Russia Invades Ukraine


Veteran Expediter
So wait a minute Biden used financial aid to stop a investigation into his son hunter......trump wanted a investigation done and asked for help in it....

When one looks at (false) repetitions like the one quoted immediately above (and quoted below), one seriously has to wonder whether there are actual learning disabilities involved.

Your so blinded by hate for trump that you swapped reasons for things.


Biden did quid pro quo <this is illegal
Trump asked for help from Ukraine. < this is legal

Nope ... wrong again.
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Veteran Expediter
When one looks at (false) repetitions like the one quoted immediately above (and quoted below), one seriously has to wonder whether there are actual learning disabilities involved.


Hope ... wrong again.
Welp I might have a hearing disability but at least I use my brain unlike you.


Veteran Expediter
A clown show.

Or part of a deliberate info campaign targeted at the Putinists.


But cooler heads apparently by the Poles.

Please observe the backpedalling by Putinist RU:

By the second day of the invasion, they were suing for peace.

Recently, they have announced that they have no intention of "taking over" Ukraine.

They're looking for exits ...

They've already been humiliated, and as it continues that will only increase and strengthen Western resolve.

The Sleeper has awoken.

Putin may well end up destroying the physical infrastructure of Ukraine ... but in the process he will have ended up destroying his own country and making it a pariah on the World stage for a generation.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well now it looks like they cut the power to the Chernobyl plant and it is running on backup generators. They have 48 hours of fuel, hopefully they get the grid back up or more fuel there.
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