old conway-now drivers


Expert Expediter
>Scott/Scootr the more you say about this the more you make
>everyone's POINT.I don't know you and now I hope I never
>do,You are suppose the help with problems but now your
>calling PPL baby's,And keep their mouths shut,Whats up with
>THAT Mr.Operations MAN????? :( :( :( :( :(

I help those who help themselves...as I have stated over and over. I'm not there for a popularity contest. I came on here to ask questions and make sure the truth of accusations against Panther were truthful. I'm not going to tell someone what they want to hear or lie to them just to appease them for another day. I'm not a politician nor do I like politics. It's real easy to jump on bandwagons here isn't it? That's fine though, I'll leave you to your bashings. Argueing on here is a simple waste of my time.


Expert Expediter
>That’s how he is at panther also this is what I’m
>talking about and he don’t think any one but 5% has a
>problem with it.
>he of course must have a few he gets along with but over
>have not heard any one personally that does, even other
>panther employees tell me hes a total I’m going to replace
>what they say with jerk

Can't be popular with everyone Alvin...believe it or not many don't care too much for you as well ;) . I won't stoop down to the name calling as you have chose to do. That just shows your maturity. I'm done with this thread,there's nothing constructive coming from this.


Expert Expediter
I just read your message. Very seldom do I respond her but I just want to let you know you r not alone. I own old conway unit. Friday I officially terminated my agreement with Panther. The other Panther drivers and some of the people I have talked to in the office have been great but it is amazing how many people work there and one hand does not know what the other hand is doing.

At CWN if I had to get home for an emergency they would bust their buns to try to get me a loud home. Among other things it was quite disturbing to be called when I'm home to be asked when I'm coming back in service. I guess Panther forgot it was my truck not theirs. No east coast pay, no hazmat, no auto advance once you load, getting a load and halfway through being told you have to transfer the load,PENALTY for being out of service and those log pages drove me crazy. Why can't Panther do multiple days on one log?

Everytime during settlement I had to call Panther about pay issues. No one could answer my question and no one returned my calls. My two years with CWN I never had to call about pay. Those are only a few of my minor issues. On Friday it was quite clear I had to leave. I wish you luck and the same to other ex CWN owners.

Not upset with Panther guess I'm more disturbed at CWN for hanging us out to dry.


Veteran Expediter
been with panther 1.3 years, have i ever had problems with dispatch???? yes who hasnt.. have i ever felt like throwing in the towel???? at least once a week... but the thing is i have never been a quitter...and i know down the road, that i will have a great day.. some weeks it seems like you can hardly get 1200 miles, then theres weeks like the one i just had, which was 2800 miles .. so have patience, be respectful of your employer, and usually they will respect you...yes the new dispatchers have given me some wierd loads, such as picking up in detroit in one hour and i am in grand rapids...however mistakes are made and they always retract the offer as a dispatch error, have even been paid a dry run from it....now where is my one year panther jacket??? lol i am sure to get it someday..trk# 10098


Expert Expediter
{Edited, goofed up spellin'}


It is interesting Scott that I left and went to a small company and am making twice what I made with Panther. Yes maybe Con-Way did things the wrong way but the question and topic now is why is Panther loosing so many drivers?

I talked with a driver that has been with P2 for 2 years, he is so fed up he has parked his truck. I know the fleet owner mentioned is this thread, why are they [and others] bailing?

as I said before and told Jeff, You need to treat teams as teams and singls as singles.

Since I have left P2 I have not had one single run under 1200 miles.

Arguments aside, P2 has some issues. The standard reply to your drivers now is "just give us a month we are working on it."

Best of luck to you

Rikk Sullenberger


Expert Expediter
My wife and I pulled out 3 or 4 weeks after the changeover. I couldn't get any streight answers, short runs, unsafe practices, Being treated like an employee. I could go on, but will cut it there. P2 was not for us.

Nuff said for now



Seasoned Expediter
wait u mean u havent got your bonus from panther yet? what a joke at least half the loads were offered i would not take as asingle driver.
also watch that fsc not always same as whats put over qc and whats paid
2 loads was less than half. over all though fsc for month of aug was 6 cents more per mile. lots of things i dont like here but will give it a chance end of december will be decision time 4 me


Expert Expediter
Hey Scott,

Panther still letting you talk about business info in a public forum??? This is a prime example of Panther mentality.

