian vehicles in to the front to handle logistics (video included below)

Lots of reasons for the logistics problem (like apparently not enough airlift power), but a big part of my own take is that Pooty and his criminal gang were so focused on stealing RU's assets that they failed to invest in, and take care of, their military.

RU may end up being something largely akin to a paper tiger ...