Here is a quote from art Linkletter <spell>

"The first one to speak looses"

From his book published in the 60's on basic sales and management procedures.

Rikk Sullenberger


Expert Expediter
Hey Scott

Whats up with that dude? nothing in your drivers manual about that. You know somthing I have heard this before. I met a couple driving for Express 1 that had been driving for P2 for a few years, they mentioned this same procedure and YOU.

Rikk Sullenberger


Seasoned Expediter
First off panther is not my employer I’m a owner operator and respect is earned and should not be expected. Not saying I don’t already respect most of the people at panther, some have lost it doubt will ever have it. Others are new and need to earn it like I need to earn theirs.

Second since being here until last week I would be lucky to 1200 mile week let alone a 2800 have had some great weekend runs but then sat all week in a major market first out. This is my best week since the takeover 4 loads it’s a record course 2 of them was over this weekend so may count as this week if I am stuck in Kansas all week.

But hey thanks for the input.


Expert Expediter
I agree with you. I have a history with Scott, he did the same personal info in a public forum to me. I don't understand P2's thinking on allowing him to do this.

When he did it to me here in the general forum I called his supervisor and went up the chain. They aperantly don't care. Every company I have worked for would fire you in a NY minute for this type of action..

Go figure...

Rikk Sullenberger


Seasoned Expediter
Remember we are all in the same business. I was an old Con-Way employee (recruiter and business development) and I was crushed to find out I did not have a job. I am now at ASAP and I love it. Changes, ya they stink sometimes. I am still getting used to a lot of things. But we are all in this crazy business for some reason. It's a love hate relationship. There are always going to be problems because no expedite company has it all figured out. Panther is a great company.....and so was Con-Way. There are a lot of good companies out there as well. If you don’t like what’s going on with your current company tell the proper contact. Ya I know each of you probably think no one cares or even listens but there are a select few that do have a passion for this business. Dispatch, ya I have heard more complaints on a daily basis then most people when I was in recruiting. You can’t be happy all the time, sometimes people have poor attitudes and that’s just the facts. Kill em’ with kindness, see how dispatch takes it.


ex Con-Way recruiter
Now ASAP Express & ASAP Logistics Inc
Account Manager


Expert Expediter
Hi Dave,

The issue with P2 VS "Ex-Cons" is simple, and you are correct about dealing with new situationes, changes, etc.

P2 has done and does some "dirty deads" to drivers that anger dispatchers. Scott as you remember has a habit of giving out company info in a public forum. The "Ex-Con" drivers were more independant, capable (In most cases) of making informed decisions. Con-Way would not (in my knowledge) deadhead a truck 160 miles to pick up a 20 mile run.

P2's dispatcher in my opinoin have a power complex in many cases. If you notice this thread has P2 drivers writing about issues too. It all comes down to one simple thing. If you ain't happy go to where you are happy.

I would hope you let this thread continue, things need to be aired on both sides. shutting down this thread will just lead to new ones. It will maybe keep them in one place for a while :)

Rikk Sullenberger


Seasoned Expediter
Maybe I’m not the most popular person around panther right now but hey at least I’m not in a position to either help or hurt other owners you are and looks like you chose to hurt than to help in my opinion that’s counter productive to panther as well as to me.
I cant effect your pay check you can mine gives you a power you never should have had you must of earned it some place along the way but think you have lost your way Scott. And eventually if not now it will catch up with you what comes around goes around. It will bite you in the butt sooner or later.
I bet if you was in my shoes (or others from con-way now) though you’d be the one with the loudest voice.

But glad you see nothing constructive is coming from this or is it? We’ll have to see you better hope none of the recruiters see this because now your messing with their income.


Expert Expediter
Yes but I know you and he is correct in his fealings. Do you see what your attatude is doing? from what have read so far 3 posts are people that do not drive for P2, and due to reading your posts will not in the future.

Rikk Sullenberger


Expert Expediter
I went to a small tier 1 carrier. It is working out great! No lies, strieght answers, the left hand knows what the right hand is doing, average 3k miles per week but have had close to 5k weeks.

I can't at this time post thier name as I do not have their ok (Only fair to them unlike other folks)

They do however read this feed and if they would like they can post their info, or let me know.

Be safe out there

Rikk Sullenberger